RPG Cliches


Hey, ever notice how in about 99.9% of RPGs there are cliches and various things that completely defy everyday normal life? I know it's just part of the RPG fantasy but some of these little things can be very weird. I've collected some that I have noticed here.
Let's take a look!

1. It's perfectly ok to enter a complete stranger's house without being invited and take things.

2. Most houses don't have bathrooms.

3. When you damage or destroy property you don't get in trouble or have to pay for the damages.

4. All forests are enchanted.

5. It is perfectly normal to have magical powers. In fact, most people do.

6. Heroes can't be killed, no matter how badly they are injured.

7. Wild beasts, monsters, and robots always carry money on them.

8. If you are seriously injured, sleeping overnight at an inn will completely heal your wounds.

9. A 15 year old boy can easily wield a 15 pound, 5 foot long broad sword.

10. If you are male you are strong and slow. If you are female you are agile and weak. Usually. Unless the female in question is a Amazon. Then in that case it's a different story.

11. If you die you can easily be brought back to life. Unless you die as part of the storyline. In that case only a gameshark can save you.

12. Animals can talk.

13. If you travel to another planet the people there will speak the exact same language as you. And if they can't, there is always something magical that will translate for you.

14. Parents let their children go on long, dangerous journeys without adult supervision.

15. If you play a flute a fairy will come.

16. You can walk right into a castle without the guards stopping you.

17. You can carry an infinite amount of items in your backpack, no matter how big and heavy they are.

18. If you wear gloves you can lift boulders and punch through walls.

19. Evil demon overlords from other dimensions can be defeated by ordinary humans.

20. 95% of the population has blue hair.

21. Herbs instantly heal wounds. And to top it off it's not even considered a miracle.

22. Shops sell dangerous weapons to anybody. You don't even need ID!.

23. If you leave your vehicle unattended while you wander around there is no chance it will be stolen.

24. If you drop something you can never pick it up again.