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The guild newsletter

Neopian News This is the very first issue of the Neopian News. A new issue will come out every month. In this newsletter, we write about new happenings in Neopia, hints and tips for games and quests, and you can also learn a little bit about a featured Neopets user. Happenings Apparently, some neopian shops are leading people on with false cognates, making innocent users think that that has everything. Don't get me wrong, a lot of stores at Neopets have a wide selection of items to choose from, but watch out for lead ins. Accounts that lead people on normally have a menu at the beginning showing what the apparently sell. Some have lots of items for insane prices, but that doesn't matter to some users. In my wandering days on Neopets, I came across some excellent shops, that do sell everything. These stores sell many items from food to brushes, etc. Some of the shops are from the following users: Crushingcantelopes Ah_huat1986*** (***=expensive!) Whitehawk2000*** Piggy1001*** Angelic35733 (great stuff!!) Crushingcantelopes7 Phat_cat_burrito (great battle magic items) Hints and Tips Ever wondered when the Snowager was awake, or tricks on beating Poogle Solitare? Well, here is your salvation. Snowager sleeps from 1am- 2am, 8am- 9am, 10am-11am, 1pm- 2pm, 3pm- 4pm, 6pm- 8pm, 9pm- 10pm, and 11pm- 12am. **NOTE: This is in Eastern time** Getting to the Bonus levels of Meerca Chase are as follows. One is hold the shift key and then press start. Another is click in the top left hand corner of the game box, and you will see the word "jboogie". Then press start. **NOTE: I have tried these. Sometimes they work, sometimes they're ignorant. Poogle solitare code: 29-17 22-24 17-29 31-23 32-24 24-22 26-24 33-25 24-26 21-23 16-28 14-16 9-23 28-16 7-9 27-25 18-30 20-18 11-25 30-18 13-11 10-12 3-11 18-6 1-3 3-11 12-10 5-17 17-15 4-16 15-17 ******more in next issue****** Quests: There are many quests on Neopets, including the Brain Tree, Witches Tower, Snow Faerie, Light Faerie, Water Faerie, Air Faerie, Jhudoras Cloud, Illusen's Glade, and many more. The LF, WF, and AF quests are normally difficult and vary tremendously. DON'T BOTHER DOING JHUDORAS CLOUD AND ILLUSENS GLADE!! You can buy the rewards at any shop in the marketplace for a very low price. If you want to do a Brain Tree quest, do the Esophager at the same time. If you help him, he will give you parts of the answers to the Brain Tree quests. Hidden Worlds 1) The Hidden Tower: move cursor around right upper side of faerie land. 2) The Parrot on the Hill: It doesn't really do much, it just utters a phrase each time you visit. Slightly amusing. 3) Jelly World: I think everyone knows about it, but what the heck.. 4) Grundo's Gym: Name speaks for itself. 5) The Space station Market:'s a marketplace NEOPIAN USER OF THE MONTH This months user is suminface. She is a huge Sum 41 fan. She lives in America, and has a size 6 shop. Her hobbies are rock music and television. She belongs to the guild "Sum in Your Face", where she is ranked as Bizzy D. She has a Sum 41 neodeck and has set up a Sum 41 quiz. She was a runner up in "Snow Wars", and got second place in "Cheat". For any questions and comments on the first issue, neomail me as crushingcantelopes7 or angelic35733. Sponsored by the " f a e r ie s f o r e v e r" guild