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Ron Foster's "The Crabman"

The marriage of radio and rock and roll have always been my first professional love. Writing has been my second.
The first murder/mystery novel I read was about 7 years ago. I found it captivating. It was like a great movie only my imagination was "filling in the blanks." I read another. And another. Until I had read just about all of them. Then I read TRUE Crime books written by a former FBI agent who interviewed the likes of Ted Bundy and Charles Manson.
I studied the background of the authors and found that if I were going to write a M/M myself, I needed some "field training." It's one thing to write about what the cops face out there. It's quite another to ride with them while they face it. To see "IT" face to face.
A very dear friend of the family is a Detective with a big city police department. He made the arrangements for me. I rode with the cops. I felt only some of what they face on a daily basis.

If my dream of writing a good Murder/Mystery were to ever become a reality, I also needed to see what an autopsy was all about. I did.

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I heard the Styker saw as it sliced through the skull. I heard the tap of the rubber hammer as it tapped the skull loose so that the brain might easily drop into a stainless steel bucket.
I needed to get into the mind set of the crime solvers, both the police and the forensics experts who learn to decipher "the language of the dead."
Then I studied profiling. Profiling is like painting: You learn to know the painter by his paintings. You get to know the killer by the "painting" he leaves behind. Another name for it is "evidence."
You cannot write about a crime scene without delving into the macabre because that's what cold-blooded murder is. It's not pretty. Scenes in this book are graphic. Anything less would be an injustice to those who have been victimized.
Ask any Homicide Detective and chances are he will tell you:
"The American Criminal Justice System" is just that. Justice for the criminals. What about the victims?
This is where the book begins.

I don't make any attempts in this book to gloss over the reality of what happens to innocent people. Again and sincerely, I truly believe we owe them more than that.
I am also of the opinion that the more we learn about what makes some victims vulnerable, the more we can do to avoid putting ourselves in those or similiar situations.
I don't mince words when it comes to the language that is used by both the criminal and those who must "think like the criminal" in order to catch them. The hunter becomes like the hunted. That's the way it works.
(However, in this FREE online section of the book, the expetives have been eliminated, minimized or abbreviated).

If you enjoy reading Murder/Mysteries, I can only hope that "The Crabman" measures up to some of the best that you've read. The entire book is about 360 pages. The first seventy or so are FREE.
You are under no obligation. Should you decide that you would like to read the rest of the book, the cost is only $7.00. Ordering information will be posted at the end of this free sample.

Before we go further, let's think of the words to a number one, Grammy award winning rock and roll hit record: "Mac the Knife" by Bobby Darin. Did you know that Bobby didn't like the song and, at first, refused to sing it? It's about Mac the Knife - a guy who stabs people to death and throws their bodies in a river where they are "just oozin' on down."
Or "Stagger Lee" by Lloyd Price in which Billy begged him "Please don't take my life. I've got three little children and a very sickly wife." Yet "He got out his .44 and shot that poor boy so bad that the bullet went through Billy and broke the bartender's glass."

Many people have read this book and every single one of them has had nightmares. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Be warned. Yet, EVERY SINGLE person who has read it has wanted to share it with others.
That is now possible.

If reading about graphic violence is upsetting to you DO NOT READ EVEN THIS SAMPLE PORTION OF THE BOOK. If "street talk" used by both the good guys and the bad guys offends you, DO NOT EVEN READ THE SAMPLE PORTION OF THIS BOOK.

If you enjoy what is hopefully a realistic murder/mystery/who done it, click below. Get ready for a non-stop adventure.
Happy Halloween.
The first seventy pages. FREE.

The Crabman