
Fun With The Ocarina Of Time Debug ROM: Part 3

Here is child Link with an invisible Mirror Shield via age switching. Adult Link can also have an invisible Deku Shield and looks less awkward. If he’s wearing gauntlets it looks like he’s blocking with the right gauntlet. Poor child Link just looks like he hurt his arm. I tested the invisible shields and they appear to work for the most part in terms of blocking. However I didn’t test the effects of burning or reflecting. But I assume it works.

Child Link with the Megaton Hammer. Fully functional too. When you swing it though it looks similar to a sword strike yet the sword is still sheathed. Since child Link has a two-handed weapon animation for the Deku Sticks I think that’s why he doesn’t have a problem with the Megaton Hammer.

Child Link can also “use” the bow without an issue. However it shows up as the slingshot when being held or used and is for all intents and purposes the slingshot. If you have the bow equipped with elemental arrows child Link does not get their powers. I tried with the fire arrows and could not light torches or burn burnables. I didn’t try ice or light arrows but I’m assuming they won’t work either.

And here’s adult Link with the slingshot. However it just shows up as the bow. But the interesting thing is that it will make the slingshot sound when you fire it at something. I didn’t test it fully but I think elemental arrows wouldn’t make a difference here.

Here’s adult Link throwing the boomerang. This throwing animation is one that is present in the game but unused. There is another unused throwing animation as well. You can watch the the unused animations here. The throwing animations are similar to the Deku Nut animation except that Link throws those with his right hand while bracing himself with his left. So they are different. I’m not sure if the unused animation is actually linked to the boomerang or if it was originally for some other item. But it works and the boomerang is fully functional. It’s just invisible when held as well as when it’s about to be thrown.

This is the boomerang on its way back. It’s only visible when it’s been thrown and is coming back to you. It looks like the normal boomerang.

And adult link can hold the Magic Beans. Not too thrilling. But let’s be thorough, right?

Part 4