Episode Five The Dark Adonis


We're here in the Netherworld. Where I am the queen and you are all my sl-"

Frederick: "No, no... This is another Netherworld! Remember! You don't rule them all!"

Yet.... >>

Frederick: *sigh*

Anyway... As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted...

Frederick: "I was just pointing out the obvious..."

SILENCE!!!!!! Ahem... Anyway, As I was saying, we're here in the Netherworld tracking down one of the most enticing bishounen ever documented in my exclusive files.

Frederick: "And by "exclusive" she means the tons of droolworthy art on her hardrive..."

It's research material!!!!

Frederick: muttermutteryeah right...muttermutter

I'll ignore that muttering... For now. Anyway, He is named Vyers but he also is called-


Vyers: "They call moi the Dark Adonis!"

Frederick: "Great..."

Vyers: "But of course!"

Frederick: "Kill me..."

With pleasure...

Frederick: " Kidding!!!"

Ahem! *drools at Vyers* So sexy....

Vyers: "I know!" ^_^

Frederick: *sweatdrop*

So, Vyers...

Frederick: "I thought he was referred to as Mid-Boss these days..." >>

Vyers: "Umm... That's only when the Overlord, Laharl is around! Mid-boss sounds so drab and ugly. It's better suited for the likes of well... Ugly unimportant characters."

Frederick: "Unlike you..." -_-;

Vyers: "My my... So good at sarcasm! I... Almost like that... Anyway, as you were saying my lovely madamoiselle."

Oh my... *blush* i'm just so honored to meet you. Whoud you sign my copy of DQ magazine? Autograph your centerfold!" ^_^

Vyers: "But of course!" *gets out a pen and signs, "To my lovely madamoiselle, Adrastia. You'rs truly, The Dark Adonis"*

*squeal of delight* ^_^

Frederick: "DQ? Dairy Queen magazine?"

Vyers: "Ahem! That's Demon's Quarterly! The most prominant magazine in all of the Netherworld! And I've been the centerfold in every issue for the last 300 years you stumble tongued buffoon!"

Frederick: "Grrr..."

Vyers: "What is the purpose of that unmannered hooligan anyway?"

Umm... *scractches head* You know... I kinda forgot... Oh well. May I examine you for the camera?"

Vyers: "There's a camera?! I was so consumed by your unparalled beauty that I didn't even notice..."

Well there is! ^_^

Vyers: "I'm on TV?" *poses in fifty different ways for the camera*

Frederick: "I sure am glad the Ginyu Force isn't Bishounen Hunting material..." -_-;;

Look at his body. It's so lovely! ^_^

"Why thank you, madamoiselle! I do work out you know! ^_^

*takes out a tag* I need to tag you...

Vyers: "I love playing tag! It's so romantic!"

Frederick: "What an idiot..."

*tags Vyers' ear* Tag! You're it!

Vyers: "Ow! You play rough, madamoiselle! Haha!" *chases*

Yay! *runs*

"I'm going to go to accountants school. Yeah... Nice peacefull job.... No Adrastia to drive me insane...."

*suddenly Flonne appears*

Frederick: "Hey... Buy you a Mandrake smoothie?"

Flonne: "Oh wow... You're so nice! I love nice people. Everyone just needs a little love you know. Love love love love love love blah blah blah blah blah...." <3

Frederick: "I must have been really bad in a past life. That's the only explaination..." -_-

So concludes episode five