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The Roots of My Madness

Welcome to a pictorial tour of my world. Please wipe your feet and try not to move anything....

Proper Dress Attire When I Have My Own Island....

This is me with my best friend Elisa in Disneyland. If the magic kingdom ever started leasing apartments, the two of us would be first in line. Who needs Prozac? We had annual passes a couple of years ago. Worked better than any psychotherapy I have ever been a part of. Soooo much fun!

Acountability is a very, very good thing...

I think that we all need to have that one friend that is totally solid, smarter than you are, and isn't afraid to tell you when you are acting like an idiot. That's Kristen! She is definitely the friend back home who smacks me back into the direction of Jesus when I am frustrated. I love her to we are at Disneyland last Christmas.

He's single and always pays for dinner if anyone is interested....

My other best friend from home, Greg. He looks like Chris Kirkpatrick from N*Sync when you see him in person. It is downright freaky how similar they look and he has been followed by screaming adolescent girls on more than one occassion. This is him during his campaign to save the Tiki Room at, you guessed it...Disneyland :)