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Trinity's Journal

Live everyday with passion as if it were your last

October 2003
November 2003

December 2003

January 2004

September 1, 2003

I finally decided to put a journal upon the web. I’ve

been thinking about it for a while. I’ve kept a journal

on my computer and have lost them countless times

when the computer has crashed.


Finally, Autumn is almost here! It’s my favorite season.
I’ve already started decorating the house with fall printed placemats and artificial flowers. I bought a tart warmer at Hallmark over the weekend that smells like pumpkin spice. I like the house to feel warm and smell good around the holidays. I swear I’m turning into Martha fricken Stewart. Lol

I have to go out tomorrow and pick up some material that I really like. I also have to pick up the kids’ fair tickets. Jackie and I will have to wiz through school tomorrow to get finished by three.


Now that school has started, I have little or no time on my hands with teaching Jackie and taking care of the house, yard, and all of the things in between that take up my time. I’m really trying to teach myself to not let the little things bother me so much. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. This little journal is my treat to myself. I love to journal and I think it will be good for Jackie to go back and read when she gets a little older.




September 2, 2003


Just got an e-mail from Michael. He sounds miserable and confused. My nurturing instinct kicked in immediately. I promised myself that I would try to get out of the caretaker role and stop trying to “save” everyone. I do wish that there were something I could do for him, but it’s up to him to save himself. I also don’t want to get pulled in emotionally again only to have him kick me to the curb. It’s so hard to think of him as “just a friend” when I still have feelings on a much deeper level. If he wants to try to remain friends, I’m up for that. I will try to help him in everyway possible, but I need to remember to keep my own feelings in check and keep it on a friendship basis. I don’t think that either one of us could handle anything more than that again.


School with Jackie went rather well today, after a fight that is. I need to set firmer rules for her and stick by them at all cost. She needs to realize that she is not going to like every subject and that not everyday is going to be filled with fun things. I need to make her understand the long-term effects of not having a good, solid education. Even if she grows up and wants to be a housewife for the rest of her life, it may not work out that way and she will need an education to fall back on. It’s hard to explain the ups and downs of life to a nine year old. They see everything as a fairy tale and they never think that anything bad will ever happen to them.





September 9, 2003


I haven’t had time to write much lately. The fair is this weekend so I have been trying to catch up on everything to free up the weekend.

Jackie has been sick the last couple of days with whatever everyone else is sick with, so I’m not teaching her all day today. We went over the reading and spelling, but she really couldn’t concentrate well enough to go on. I’m just going to spend the day planning Jackie’s work for next week and catching up on a few e-mails.

I had a chain link fence put in, in the back of the house to keep the dogs confined to the backyard. Neo was digging up all of the flowers. I plan on putting grass in either this fall or in the spring. I wish that it would rain again. I haven’t had time to water very much and the wind is blowing hard today. My ears hurt and I have a sore throat so I don’t want to risk getting sicker.

I haven’t e-mailed Michael back in the last couple of days. He really doesn’t have very much to say, so I really don’t know what to talk to him about. I truly don’t think that we will ever be as close friends as we once were. Too much has happened.

Jackie started her postcard swap this week.  We will be sending a postcard to a family in Canada. I don’t know who will be sending to us yet. I hope that the families actually send the cards out. It would be such a disappointment if she didn’t receive one after she’s been looking forward to it.




September 12, 2003


Whew! I finally have a little bit of time on my hands to catch up on my journaling. I finished all of my errands today and can take some time to do what I want.

Jackie and I went out today and collected some things to put in her package exchange with a family in South Carolina. We also found out that she will be receiving her postcard from a family in Ohio. The homeschooling is running me ragged, but it’s well worth it!  We went to the museum today. I must say, I was very disappointed in what they had. Arizona is so rich in history and I expected to see something along the lines of Indian pelts and skins. Maybe even some arrows and Tee Pee displays, but there was nothing to that effect.

I did, however, get a lot of ideas as to where I would like to take her on field trips.

Tomorrow is Saturday and I will be able to sleep in. John has to work, so I am going to take Jackie to the fair around five o’clock. We both like to go at night when it’s cool and all of the lights and music are on. Sunday, I definitely have to water the plants in the yard or there will be nothing left to come up in the spring. I haven’t watered in almost a month. I haven’t had time for teaching Jackie.

The schools around here are going to go year round starting next year. I have been thinking about teaching Jackie for six weeks and then giving her a week off so that I can catch up on a few things I would like to do. I really would like to paint the kitchen again before the holidays creep up on me. It’s not in bad shape, but I would like to catch it before it gets that way.  Giving her and myself a break every six weeks will prevent us from burning out so quickly. I had that problem last year and when we get to that point, it’s better not to even try to teach her.




September 24, 2003


I haven’t made an entry in a while, so I have quite a bit to write about. To start off, Jackie and I went to the fair Saturday before last. We had a really good time, except for the fact that I got really sick from a couple of the rides. I can’t handle them like I used to when I was younger. I could still live at an amusement park though. They are definitely my weakness. Especially at night when all of the lights and music are on.  Jackie won a Scooby Doo stuffed animal on her own. She was very proud of herself. I was proud of her too. Especially since she won it on the first try. Some of those games are such a rip off and they make them so hard to win.

Last Saturday, Jackie and I went out shopping. We adopted a new dog named, Morpheous. We now have three dogs, one cat, three birds, and two fish. I told Jackie that we are going to stay away from Wal-Mart from now on, on Saturdays when Pet Protection is there. Every time we go down there on Saturdays, we end up coming home with a new dog. I really like Morpheous, though. He is an older dog. Probably around four – five years old. He is very well behaved in the house, he gets along well with the other animals, and he is very friendly. I am going to take him to the vet next Tuesday to get his shots and have him neutered.

I haven’t heard from Michael since around the fourteenth of this month. He sent an e-mail to me asking how he could change and get over the fear of forming a relationship with woman. I e-mailed him back, but I haven’t heard from him since. I don’t know if he took something I said wrong, or has just been busy. I really don’t care at this point. If he took offense to something that I said, he should have emailed back to talk to me about it instead of just leaving me hang. All of the trust that I had for him is gone. I had a feeling when we started emailing each other again that something like this would happen. He is very unpredictable and very moody. He knows how to take, but wants to give nothing back in return. It has just become too emotionally draining and not worth it to try and maintain a friendship that is so one-sided.

I am tired of giving myself to others that only know how to take. That seems to be the norm lately with everyone.

Phillip and I were talking about Richard the other day. I asked him if Richard has mentioned anything else about the DNA tests that he said he wanted. Phillip said that he only emails him once in a while. I have such a problem with this. Richard continually tells Phillip that he doesn’t believe that Phillip belongs to him, and yet, he continues to email him. Richard either needs to stop telling Phillip these things and take the DNA tests, or he needs to back out of Phillip’s life altogether. It sounds to me as if Richard is still the same old person that he used to be. He needs to take into consideration what all of this is doing to Phillip. I have no doubt that Richard is his father, but now Richard has put a doubt into Phillip’s head. I have thought about emailing Richard to tell him how I feel, but I know that it wouldn’t do any good. I have tried to stay out of it and let Phillip handle it. He is sixteen now, and he needs to work this out on his own with Richard.

Kat and I had hard words yesterday. It seems that Phillip had a bad grade on his progress report and Kat and Sue are going to conference on Tuesday to see what’s going on. Also, the high school called here to say that Phillip had been absent from class. What angered me is the fact that Kat and Phillip never call here unless they want money. Kat should have called me up to tell me that they were going to conference and given me the option to be there. I basically told Kat this and she said that I was over reacting and when I told her to get the money off of Sue that she wants for Phillip, she reminded me that I am Phillip’s mother, not Sue. Exactly my point. I should have been told that Phillip’s grades were down and given the option of going to conference. It’s not Sue’s place to be there. As I said, Kat and Phillip never call unless they want money. I am tired of being treated this way by both of them. I give Kat money all of the time for Phillip. Even when it means putting something that Jackie needs on hold. The other day Kat mentioned that Phillip needed 100.00 for the Homecoming dance. I told her that Jackie needed winter clothes, but I would get her the money. She made the nasty comment that She needed clothes too as if were no bid deal that Jackie needed something as long as Phillip got what he needed. I never thought that my family would turn out like this. Especially, Kat. I am so shocked at the things she does and says. She never even calls Jackie and that really blows me away. She has been with her since the day she was born. I am just aw struck!






Someone once said:

What goes around comes around.

Work like you don't need the money.

Love like you've never been hurt.

Dance like nobody's watching.

Sing like nobody's listening.

Live like it's Heaven on Earth