
Resident Evil 2 Demo: Fun With Keys! Part 2

Let’s add the S and D keys to the Resident Evil 2 demo! With Gameshark!

I hadn’t tried this before because I couldn’t. But I always wanted to. This isn’t anything that others haven’t already posted on the internet. So don’t expect any new discoveries. I just did it for my own amusement. Finding Gameshark codes is pretty easy these days. Just google.

The RE2 demo was packaged with Resident Evil Director’s Cut for the Playstation. It was a really great bonus. If you haven’t played it and have little knowledge of its content I just want to stress that it is NOT a demo of RE 1.5. It is a demo of what would become the retail version of RE2. I’ve seen people confused about this and asking if Elza was in the demo. She isn’t because at this point she had already been replaced with Claire. The only demo of RE 1.5 that I've seen was an unplayable video preview on Playstation Underground. I'm sure it appeared on other demo discs as well. I believe some RE 1.5 music may be in the RE2 demo. There are definitely some music differences between the demo and the full retail version. One that I noticed right away was the more dark and suspenseful music in the hall with the moon and sun god statues.

I had to use ePSXe to input these codes because I do not have a Gameshark. I had some issues with getting the codes to work correctly. I’m not sure if the problem was my own error or what. But I couldn’t get items to appear directly in the item box. Maybe I was trying to add too many. I’m not sure. So instead I added the S key to my inventory directly using a specific code. This is the type of code that makes the item stick to the inventory position you’ve set it to. This can cause problems and loss of items/key duplication if you attempt to switch it out with another item in the box. So be aware of what you are doing to avoid having to restart because you have an inventory full of S keys or whatever. You won’t be able to get rid of them. Of course you can always turn the codes off. But then you have to fix everything up again. Why waste time when you can just be careful in the first place?

The S key. A unique looking key (as far as I know). The S is for “Strict”? In the inventory it will not have an icon until you store it in the item box then take it back out. If you’ve used a code that places the key in a specific inventory space make sure to store the key in a blank space than return it to it’s rightful space in the inventory. It may dupe but at least you won’t lose any other items.

Where you use the S key. Right around the corner from the demo’s item box room. Using the key triggers the mechanical door loading screen. The one with the big circular lock that rotates. Yeah, I haven’t played RE2 in a few months so… Anywaiz, you then enter…

The evidence room! A place you shouldn't be in the demo. Be careful in here. Because examining the locked safe where Claire gets the plastic bomb will show corrupted Japanese text and the game will freeze. To Leon’s right is a short hall where he can get an additional shotgun from the safe. To his upper left where the shelf of papers is will be the D key. You can’t see the red flash it makes because I’ve already picked it up.

And here’s the D key in the inventory. We’re back to generic looking keys now. The one on the upper left is the S key. It’s a weird looking icon that was probably not finished. But it wasn’t the final version of the precinct keys set anyway. They became a card suit theme.

The door ahead of Leon is the one that’s locked from the other side when you are in the room with all the desks and Marvin’s office. So we’re back to square one again. Going to the S.T.A.R.S. office on the 2nd floor will net you the L key but then Ada appears and the demo ends as it should. So if I want to see what else I can do I’ll have to get the L key into my inventory. Maybe later. I foresee crashes though. But it’s fun to experiment.

Part 2