It had been an hour since he left the roof.. Joseph had now quit going from room to room, and now simply found himself walking, eyes closed, turning instinctively into halls and opening door without looking inside..
"Why don't you just give up? You haven't gotten anywhere.. you are only going to hurt yourself.." He quickly turned to his left and shot down another hallway..
"You aren't going to find her, just go h-"

"I'm NOT going to abandon her!"

"..Joe?" The elf in question turned sharply to face the source of the voice, staring down Frederick There were thin lines of blood dripping down from his eye's like tears.. His whole figure looked slightly distorted from it's normal posture and form..

"Hey Man,.." Phil stepped out from a door on the other side of the hall.. He and Frederick had been taking a break from looking for Tia, and Joe as well since he had turned up missing in the depths of the castle. He stopped walking when could see the condition his friend seemed to be in, "..Maybe you should take a break..." Phil took a step back when Joseph turned his blood filled eyes towards him, "..You.. don't look so good Bro.."

"B..Break??" Joseph took a staggered step forward, triggering the others to move back about a half step.. "It's.. only been a few hours, and you're.. giving up.. already?"

"A few hours?" Phil looked over to Frederick, who in turn just shook his head in confusion, "It's been a day since I ran into you, Joe.."

It was then Frederick spoke up, "He's right, and you had been missing for three days before Phil arrived..."

"..What?" Joseph collapsed as the fatigue sunk in as quickly as the words did.. "What is wrong with this place...?" With a slow sigh, and even slower movements, he forced himself to sit up, "Frederick, how long has this place been like this?"

"To be honest,.. Though Adrastia had been missing before you arrived, the castle began to change when you arrived.."

"..Me?" Joe fell forward, resting his head against his knee, leaving a small puddle of blood where he still cried red.. "Maybe.. I should give up.." Phil had started to speak up when he continued, "if the castle is doing this in response to my being here, you two might be able to find her if I leave.."

"Joe,.." Phil knelt down beside the deranged elf and placed a hand on his shoulder, "That idea has come to mind for us as well,.. but there doesn't seem to be a way to the exit anymore.." Phil gestured towards the end of the hallway, which, instead of leading to the main hall, like it should, lead to a stair case leading up.

"..I'd expect no less with the fun I've had so far.." Joe paused for a moment, as Phil helped him to his feet, "I have an idea.." He gave a quick nod to Phil before turning and walking back the way he came, "Logic has no meaning here.. So continuing forward is useless.."

"That's not a very good plan bro.."

"I'm aware of that,.." Joe stopped at the edge of the stairs that should lead back to the second floor. He finally wiped the blood from his face, "I didn't find you guys until I quit thinking.." He found himself laughing at that, but continued regardless, "Don't think, don't trust your eyes,.. thinking is useless... Just go with it.."

Episode Five