Episode Ten
Transylvanian Chaos


*smiles into the camera* We're back! And this time we're in beautifull Transylvania! Home of Dracula! o.o

Frederick: "Dracula? Umm... Isn't he a little old for you?"

No no! Not ole' Drac! His son, Alucard! *heart eyes* ^_^

Frederick: "I should have guessed... But hey, while we're there can we see the succubus?


Frederick: "Well if you want to hunt Alucard then I want to hunt the succubus."

Do you also want a job?

Frederick: "Yes..."

THEN NO SUCCUBUS!!! *death glare*

Frederick: "Ok! Ok! You don't have to glare at me like that. One would think you were jealous..." >>


Frederick: "Or not..."

Now our little cutie is probably asleep right now!

Frederick: "How would you know?"

Spy camera! ^^

Frederick: "Of course..." -_-;;

What? It's research!

Frederick: "Sounds more like stalking to me..."

*ignores* Ahem! Anyway, our subject is a rare and reclusive bishie who isn't very social. When dealing with the solitary bishounen we must take precautions to ensure everyone's safety. That is why Frederick here will be going first! ^^

Frederick: "What?! What about my safety?!

What about it?

Frederick: "Well you said that-"

*quickly pushes Frederick through the open gate and follows several feet behind*

Frederick: "It's pretty dark in-"


Frederick: "Ahh! The gate!"

Oh yeah... I forgot to tell you about that... The gate kinda slams shut after you enter... Must be the security system...

Frederick: "Or the hungry monstrosities waiting inside..."

Yeah... could be that too.... Anyway, this here is the temporary dwelling of our lovely, delicious beautifull, hot-

Frederick: "Ok! We get the point! He's hot!"

I'm glad you think so too! ^_~

Frederick: "What?!"


*a horde of bats swoop down*

Frederick: "Ahh! They're in my hair!!!!"

*dives behind a curtain as Frederick fights the bats*

They dead yet?

Frederick: "I... Think... So.... Ugh..."

*tosses Frederick a potion* See how dangerous this is?

Frederick: "Unfortunately yes..."

Ahem! I was talking to the camera! Anyway, let's move on. This is so exciting! ^_^

Frederick: "Yeah... Maybe for you since you aren't going first..."

According to the map I made with my radar camera..."

Frederick: "Radar?"

Yeah. It's the newist thing in hi-tech bishie huntng! All the pros have one. Or six... ^_^

Frederick: "I hate being an accessory to stalking..." -_-;;

Yet you do it anyway! ^^
So, according to the radar map... Alucard's coffin should be-

Frederick: "Coffin? The last time we hunted a bishounen in a coffin I ended up at the bottom of a trecherous flight of stairs. I'm not moving from this spot!"

Fine! Suit yourself! But I'm going into the creepy and dangerous room right here.. I'll just take the camera.. Why should our audience be stuck out here with a coward!

Frederick: "A safe coward!"

Well then my faithfull audience, I guess it's just you and me!

*walks into the room and sees a coffin*
What a lovely coffin! I wonder who's inside... Could it be... Let's find out! ^_^
*knocks on the lid* Hello! It's Bishounen Hunter Adrastia! ^_^

Hmm... No answer... This might take some thought...

*suddenly screams are heard outside* Frederick: "Oh my god! The tenticles! They're everywhere! The thorns!!! AHHHHH!!!!"

What the-

*suddenly the coffin opens*
Alucard: "What's going on out there? I'm trying to sleep."

Al-Al-Al-Alucard! OMG!!!! *glomps him*

Alucard: "Please... Get off of me.

Oh... Sorry. Heheh. I've been dying to meet you... ^^;;

Alucard: "I can't imagine why..."

*meanwhile outside*

Frederick: "Somebody get this crazy Venus Weed off of me!!! It hurts!"

Alucard:*draws his sword and rushes out the door*

Hey! Come back! I haven't even glomped you yet!!!

Frederick: "AHHHH!"

Alucard: "Unhand him you horrid spawn of Dracula!"

Venus Weed: "He started it!"

Frederick: "Did not!" >>

Venus Weed: "He grabbed my-"

*rushes out* Hey! Watch it! We're on TV!

Alucard: "TV?"

Yes! We're doing a nature show! ^^

Venus Weed: "I feel so violated..." *sniff*

Alucard: "I don't have any time for thi-


Alucard: "Why are you attacking me! Get off!"

Frederick: "I swear it was an accident. I kinda fell forward and-"

Alucard: "Get off!"

Not til I tag you!

Frederick: "These thorn wounds really sting.... I feel dizzy..."

You're so hot Alucard... <3

Alucard: "I really don't see why you are so into me..."

Venus Weed: "What about me!!!"

Frederick: "Umm... Sorry... And... Ambulance... Please...."

Anyway Alucard, I need to tag you for identification... *takes out a tag*

Alucard: "What's that? Some sort of relic?"

Relic... Yeah that's riiight... Now smile into the camera while I tag you..."

Alucard: "Umm..."

*Frederick stumbles over to Adrastia mumbling about needing prompt medical attention*

Just lemme see your ear...

Fredrick: "Soo... Dizzy... Bloodloss.... *falls in between Adrastia and Alucard as she's about to tag him*

Oh no! That's the only tag I brought!!!

Frederick: "AHHHH! It hurts!"

Venus Weed: "Serves you right you perv! I hope you know I'm dating a minotaur and when he hears about this..."

Alucard: "I am still not sure what's going on here..."

Frederick: "She tagged me!" <3

Alucard: "Your friend here is delirious. I think I should give him a po-"

Never mind that! *glomps again*

Alucard: "Please stop that! It hurts!"

Let's go for a moonlit stroll!

Alucard: "Actually I'm kind of busy and..."

*pulls with tremendous strength*

Alucard: "Hey! Let me go! You are insane!"

Let's go find Richter! I wanna ask him if he likes you! ^^

Alucard: "WHAT?!"

*meanwhile....back where Frederick is, thunderous footsteps are heard*

Biff the minotaur: "Yo! I heard yous was messin' with my girl! Now I'm gonna pound ya!"

Frederick: "Ahhh! Help!!!" *tries to crawl away but Biff starts pounding*

So concludes episode ten.