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The Little Man Animal

Page 1


          Hidden behind a bush, three little rabbits sat, watching.  How they wish they could hop around the bed of carrots and peas, but the men Animals were tending the garden.   Although the little rabbits were very brave, they were not foolish.  They would not risk going in the garden while the Men Animals were working there.  They never forgot what happened to their old grandpa Jumpy earlier that summer.  One of those Men Animals, now working in the garden has installed a snare on the rabbit's favorite path.  Poor grandpa Jumpy had gotten caught in it and died.

          "Let's go home," said Fluffy.

          "Yeah," agreed Hoppy, "the Men Animals will probably work in the garden all day.  They always do on sunny days,"  he added.

          "No carrots today," concluded Jumpy, saddened.

          "The last one of us to reach the Old Tilted Tree is a Man Animal!"  dared Hoppy.

          The three little rabbits took off, hopping away in bear territory which for them was much safer than the Men Animals' dangerous land.

          Knowing that Men Animals seek the well beaten path, the rabbits thought it would be best if they each found their own way back to the Old Tilted Tree.

          Fluffy decided to follow the Brook, then at the Rock she would swing left to the Old Tilted tree.  Perhaps she would stop on the way and gaze at her reflection in the Pond.

To be continued...


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