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My Transformation

On this date, August 3, 2002, I was at my heaviest weight.
I weighed 410 pounds. As you can see in the photos below,
I didn't look very happy. That was the last camping trip before
the new me were to emerge.

I enjoyed that weekend and ate what I wanted,
because in a few days, the new me would begin.

I was very nervous when that day became closer.
It was a life changing procedure I was about to go through.
The big day was August 6, 2002.
My life would change forever and excited and nervous at the same time.
On that date, I had undergone Gastric Bypass Surgery.
My stomach was made the size of my thumb and a part of my small
intestines were brought up to that "pouch."
The rest of my stomach was stapled off, with the small intestines still
attached to it. So I guess you could say, in a way, I had two stomaches.
But the only difference is, is no food would enter the "old" part.
Below are some photos of me 4 weeks post-op.

At this point, I don't know how much I had lost. At first, I didn't
know how much I had weighed. It wasn't until a couple weeks ago
that I had found out how much before hand.
Now that I know how much I weighed, I am not afraid to tell.
My weight is coming off and that is all that matters now.
Below are more photos of me, but at 6 weeks post-op.

Now onto page 2...