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Ok now that's for starters


This post was linked on egosoft by a poster called TheGimp, it was deleted by Steel due to it advertising the download of x gold.

If you check the post you will see that it has been deleted in a way to make it look like the advertisement came from The Gimp and not a link to comments made by Gary Bolton, But I'm positive that was not the intention.

It clearly linked x-gold for download by a Mr G Bolton. And was posted not as a link to download x but as a link to show what bolton was up to.

Most of the moderators read it before it was edited and they know that that post offered xgold for download.

The screenshot also shows the link to his sigfile hosted on his site, follow the url it's his.

The post is here and gary has deleted all his comments and changed his name to Grim now.

But if you read into the pages you'll see that he cant delete other people thanking "Gary Bolton" for it . :)

Go to page 3 and you'll read this.

ShareReactor Inventory

Joined: 16 Mar 2002
Posts: 979
Location: UK

600ti & Gary, is there any point my downloading this if I already have the

What Kind of a stupid fucker is this guy, I mean naming the download in your own name.


So next, you think to yourself, "Ah it's actually some tosser pretending to be him" Bolton wouldn't be stupid enough to use his real name.

You know that he's never made a post on egosoft about this so there's only one other place to look.

The Lancers Reactor


Lt. Commander
posted 12-03-2003 22:15 CET    
And, just for the record, those whom do not pay for the game have no right to complain about it.


Gary Bolton
ShareReactor Supervisor
Joined: 06 Jun 2002
Posts: 572
I would have thought this game would have been more than just one disk. I had STARLANCER here that I bought from the shops. And that was a Two Disk game. I could be wrong!


I've managed to download the Cue and the NFO file. But I'm seeing "0" sources on the Bin files. And that connected to SILENT BOB server also.


Does this game require Dirext X 9.0 to play! And am I right in saying it is Mouse controled only, and no Joystick is used!

PS: What Server are most of you guys on here who's trying to download it?


Just a couple of questions people!

1. For those people who have already downloaded this game, installed it, and played it. What do you think about the new Mouse control method being used, instead of Joystick method that was used in Startlancer. Personally I thought Joystick method of control in Starlancer worked very well, and I've never been a fan of the new Mouse control being used in this game. How does it compare?

2. How would you compare the graphics to there previous version called Starlancer?

3. I much perfare the game called X-Tension by Egosoft over there previous Starlancer game. Simply because there was much more to the game in terms of the extra features, game options, Lastabilty, and more! Seeing as they also have there new game called X2 The Threat in the pipework due for release in March. How do you rate this game overall! Because it's going to have to be very good game indeed with tons of features, and unlimited lastabilty if it hopes to compete with X2 The Threat . Which by the way is Joystick controled, and not Mouse driven.

Please keep them FULL SOURCES shared! There are only a very few Full Sources being showed in 600 Sources here in my list!

It's a real pity about the Sound problems, Did this happened during the ripping process? Or is it a fault on the original disk itself? So does this mean we all have to edit our Windows Sounds settings now to be able to hear all the In-Game speech sounds. And will altering the Windows Registry effect windows in other ways! Because I do not want to do this just to play one game. If it's going to cause problems with Windows in the long run. Even though I want this game! More information on this sound problem would be more than welcome!



I have downloaded 235mb so far! But I have just checked the FILE DETAILS. And I have lossed 180mb due to Corruption. And gained 185mb due to Comression. Leaving me with about 225mb completed. Whats going on here! How the hell can I gain 185mb due to Compression when I've only downloaded 235mb. What the hell was it compressed with? A speeding train! Because I want that program like yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I strongly suggest you all do the same check!

Follow Me :)

Gary Bolton
Flight Captain
Original posting
posted 27-03-2003 19:54 CET
I know this is not an X2 Forum. I appoligise for that. But seeing as my IP Address is Banned from there Forum. I was wondering if anyone here has any news on the new game release, or the Game Demo release!


I did recieve there News Email message saying they were bringing out a Demo of there new game. So if anyone here visits there forum. I would be grateful for any news.


Next Link

Commander in Chief
posted 13-03-2003 21:23 CET    

BTW - I know that "someone" have their sights on him and ShareReactor as it stands... so it is a question of time before he gets busted in the UK, where he sits on a very easy identifiable cable-connection...

posted 13-03-2003 21:35 CET    

He he he he he....looks like ShareReactor has been shut down.... hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gary Bolton
Flight Captain
posted 14-03-2003 04:20 CET    
He he he he he....looks like ShareReactor has been shut down.... hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't hold your breath mate.Check again tomorow. I think it more likley they are having Server Problems. They do go offline from time to time! Just check again soon! Like tomorow for example, Because they own there own Server themselves in a country were they can't be touched because of the countrys lack of Laws regarding Piracy. Holland if I'm correct! How do you think they have managed to keep such a website going for over 4 years!

Your laughing will soon stop tomorow, and the egg will be on your face! Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone PK Bolton on the FL online game for being a theving Warez monkey.

Who said I want to play the game in Multiplayer. The Multiplayer side of the game sucks big time. And for your information you "Thick Monkey"! You spelled "Theiving " wrong. Go back to school before you try to take me on! Oh and I no longer even have the game installed here. I restored an image of my Hardrive made before the game was installed. In case it sucked big time! So please tell me how I can play the game Online when I no longer even have any trace of the game on my hardrive anymore! Unless you've got a Magic Wand!

DDDDDDoooooooooooooooooooo! There's one born every minute!


And on to this

Gary Bolton
Flight Captain
Original posting
posted 16-03-2003 17:49 CET   


I have been reading a posting in the Egosoft Forum posted by one of my friendly enemys (Only kidding) called Lord Vader.

It seems they are finding things a bit boring over there since they Banned me. (What your telling me that GRIMS website is not good enough for you all now) I feel really sorry for him.

There VOTE POLE shows most of them want me back again, to make things a bit more interesting for them!

Sorry guys you will just have to keep looking for me over there! But thanks for the vote of confidence. I have already read the posting were "Steel" the Forum admin was offereing for me to come back days ago. But at the moment I am happy with the way things are. Using a Bogus Name there! For ovious reasons. You really do have so many new Members over there as late, don't you!


Proof Of Gary Downloading Freelancer

Gary Bolton
Flight Captain
posted 14-03-2003 00:49 CET    
The bottom line is DREDD


You seem quite a nice guy who maybe a simular age to me! I don't really want to sound as though I'm getting at you in person. It's just that they all seem to think I came into this forum, Ranting and Raving that I downloaded the game for Free. When really I should be mad at you for starting all these people of in the first place with your posting of my "ShareReactor comments". But I'm cool about it.

To be honest, I do not care in the slightest what people think of me using a File Sharing program like millions of other people out there also use. And it does'nt really matter if it's a Song, game, Album or whatever you download. There all copyrighted. So anyone who has downloaded any Music files, is no better than the next person who has downloaded a full game. To be honest I mainly use the program for downloading Films thats are not out over here yet on the pictures. Seeing as I have a 1mb Cable connection I can do this. And if anybody here does'nt like that fact. Go suck an egg!

This Flame all revolves around the FL game only. Nobody has made any other reference to me regarding any other games I might of downloaded.

As to me having a Pirate Copy here of FL. Well you'll all just have to keep guessing on that one.

posted 14-03-2003 02:50 CET    

Gary Bolton
ShareReactor Supervisor


Joined: 06 Jun 2002
Posts: 572
We could do with more people also trying to download the new RAR version that been packed by Tommy.

Just add both the ShareReactor and Tommy's RAR version below to your list of downloads and see how you go on with both vesions. Better to be download two versions. Rather than just one!

I'm doing this myself!

ed2k: Freelancer-iMMERSiON.rar


Guilty as charged, Mr. Warez
2/24/03, Sharereactor forum, Freelancer release thread. Nice catch, Dredd!





So we now know that both Gary Bolton on sharereactor and lancers reactor are the same person.


So finally you need to link those two together to prove that egosoft's Gary Bolton is the same guy who shared x-gold on sharereactor.

Over To Egosoft

Gary Bolton

Joined: 06 Nov 2002
Posts: 415 on topic
Location: United Kingdom

Posted: 21 Jul 2003 13:25

I would just like to add that I was not approached in anyway shape or form to come back after Grimms ban. I sent Steel a private message myself after reading a thread in this forum were Steel posted in it saying I may be allowed to come back if I appologized to him. This was well before Grimms ban took place. When I was going in the Freelancer Forum. Which some of you will remember because I was reading your threads about me in here

I was able to read these threads at that time here because my IP Address had changed. When I sent Steel the letter to come back I had no idea at that time that Grimm had just been banned. I only found that out after I came back.

So even though it might seem a bit timely. I had weeks before that when I could have posted a letter to Steel. But I choose the moment to send it. And it had nothing to do with Grimm. I still thought he was a member here when I came back.

PS: I just wanted to clear that up to avoid any speculation!

Give the boy rope, and he'll ...................

Bolton has been caught offering x-gold for download. Now from what i'm reading either the mods have made a mistake or it's ok to share xgold for free as long as it's not on the egosoft forum.

Hold back those X2 paypal payments guys. We'll just download it from gary :)