
Video Game Odds & Ends


[Fatal Labyrinth - Sega Genesis]

These townspeople... Man, they've really got their priorities straight don't they? Here you are trudging into what is literally a fatal labyrinth full of monsters to save their lives and what are they worrying about? Drying laundry and whether or not they have to go to school tomorrow. I'm starting to think maybe they aren't worth saving...

But you're the hero. You gotta do it. Even when the peasants are this dim. -.-;;

As opposed to where? Your dark house dimly lit by candlelight? The town is plagued by darkness so I imagine candles are starting to get scarce. Your laundry will still dry in the dark, lady. It will just take longer. Now if you'll excuse me I have lives to save. Including your own.

School's cancelled because the dragon ate all the teachers! Is that what you want me to say, kid? Because how the hell should I know? Go ahead and play hooky. Because to tell you the truth this could be your last day on Earth. Now run along junior, I have a dragon to slay.