Missing - Episode One -

It was midnight when Joseph could first see the shadowy outline of Adrastia's castle through the deadwood forest of the.. yup, the dead. It's doubtful that it should be mentioned, as could easily be guessed with his luck, it was storming as well.
It wasn't much longer before Joe found himself at the castle's open gateway, Frederick pacing back and forth through the opening, there was a sense of worried aggravation in the air.. Sort of like when you've done something stupid, and you're waiting for the consequences to occur.

"Did you see her Joe?"

Joe simply shook his head as he stepped out of the rain, "She's still here.." He sighed, wiping the rain from his face as he made his way into the old castle, "You knew she was still here.. Why didn't you just tell me she got herself lost again?"

"Well that's just it."

"What?" As soon as they both had entered the main hall of the castle, the doors slammed shut behind them... But that wasn't the weird part, anyone who has been the castle should expect that. One can sense when a Vampire is around, it can be taught, and you develop is naturally when aroudn them enough.. They could both sense her somewhere in the halls of the castle, but what Joe quickly noticed was that she seemed to be in every room of the castle.
He quickly looked back over his shoulder at Frederick, "Just how long has she been missing..?"

"Actually.. since the day you took that vaction."

"Three weeks?" Joe just sighed again and walked to the right, going up to the first door in the room.. "Come on Miss Tia.. How can you get lost in your own home??" With a quick turn of the nob, he stuck his head into the near void of a room..
"..Nothing here.. Hey Frederick, you check the other side of the Castle, it'll go faster that way.."
When he turned after shutting the door, he found himself on the second floor of the castle.

"..?" It took him a second to get his bearings, he couldn't remember the castle doing anything like that before.. Never-the-less, he quickly continued his search of the castle. There wasn't much time to waste if he was going to get warped around at each door. "Much time to waste?" He stopped as he gripped the handle of the next door, considering those unspoken words. "Is it really such a bad thing? This place is so quiet.. It's almost.. nice.. Heh.."

Something slammed against the door from the other side, causing him to jump back a few steps and reach for the Bloodlust, which he suddenly realized, wasn't on him.. It slammed against the door again, before quieting down..
Going against his better judgement, he slowly gribbed the door handle, and pushed the door open.. And there, sitting on the wall.. yes, the wall. was Merge. The poor guy's eyes were bloodshot, and he was breathing heavily like he had just been running for his life. Joe couldn't help but wonder if it was Merge that had just slammed against the wall.. "Merge?"

"This guy are sick."


"This guy are sick." Without warning, he flew from the wall towards Joe, who barely got the door shut before Merge hit full force where the elf had once been standing. The door shook several more times before quieting down again..
Joe found himself sitting on the ground, getting colder by the second.. Not because of the house, but because he was sitting on his still soaked coat.. Now, fully aggravated, (and soaked), Joe rose to his feet and walked back to the door, pulling from the inside of his coat, The Doombringer. What is the Doombringer you ask? A shotgun, a high-powered, custom made, diamond loaded, shotgun.

He leaned against the door, readying the shotgun, "Now Merge, I'm going to ask you to not do that again.." He took a step back and pushed the door open with his foot, Merge was again sitting on the wall. "Have you seen Tia..?"

"I am the truth...."

"..Have you seen Tia..?" Joe took a step forward, which caused a violent reaction with Merge, who's head twisted out of any humanly possible position so that he could stare at Joe, who in turned stopped moving, "What.. the hell..?"

"I am the Bull-God..."

"I swear to God.." Joe cocked the shotgun as Merge began to stand up on the wall, "Just answer the damn question!"

"This guy are sick.." And with that Joe's disfigured comrade launched himself from the wall.. With one quick motion, Joe hoped back, a half step and with the pull of the trigger sent his 'friend' flying back against the wall..
After taking a second to collect himself, Joe got up and put the gun away, then shut the door back. "I would ask what in the Hell that was about.." He paused as he realized he was now back on the first floor of the castle, "but it wouldn't do any good anyways."

Episode Two