Showdown in Midgar Gulch

Part One

It was a hot, sunny day in Midgar Gulch. The air was thick with the smell of mako. Tifa had just rolled into town that very morning. She was mad. Real mad. Someone had wronged her. Had made her angrier than an Ifrit caught in a hailstorm.
"That spikey haired little freak! I'm gonna take him to final heaven an' back! When I get through with him his own mama ain't gonna recognize him! Tifa said angrily, slamming her drink down on the bar.

She had been at the Midgar Gulch's Golden Chocobo bar since ten A.M. It was near noon now and she had been drinking mako whiskey ever since she had arrived. The events of last night had been probably the worst experiences she had ever had, well the worst since that time she had lost 10,000 gil in that shady huge materia deal but that's another story.
What had happened last night though had riled her up more than a level 4 chocobo hit with L4 suicide. She had been wronged right out of every cent she had by that no good spikey headed varmit with the ridiculess sword. Infact, had she not robbed that innocent looking sap with the pink dress that had been selling flowers by the roadside then she wouldn't even have had the money to pay for her drinks at the bar.
"That varmit's gonna pay!" Tifa said between drinks as she thought back to the events that had left her in such a rage.

It all happened at about seven P.M. Midgar standard time. Tifa was heading to the Chocobo track just like she did five times a week. Now anyone that accused her of being a habitual gambler was prone to get pounded to a pulp by the premium heart, so folks just tried not to talk behind her back about her little "problem". Of course she was also as addicted to mako spirits (and by spirits I mean booze) as the Shinra is to power and gil.

Now at around 6:45 she walked on into the Gold Saucer to bet on the chocobo races. She was just about to check out the line-up when a finger tapped her shoulder.
Turning around quickly, her premium heart shod fist ready (with deathblow materia equipped of course) she snapped, "Jus' whaddaya think yer doin' you mog turd! Huh? Answer me or I'll return ya' to the planet so fast ya' won't realize yer dead an' I sent ya' there fer centuries!".
A short guy with blonde, spikey hair and a sword way too big for him spoke up,"Now wait a minute there darlin' I ain't tryin' nothin' on ya', I see ya' here alot and I thought maybe we could-"
BOOM! Tifa punched him hard.
"Darn deathblow didn't work this time! Dagnabbit! Oh well, Ya' learned yer lesson mog turd? Or do ya' want another round fer' the road? 'Cause I'm riled up an' a' ready to go! And I sure as hell ain't yer darlin, MOG TURD!"

The blonde. spikey haired man used a hi-potion on himself and got up.
"look" he said. "I'm sorry fer scarin' ya' dar- I mean ma'am. I just wanted to make a little deal. A deal that'll make us both alotta gil. Whaddaya say? How bout atleast listenin' Huh? How 'bout it?"

Now Tifa is far from dumb but she was a bit drunk (actually she was plenty blitzed on mako Jack Daniels), and the words "alotta gil" were music to her ears.
Alotta gil eh? Ok mog turd, let's hear it. But I ain'tgot all night so hurry it up!" Tifa snapped.
"Ok, ok", the spikey hared man said. Here's the deal, in the fifth race there's gonna be a chocobo named Dario......"
Yeah, yeah, I'm a listenin'! Now what's the point!" Tifa said impatiently. "I wanna get ta' bettin' and cease the talkin'! So what's the point! Ya' know mog turd, I'm prone to losin' my temper quicker than Kalm Fang in a mog trap so hurry it up!"

"Ok! Jeez!" He said. "Keep your orthopedic underwear on girlie an' let me git to the point! Now this here Dario has been drugged up with a couple a' speed drinks. He'll run faster than the wind I tell ya! Faster than the wind! Now all's ya' gotta do is place all yer money on him finishin' first. I say bet that Teioh will be second 'cause that's most logical. Now I'll place my gil too an' we'll have more gil than we know what to do with! It's a sure fire win I tell ya'! Whaddaya say?"
Now Tifa wanted to make a mint just as much as thenext person and she was totally blitzed. She gave thespikey haired man her gil, all 12,000 of it and the race began. At first it looked like her ship would come in but then Dario fell so far behind even the slowest chocobo in the race seemed lightyears ahead.
The race finished with Teioh in first place and Nancy in second.
Infuriated and ready to tear apart the spikey headed mog turd that convinced her to blow 12,000 gil on this venture she turned around and saw that he was gone.
"Chickenin' out there mog turd?" she said, her face an angry red color.
"Well I'll git you! I swear to the ancients you'll git yours jus' as soon as i find ya'! And believe me, I an't gonna stop searchin' til I do!"

And that's how it all begin........

Part Two