
Resident Evil 2 Demo: Fun With Keys! Part 1

Using the L key you can get into the file room. Where so many files will go boom very shortly. Because missiles. o.o

The hall before the file room where the licker drops down is missing the telltale camera angle that shows the shape of the cop’s severed head despite the actual cutscene being changed. Perhaps at this point that changed scene just didn’t exist yet. Either it wasn’t finished or they decided to make it scarier with the severed head then changed it back.

It’s pretty much like the file room in the retail version of the game. Save for some item placement differences. There’s no crank on top of the shelf. There are just handgun bullets as a place holder. Not that you’d need the crank if you could get it here. The clock tower is unfinished and its boundaries defy the laws of physics (more on that later).

Another difference is that a crate is used in place of the stepladder that you need to push. Not very interesting right?

But this crate is magic! It grants Leon the amazing ability to walk on air!

However you are now stuck like this and can’t get back down or leave the room. All you can do is wander around stuck helplessly in the air. You can stand on and get off the crate without any problems as long as it isn’t pushed up to the cabinet where the crank would eventually be. Even if you stand on the edge of the crate and push the action button nothing will happen. You are trapped. Forever.

Leon: ;_;

Kevin: Once I got locked in my locker because there was something shiny in the back and I closed the door so no one would try to steal it from me. But someone let me out the next morning so I was alright. Sure was dark in there though. ^__^

K. >>

This is the only crate in the demo. Although who knows if they were intending to use a crate in the room or not. Either it’s a placeholder, crates weren’t properly programmed yet or they had to use another object to reach the crank because they couldn’t get around the airwalk glitch. Heaven knows, Mr. Allison. Heaven knows.

And here’s something I noticed about the S and L keys. First the S key. S (Strict).

Then the L key. L (Limited).

Strict. Limited. It’s almost like they’re going “cheater cheater!”. They know you are using forbidden keys. They’re on to you. They’re sending Umbrella security now.