
Fun With The Ocarina Of Time Debug ROM: Part 6

This is the last part. It's just a collection of oddities.

I’m not sure what this is but it looks like a tall grass patch in Kokiri Forest from an odd angle. It happens in when I go to a grotto from the map select then attempt to leave. Since you warped into a grotto from the map select instead of a normal game location, the game doesn’t know where to send you back out. I hear that you are supposed to end up in an unused room in the Deku Tree. But I always end up here, frozen and invisible. The appear in strange places code doesn’t seem to help.

This is something very odd that happened to me. I believe I was using 1964. I used the inventory editor to add all items and equipment. I then equipped the Goron Tunic and Mirror Shield. When I left the equip screen and returned to the game I was greeted with this. It’s Link’s image from the equip screen. He’s the same color the wall should be, yet the rest of the wall is black. He’s even been mirrored.

Here’s more. They even stretch out with the wall. The issue was fixed by entering and exiting Goron City. I haven’t tried to reproduce it. It looks to be an emulation glitch. Somehow the game decided Link was a wall texture. I may have added the items and equipped them right before leaving Goron City. I can’t remember. By the way, I’m using the Wind Waker HUD here. I think it looks nice.

I think this happened when I selected a scene for Lon Lon Ranch. Link spawned on Epona inside the wall. The outside of the ranch is layered with a lot of different textures to give it an illusion of depth. So I’m between the outer wall you see from Hyrule Field and the tall fence you see from the inside. I thought I was stuck for good. Poor Epona couldn’t even turn around. But I was able to find my way out eventually.

The specific things lean code can cause some very interesting visual results. Sometimes they actually look like they could be a reasonable part of the game.

It looks like Gerudo Valley was hit by an earthquake. The bridge is about to fall into the river! If you get close to the tent you’ll see that the front part is tilted up so that you can see underneath. But from here it looks as if it was distorted by buckling earth.

One of my favorite screens from everything I took. The lean code caused the ice to lean, exposing the water underneath. It actually looks like the ice is starting to melt. It’s a little too high and covering the ground on the right. But I think it looks more realistic that way. Even the torch in the left corner looks more natural leaning. As if the water froze around it then melted, causing the torch to get damaged and bent.

Did you know that behind the counter NPCs lack legs? I guess it saves on polygons. No need to show what you can’t see, right? And normally you cannot get behind the counters. But you can moonjump into some of them. If it’s not a pre-rendered area then you can use the camera to look around and find that shopkeepers are just floating torsos. Most are cut right off. But the shooting gallery guy’s got this weird turnip shape going on. I guess due to his overall roundness he needs to be turnipy as well so he’s convincing enough as a whole person. It’s just kind of creepy though. I can imagine him floating after Link trying to swat him with those big gorilla arms.

This is the shooting gallery. This happens in the beta quest sometimes as well as in Kakariko scenes selected from the map list. I’m not sure why only the door shows up. But it’s weird and kinda eerie. DO NOT try to go in through the front. The game will crash. You can however enter through the back of the door, which took me to the Deku Tree. This will also work if you have the lean code on and the back of the shop is sticking up, letting you walk right in. You won’t enter the shop, just the patch of land it was built on. And you can just warp through the door from the inside. It uses the white, circular transition too.

I think I found this in one of the Zora’s Fountain scenes. I was just moonjumping around with infinite Hover Boots and there she was, just standing awkwardly on top of the rock defying gravity. I guess it’s just a day in the life of a Zora princess. You can’t interact with her either. She just stands there. What a weirdo.

In the tree, part of the tree, Link. Forever and ever… Poor Saria. Her feet are stuck in the tree. Why not join her Link? Take root and play. Best friends for eternity. This is from one of the Sacred Forest Meadow scenes on the map select. It’s really odd. Not only is Saria sitting too far back on the stump, thus causing her to be stick inside it, but her expression never changes, making everything kind of unsettling.

And finally a bonus that wasn't part of the original posts because I forgot to add it.

I can't remember exactly what happened here. But the Great Fairy was gigantic. Much larger than normal. And as you can see, her back is well... Warping into the back. As I recall this giant Great Fairy and her back problems caused tremendous slowdown.

And that’s the end. That was actually pretty exhausting to compile. I don’t know when I’ll do a multipart look at a game to this extent again. Maybe someday. It was fun to do. Just very involving and time consuming.