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The Sagamore

When most people hear of Sagamore Bay, they think of the bay surrounding the Sagamore Hotel at Bolton Landing, Lake George.  Instead, this is the name of the little bay that I grew up at.  It may seem small, but that's what makes it cozy.  Everyone who lives here knows one another.  It's almost like a small, little village.  Anyway, before you get bored out of your mind, I'd like to share some stories I have from living here.  Not all of them have to do with this bay and the people who live here, however.  Just keep in mind that Lake George has her own stories to add to American legends and folklore, for she is the Queen of American Lakes.


    One popular story told at Lake George is the one of the monster that lives within the depths of the lake. The middle of the 1900's was when this creature was first spotted.  The story goes that there were two men, who were rivals.  One was a businessman, Colonel Mann, and the other was an artist, Henry Watrous.  They both lived in the little town of Hague.  Watrous decided that he was going to give Mann a chance to prove himself.
     Early in the morning, Mann was out fishing in his canoe.  While relaxing and casting his lure into the shallow waters, he suddenly jumped almost out of the boat. An ugly, gray head with water dripping from it's knobby ears and pointy nose had risen out of the shallows.  It had glowing eyes that were staring straight at the man.  They seemed to look straight through him.  Then, suddenly, it submerged and disappeared from sight.  The Colonel was so terribly shaken, it was a terrible effort just to get to shore.  The next day, there was an article in the newspaper about the sighting of the monster.
     After that incident, flocks of people started to come to Hague just to catch a glimpse of the beast. There were a few dangerous events that occurred, however.  One was when a newly wedded couple were out in a canoe when the monster decided to take a peek at them.  At the site of the face, the two were so startled, that they flipped their boat.  The groom swam to shore as fast as he could, leaving his wife to helplessly cling to the turtled canoe for dear life.  Later on she was rescued.  She then took the next stagecoach out of Hague, never to be heard from again. Another incident was when a steamboat, loaded with people, was on a tour near the islands that surround Hague.  One little boy gave a shout, saying that he had seen the monster.  Everyone on the ship ran to that side, almost capsizing the vessel.      Meanwhile, Watrous was having a good laugh at his creation.  As soon as he heard bout the nearly capsizing steamboat, however, he decided it was time to reveal his hoax.  He then let out the secret that the Lake George Monster was a creation of his using a log, and pulley system that he could work from shore to make the head pop up out of the water.  After he let out his secret, Hague decided to honor the creature by giving it a name.  Now, Georgie is on view at the Adirondack Museum in New York.

   This is only the beginning of my stories to tell.  Don't forget to join me 'round the campfire as I talk of more adventures. To listen to some more, click on the link below that you would like to hear more stories about.  Hope you enjoy your stay!

Soon I hope to have these links up and running.  So far, only general stories is working. Thank you for your patience!!





I also have pictures to show!

French and Indian War Reinactment at Fort Ticonderoga:

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