Random Writing No.4 (Short Gundam Wing/Star Wars/Flintstones/PS4/Soylent Green parody)


Zechs: *takes off his mask* "Luke I am your father"

Luke: *stares in disbelief*

Relena: "And I am your sister........"

Heero: "Reeeeleeeeena!"

Relena: "Heeeerooooo!"

Fred Flintstone: *appears for no reason what so ever* "Yabbadabbadoo!"

Rune: * uses ryuka to teleport onto the Death Star with the other PS4 characters and looks at Luke* "What's your name?"

Luke: "My name is Luke Skywalker."

Rune: "Luke Skywalker? What a stupid name!"

Fred: *is speeding around on the Death Star in his silly car*

Chaz: "Aaaah!"

Alys: "Look out Chaz!" *jumps in front of Chaz and is run over*

Chaz: "ALYS!!!"

Obi Wan Kenobi: "Use the force Luke..... Use the Force......"

Luke: *uses the force* "It's no use! Not even the force can repair these wounds!"

Alys: "Rune...... I need Rune......."

Rune: "I'm right here Alys........"

Alys: "There is something I have to tell you......"

Rune: "What is it?"

Alys: "Soylent green is people......people......"*dies*

Rika: "They're ears I tell you! Ears!!!!!"

Chaz: "NOOOO! ALYS!"

Rune: *looks at Chaz* "By the way...... it's your fault."

Heero: *is annoyed, gets into Wing Zero and points his buster rifle at the Death Star*

Obi Wan Kenobi: "Heero, stay away from the dark side of the force.........."

Heero: *fires at the Death Star*

Relena: "Heeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooo!"

*Death Star explodes*

Heero: "Mission completed......"