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I've gotten a few emails from people asking about my layout, so I made this page.

Sorry to disappoint everyone, but......

*I didn't get my layout from anyone else, I made it especially for me.


*NO, you cannot have it!


*I do make layouts, but just for fun when I'm bored. I've only made a couple so far, (see below), and so far I've only made layouts for friends who requested them.

In the future I may start making layouts for others to use and putting the codes up, but like I said above, I just do it for fun in my free time (which is limited now that school has started back).

If your friend has this design, and you email me to get the code, I'm not giving it to you! And if your friend has my design -- they stole it. I'm not going to go all psycho nazi about my designs, if you want to be totally lame-o and steal from others, that's fine. You can steal mine, but it's not hard to make one at all. Everything I know about HTML I taught myself, and you can teach yourself, too.

*Layouts I've made for my friends:*

\\Shallow - Caroline is currently using this layout.
\\crazedamy - this was actually the first layout I ever made, and version 1 of my personal diary layout.
\\Shane West - The first layout I made for Ashley, but now she's using a combination of the pink flower layout below and her own Tori Amos graphic.
\\Pink Flowers
\\Tori Amos - The new layout I'm working on for Ashley.
\\Avril Lavigne - I made this for Abbi, but she never used it because she decided she didn't want an online diary.