
Phantasy Star Odds & Ends

Those Weird Krup Ducks

Behold! The majestic waterways of Krup! Complete with weird ducks that spend all day spinning in circles. Shown in the gif here that I resized so it wouldn't look gigantic (thanks K Fusion XP ).

I also made a little video about this. You can watch it here

As you can see here, mama duck moves to the left and right. But her babies are stuck in place and can only turn to face those directions. This looks very strange. I actually didn't give it much thought until recently either. And now I can't unsee the weirdness.

I'm wondering if it's intentional because looks very off to me. Maybe there's a bug in their animation routine. Maybe they're supposed to follow mama duck? It doesn't look like they turn in tandem with her entirely. Although they kind of do. And I think it's enough to make it look as if they could be trying to follow her. And they aren't just flipping from left to right either. They have a swimming animation as well. That could just be for realism. But it seems wasted on ducks that aren't going anywhere.

If this was an intentional animation routine it sure is an odd choice. Poor little ducks. Stuck in place for all eternity.