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Hey! As u ppl all prolly no, i got a subprofile! So im gonna stop updating the site. But i did add a new chart about Skitts... (Im obssed.) Anyways, thanx 4 visitin my site!


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My Dollz

Keychains and Bumper Stickers

Buddy Icons and Away Messages


Weight: 1.8 lbs

Age: about 2 months since born.

Had him: not even 2 hrs.

Fur Color: Solid Gray with white paws, chest, chin and line between eyes.

Eye Color: Bright Blue. Some parts light blue-green.

Favorite Toy: His Fish that hangs on a stick by string. Picture taken: On stairs when we first brought him home.

Weight: 3.5lbs

Age: About 3 months since born.

Had him: About 1 month.

Fur Color: Dark Gray with dark stripes starting to appear in tail. White paws, chest, chin and line between eyes is getting darker.

Eye Color: Slightly Blue. Getting Greenish Bronze.

Favorite Toy: Fingers!

Picture Taken: Napping on couch in sun room in mid-July.

Weight: 5.5 lbs

Age: about 4 months since born.

Had him: About 2 months.

Fur Color: Gray with dark stripes in tail and started to appear on back. White paws, chest, chin and faded white line in between eyes.

Eye Color: Bronzeish-Green

Favorite Toy: The feather-duster, Snickers or our fingers.

Picture Taken: At front door step in the morning sitting with Snickers.

I don't have a picture of him, but heres the info!

Weight: 7.0 lbs

Age: Almost 5 months since birth

Had Him: 3 months

Fur Color: Dark gray with black/ Very dark gray stripes

Eye Color: Brownish Tan with a tint of green

Favorite Toy: Anything furry. Likr furry ferret-like stuffed animals. He likes to growl when he has them.