Showdown in Midgar Gulch

Part Two

So here she was, sitting in a bar in Midgar Gulch, getting quite drunk. She had heard that the spikey haired freakazoid had been headed this way and she intended to find him and make him pay.
"Hey! bar keep! BAAAAAR keeeep!" Tifa yelled drunkenly. "I want another mako whisky I do! And I want it now! C'mon!"
A woman came out of the back with a tray balanced on each hand.
"Please hold on there, be there in two shakes of a Vlakorados' tail!" the woman said hurridly, not even looking to see who was yelling.
Tifa continued to make a ruckus. "Baaaaar keeeep! I'm getting mighty impatient here! Hurry it up! I need a drink dagnabbit!"
"Ok ok! Hold yer britches on." the woman said, hurrying back to the bar. "No need to get yer orthopedic underjohns in a bunch!"
"Why does everyone think I wear orthopedic underwear?!" Tifa thought. "Jus' 'cause someone looks as if they need a little extra support....."

Tifa's thoughts were broken by the bar keep's ridiculessly polite voice.
"Yes? May I assist you ma'am?"
"Hell yeah!" Tifa yelled drunkenly. "Ya can start by gittin' me another mako whisky! That's what!"
Tifa then impatiently slammed slammed 35 gil down on the bar and was almost immediately given her drink.
The bartender, whose name was Shera didn't want any trouble around here. She was already a little suspicious of the dark haired man with the red cloak sitting in the back of the bar. He had ordered a mako sasparilla about three hours ago which he was yet to even take a sip of. He just sat there staring blankly down into the glass and needless to say it was really starting to creep Shera out. She wanted to tell him to leave but she was afraid of trouble. He looked very strange and his left hand wasn't a hand but a creepy, metal claw.
And now, on top of that she had to deal with a drunken, vulgar, derelict with a dangerous looking glove on her right hand. This was just not her day.

Tifa looked around the whole of the bar, she had been doing this every few minutes since she got here, thinking maybe the good for nothing mog turd cheat had slipped in without her noticing.
Being a martial artist she was naturally observent but when she got blitzed she got a little hazy.
Her eyes carefully scanned the bar, searching like a predator stalks it's prey. Her eyes stopped their wandering when they met with the dark figure seated in the shadowy back corner of the Golden Chocobo bar.
"Who in tarnation is that! What a weirdo." she thought.

Suddenly, the dark figure's face shot up and he stared directly at her with odd red eyes.
Tifa immediately rose to her feet. "Hey you!" She said loudly. "What the hell you starin' at weirdo!"
Shera winced. "Not another brawl!" she gasped to herself. "I don't want no trouble."

Tifa walked over to the corner where the strange red cloaked man sat. She didn't like the look in his eyes.
"What the hell you starin' at weirdo? Ain't yer mama ever teach ya' not to stare!" She yelled.
He just looked at her and sipped his mako sasparilla for the first time since he ordered it three hours ago.
Needless to say Shera was mighty surprised and quite scared.
Tifa raised her fist and shook it at him.
"I said, whatcha' starin at weirdo! Answer me or else!" she yelled, her face turning a shade of bright red.
The mysterious man said nothing. He just continued to sip his drink.
This ignorance angered Tifa immensely and she could take no more. She slammed her fist down on the table, cracking it and knocking over the mysterious man's drink.
He then got up an said in an even, monotone voice, "Why did you do that? I did nothing to you....."

As all of this was going down at the Golden Chocobo bar sheriff Cid Highwind had decided to mosey on over and get himself some mako tea. He left deputy Cait Sith in charge of the sherriff's office.
As Cid came closer to the bar he heard a woman drunkenly yelling threats.
"What the $%@# is goin' on in there?!" he said as he walked in.
To his surprise he saw a very nicely stacked and very drunk woman screaming all kinds of threats and obscenities at a man with a red cloak. Turning to Shera he said, "What the jibjabbit %$@# holy *%$#@ ancients is goin' on here!?"
Shera, her face pale, answered, "I rightly don't know Cid! This here girl comes in and starts drinkin' like a fish and goes over to that strange man who done gone and ordered a drink he doesn't touch fer three whole hours and now a brawl is fixin' to commence! I beg ya' to stop it! I ain't lookin' fer no trouble I ain't-"
Cid cut her off. "Stop yer &^*#@ yip yappin' and calm the $*@!#$% down Shera! I'll take care of it!"
He then walked towards the back and said, "Ok now! What the ^@#$@&#! hell is goin' &$%@# on! I'm the sheriff in this here town and I don't want no %@#*% trouble!"

Tifa spun around on her heels and looked him straight in the eye, nearly falling backwards from the affects of way too much mako liquor.
"That there weirdo," Tifa said, pointing at the red cloaked man, "he was starin' at me a might funny! I don't like ta be stared at! I'm gonna fix him I am! Then I'm gonna fix that spikey haired mog turd!"
"And how about you Mr.?" Cid asked the man in red.
"I did nothing......." he answered.
"You two ain't from around here! Why don't ya' both just %^#@ git! And save me the trouble of arrestin' y'all!" Cid said, his temper beginning to flare.
"I ain't fixin' ta' git nowhere 'til I make sure that mog turd ain't here! So you can jus' shut up pig! I ain't a goin'! So you can go ta' hell! And take weirdo here with ya'!" Tifa yelled at the top of her lungs.

No Cid, like most law enforcement personnel did not like being called a pig. He was boiling mad now and ready to explode.
He then said, "Missy, I'm placin' ya' under arrest!"
"What for!?" Tifa yelled, barely able to stand up straight.
"For drunken vagrantism! And insultin' a sheriff! That's what!" Cid replied.
"Well then, what about weirdo here?" Tifa said. "He was a starin' like a psycherpath! He was fixin' ta' start a fight! I swear!"
Cid then turned to Shera. "Whose the real troublemaker Shera? Or is it both?"
Shera then answered, still pale. "Well that there girl was the one that started yellin'. She was yellin' at me too! That there man in red seems a might strange ta' me but he didn't do anythin' really! It was her mostly!"

"Well then." Cid said. "I'll take lil' miss loudmouth off ta' jail ta' cool down. This here guy can go I guess 'cause he ain't done nothin' yet. But you best not start anything or you'll be behind bars as well, hear?"
"Yes." The man in red replied.
"Not the talkative one are ya'?" Said Cid. What's yer name? Jus' so I know."
The man in red then looked up with strange red eyes that nearly startled Cid right out of his cowboy boots and replied subtley, "my name is Vincent Valentine....."
"Well", Cid said, "Don't be no trouble and ya' won't cause none."

Tifa was dragged to the town jail fighting all the way. "I'm gonna fry you up like bacon, pig!" Tifa said, getting ready to cast Fire3.
Thinking qickly, Cid cast Silence on her.
"Damn you pig!" she screamed.
"Jeez...." Cid thought. I wish it worked to silence that #$@%& voice! Heh, if it did I'd use it on that dumbass Shera!"

Cid was still grinning to himself over that thought when they reached the jail. He said a quick howdy to Cait Sith as he came in. Then he quickly pushed Tifa into a cell and locked it up ever quicker.
"There now! Jus' dry up already! The sooner I git you outa my %$@&# town the better!"
"I said I ain't leavin' til I find that mog turd bastard! I got wind he was comin' here!" Tifa yelled.
Cid was perplexed as was Cait Sith. "Mog turd?" they said in unison.

An unoticed figure in a clad in black was listening, his ear to the open window set in the back of the sheriff's office.
"He's here?" The black caped man thought. "So she is after him as well...... perhaps I can use her...."

Part Three