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The Demise of America
Friday, 1 August 2003
Humble Beginnings
The world has been destroyed and morally bankrupted many times since it's beginning billions of years ago, but none were as thourough and complete as the years following World War II.

Posted by journal2/thedemiseofamerica at 3:05 AM CDT
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The State of the Nation
The announcement was once shocking, but now has become as common as the evening weather report. Another factory has made the announcement that it will close it's doors leaving several hundred or several thousand of it's former employees staring at an empty building as the trucks make their way down the road, leave town, and forge south taking with them all of the equipment which has been the life blood of the small community for so many years. Everyone remains amazed because profits have been good, relations between the employees and management seemed to be fine, and just two days ago two plant managers came to the work floor to dispel any rumors that the plants were closing by calling them paranoid and silly. Now the question is what happened and how long has someone known of this disaster and just what caused everything to change at the last minute making the company want to literally abandon those who have given so many years of their lives as the backbone of it's operations? Left in the dust of the tractor trailers are faces filled with uncertainty, fear, and anger as they ponder what they should do next to feed their families, care for their children and elderly, and rebuild the community that they call home. Truthfully, no company decides on a whim that it will be move out of the United States to a foreign country. From the predawn days of the NAFTA to present day companies have been researching and devising schemes and plans not for if they were to move abroad to exploit the poverty and lack of safeguards in the name of profits, but instead when they decide to make the move. The know that not all of them can move at once because the shock would incite panic in the streets and new legislation to curtail their plans, but one here and two or three there will instead be viewed as more acceptable numbers. It was for this opportunity that virtually every major corporation wined, dined, lied, and bribed. They left no stone unturned and even grandstanded their employees with such public spectacles as petitions, parties, and displays of hyped up support from their "company men" who thought they were doing what was right for a company who cared for it's workers. The goal wasn't a competitive edge because they already had that, but instead more profits which would be extracted from the sewers and cardboard communities then siphoned off to shore up the advantage of the American aristocracy and continued supreme reign over the broken backs of the working class people who made them the most powerful in the world. The NAFTA wasn't the beginning of American demise, but instead the final nail in the coffin of what used to be the greatest industrial power on the face of the earth. America's demise actually began in 1947 when it opened itself to the scrutiny of the world allowing everyone except it's own citizens to determine domestic and foreign policy which would gradually begin to nick away at the keystones which held the nation together from the inside. The course that would be forged by the newly formed United Nations toward the globalization of government was never intended by then President Harry S. Truman. He believed naively that we as Americans had not only the resources, but also the responsibility to modernize the entire world so that nobody had to live in fear or be hungry. Instead of allowing this goal to be achieved, many of the worlds underdeveloped nations and their gangster forms of government began using the world forum not as a tool to build better futures, but to shore up their own power. They turned their hatred of American influence and enterprise into a sharpening stone and made the global government into a weapon to chop and hack at the American standard of living, education, and self determination causing repeated injury and mortal wounds which would never heal and continue to fester over time until they became life threatening to the nation. They then used their position of advantage to influence American politics by exploiting the ignorant American aristocracy's love of money and need for bigger and better campaign schemes in exchange for influence from the inside in American affairs to literally short circuit any efforts or intentions of the great giant to empower those around the globe with tools of advancement and self determination. This, the regimes knew, would certainly shore up their control over their own empires with the confidence and help of their new and totally ignorant ally The United States of America. They wouldn't stop there, however. As long as the nation remained powerful enough to influence and control anything inside or outside it's borders it was considered a threat to their existence. Using their influence they would then begin to siphon off the wealth and power of the nation first with its finances then with it's world dominating industry. By crippling the mighty warrior they would then have it at their mercy and totally dependent on the rest of the world which in a crisis would only have to close it's border and bring the country to it's knees overnight militarily and domestically. Once this was achieved business would be done on the terms of the rest of the world and not the Americans that the rest of the world so desperately despises. Before you discount this as the rant and rave of another conspiracy theorist, consider this. By looking at the cause and effect relationships that have evolved over the past 50 years it is evident of the demise of America from the inside out. It began with funding for every relief effort known to man, the rebuilding of nations, which had been the enemy of the United States and literal overpowering of the American economy by these former enemies, and the exportation of virtually ever major and minor industry to third world nations at the expense of American industry and workers. Once you have examined these relationships you can then form your own opinion and finally understand why some of the most mistrustful are those of us who have lived and worked on the inside of the giant machine which never stops grinding for the benefit of our global society at the expense of our own. You will also see why our cities and towns have evolved not into nice communities like they were for our parents and grandparents, but instead have become literal battlefields where everyone is fighting for one thing and one thing only - survival.

Posted by journal2/thedemiseofamerica at 2:29 AM CDT
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