
Fun With The Ocarina Of Time Debug ROM: Part 4

Now that I’ve gotten that stuff out of the way I want to post some other things I did with the debug ROM. Yeah, none of it is really new because this ROM has been around a few years. But you don’t always see pics of everything you’d like to see. The more screenshots the better. I’m going to start with child Link in the Fire Temple, which was possible with the Goron Tunic, Megaton Hammer and some inventory editing to acquire the keys I needed. The temple for the most part looks normal until you exit. At which point something weird happens. But rather than show the Fire Temple everyone already knows I have some other stuff before Volvagia.

This is the tall tower above the room with the bridge. I’ve moonjumped up through it. It seems to be normal until you change screens. Then this happens. Most of the platforms are invisible and the doorways don’t work. The doorway pictured actually doesn’t exist as visible or functional door in the game. It was removed at some point during development. More info on this and other oddities at The Cutting Room Floor.

If you moonjump all the way to the top of the tower you will end up in a sepia colored void that’s solid. You can still fall back down in a few places, but for the most part it’s solid. There isn’t a ton of room and you will slide down the edges of the void as if they are slopes in some places.

It’s hard to see but this is the view while looking down. You can still see the empty doorways.

The top of the tower. You have to moonjump a ways up there from the void. It’s not solid at all. It’s just there to provide a visible top when you are in the tower.

Next up, fighting Volvagia as child Link.

Here’s the battle. I actually had an easier time with this than I ever had before, minus an issue where I forgot that I remapped A and B. Playing N64 games with a PS3 controller can be awkward. It was fun though.

After the battle is over and Darunia awakens as a sage you are warped here. Note that the graphical effect on Link’s tunic is the same one you see in Death Mountain. So he’s actually still there. It’s just that the floor and background haven’t loaded, leaving you walking on air. Believe it or not Link’s walking on air. He never thought he could feel so free.

To fix this without teleporting or falling into the void and respawning you’ll need to moonjump here. It’s completely solid and safe to land on. Once you re-enter the temple by going down the ladder everything will be back to normal after going back up. I’m not sure why the area does not load completely. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that child Link isn’t supposed to be accessing parts of Death Mountain or the Fire Temple. So after the scene in the Chamber of Sages things don’t load correctly. A similar glitch happened when I was playing around in the beta quest too. But I’m not sure what route I took or how to reproduce it.

The next few parts will be focusing on stuff I found in the beta quest (which isn’t really beta stuff for the most part, but that’s well known now), as well as some miscellaneous stuff.

Part 5