Random writing no. 12 (Jif and the Catgirl)


One day jif was wandering around the mall looking for otaku targeted merchandise. He went into suncoast and saw a DVD that really caught his eye. It was shiny with pretty colors. on the cover was a very cute catgirl. He looked for a title but found none. There wasn't any writing on the box at all.

Intrigued, jif bought it and took it home.

He sat down with some ramen and haw and popped the DVD in. Weird but pretty music began to play, followed by an opening sequence where the catgirl was singing a very cute song in japanese.
Jif began to feel odd. Suddenly there was a flash of light from the TV. Before he could react, the catgirl was hugging him tightly, purring and smiling.

"Hi!" she said, "My name is Koko-Kitty Neko-Bell-Chan!"
Jif laughed at the stereotypical and somewhat ludicrous name. He asked her where she came from.
she told him that her evil sister, Vanilla Sakura Cherry-Chan had locked her up in the DVD so she could steal her boyfriend. Then Koko began to cry.

Jif comforted her and offered her some ramen.
"You are so kind...," Koko said. "My boyfriend never even tried to rescue me."
Jif then told her to wait here while he got into his mech.
Koko waited and ate some ramen.

Meanwhile, in Koko's land Jif was firing up his ultra neo super laser cannon.
He saw the evil Vanilla Sakura Cherry-Chan's tower in the distance and he fired.
The tower evaporated, leaving nothing behind save for a frazzled and angry Vanilla Sakura Cherry-Chan and her stupid two timing boyfriend who Jif could plainly see wasn't even that hot.
They stomped off somewhere and Jif went home in his mech.

He told Koko what had happened and she was very happy. She kissed him and they went to an anime convention together and were the envy of everyone there.

The End! ^_^