Episode Seven
Zombies Ate My Sanity


*carefully lurks around a corner*

Zombie: "MOAN! GROAAAN!" @_@


*casts fire 3*

Woah! That was a close one!

Frederick: "They've all been close ones..."

Heheh... Well that's what you have to expect when you come to Racoon City!

Frederick: "Then why did we come?" -_-

*looks into the camera, smiling* Because this is the natural habitat of a very special bishounen! ^^

Frederick: "Why did I even bother to ask..."

This bishounen is known for it's fantastic survival abilities! In fact-

Zombie: "AHHHHH!!!!" @_@

Oh, exscuse me! *casts fire 3 again*

Wow... This materia stuff really comes in handy! Glad I umm... "Borrowed" it from Sephiroth. >>

Frederick: "You mean "stole" it from Sephiroth..."

Aww... Stole is such a strong word.

Frederick: "I strongly suggest that we just get out of here. It's very dangerous. You know how I feel about zombies..."

Ok then! We'll just go back to The World and-

Frederick: "NO!" O_O

Haha! Ok! We'll stay here... *looks into the camera again* As I was saying... This lovely and delicious bishounen goes by the name of Leon S. Kennedy! He's a police officer too! So he's more than well equipped to handle his natural predators. Zombies!

Frederick: *muttermutter* "And don't forget you..."

What was that?

Frederick: "Oh nothing!" >>

Ahem! As I was saying then... For a young bishounen, Leon has to face alot of danger in order to survive. Even fresh out of the academy his life is already in jeopardy. The mortality rate of bishounen in this area is very very high. Few survive to be tagged by me... *sniff*

Frederick: "Oh what a sham.e Well let us move on my lady. It's not a very good idea to stand around in one spot for too long becau- AHHHH!!!!"


*suddenly Frederick is dragged into an alley by a horde of ravenouse zombies*


Frederick: "Ahh!" *casts some low level fire magic, scaring the zombies off*

Oh no! *runs to the alley*

Frederick: "I'm o-" *frederick falls into a basement stairwell* *CRASH!*

Frederick! Oh no! Frederick! Is the camera ok? >>

Frederick: "Oh yeah... that's just about the only thing that is..."

Good! Let's move on! Out bishounen's natural habitat is the Racoon City police station!

*Frederick staggers out of the stairwell and also heads towards the station*

Here we are at the Racoon City police station! It's infested with zombies! Here comes one now! Let's talk to him!

Frederick: "Talk to him? Are you insane?!"

I just might be! ^^

Brad Vickers: "AHHH!" @_@

This is Brad Vickers. Former member of STARS! Now a brain devouring zombie! So, Brad... What's it like. Being a zombie and all...

Brad: "AHHH!" @_@


Frederick: "I can't believe this...." -_-;;

*lunge! fall!*

Aww... Darnit! He fell.. Oh well... Let's move on!

Frederick: "Maybe this is the twilight zone?"

Maybe it's.... SPACE MADNESS! @_@

Frederick: "But we're not in space..."

So? What's that got to do with anything? Let's go inside! ^^

Frederick: "I hear gunshots."

That means we'll get to see our subject in survival mode! Yay! ^^ *opens the door*


Wow! Look at him go!

Leon: "Ah...." *turns around aiming his gun at Adrastia and Frederick* "Huh? You guys aren't zombies!"

Nope! We're not!

Leon: "It's so good to see more survivors. I thought everyone was gone..."


"I'm so glad you guys aren't zombies. Although there really aren't any places left to hide. I think I'm the only officer left so we'd better stick together."

Oh I'd love to stick with you... Teehee! ^^

Leon: "Umm..." *sweatdrop* "Hey... Why do you have a camera?"

Oh this? *points to camera* "We're doing a nature show! I go around hunting and tagging bishounen! And you are my next bishounen! ^^

Leon: "I don't think this is the time-"

But there's always time for bishounen! Look at his urgency. His constant need to move forward away from danger! What a survivor! ^^

Leon: "We really should-"

Aww it's ok! C'mere... Lemme tag you! o.o

Leon: "Uhh..."

Frederick: "Before you say anything... She's been like this since we got here. I think all of the bishounen are starting to overwhelm her."

*draws closer to Leon, looking at his custom handgun* My... What a big gun you have...

Leon: "Well... It's standard issue and-"

So...You're a cop right?

Leon: "Yes. And I seem to be the only one left..."

Heehee... So... You ever read Fake? That's about cops... >>

Leon: "Uhhh..." *sweatdrop*

C'mere hottie! *tags Leon's ear*

Leon: "Ah! Ow! What did you do that for?"

So I can keep track of you silly! ^^

Frederick: "I'm getting a migraine..." -_-

*looks into the camera* Isn't he cute with the tag on his ear?

Frederick: "I think she's starting to lose it. I better take her home..."

Leon: "But you can't leave here. There's no safe way out alone."

Frederick: "Trust me... You're alot safer without Adrastia! Well, my lady... Let's go..." *drags Adrastia out of the station with hearts in her eyes*

Aww... But I didn't even get to ask if the S in his name stood for Sexy! Frederick, you meanie!

Frederick: "Why me...." -_-

*back at the station*

Leon: "The hell.... Oh well..." *goes back to shooting zombies*

So concludes Episode Seven