Little Green Walking Joe

Adrastia sat at her desk, tapping her pencil against it's wooden top.
"It's Joe's birthday, Frederick. And I don't know what kind of story I should write him. I've been sitting here for hours and I haven't gotten a single idea!"

"Well, Frederick said. "Why not just start writing and see what comes out?"

Adrastia nodded as she got up. She reached up on a high shelf, searching for her notebook. But instead she grabbed "The Magic Book".
An old birthday gift she had never used, "The Magic Book" would make any story written in it become real.
And of course any real person that you wrote about would end up trapped inside of the story until the book was dispelled.
Needless to say, poor Joe...

"Weird looking book," Adrastia said, opening it. "Oh well... A notebook's a notebook. I'll just get started. Lemme see..."

Once upon a time...

"Yeah, that's good... I'll start with that!'

Once upon a time there was a boy named Joe.

Frederick, who was leaning over her shoulder asked, "Then what?"

"Umm... well... "
And she then just started copying the first story that popped into her mind.

Meanwhile, Joe was reading "The End Of Time".
Suddenly a huge warp gate opened up, sucking him into a black void. And when he reappeared again well... He was in yet another black void.
"What the hell! Tia? Did you do this!??
Back in reality...

"Hey, Frederick? Did you hear something? Sounded like Joe... "

"Nope," Frederick answered, shaking his head. "I didn't hear a thing."

Ok then. Back to the story...

He lived in the forest

"No... No... That's too typical."

He lived in a creepy, haunted forest of doom!

Suddenly, the void around Joe changed. And guess what it changed into? If you said creepy forest of doom... You are right!

"Oh joy...," Joe said. "Yep... It's Tia alright..."

Every day he would put on his cute little red cloak and carry a basket of goodies to his sick grandmother...

"Aren't you afraid of copyright infringement? Frederick said. "I mean... I think this story has sorta been written already and-"

"Oh alright! I'll change it! Jeez... There's just no pleasing some people..."

every day he's put on his green cloak and carry a bag of goodies to..

Adrastia was at a loss. "Umm... Help me out here, Frederick..."

"Drakarn!" Frederick yelled. "Heh... Sorry... It was the first thing that popped into my head."

In the book world...

Joe suddenly found himself dressed in a green robe, carrying a bag of goodies that he had the sudden urge to deliver to a very much under the weather demon named Drakarn.

"Damn you, Tia!"

He walked on through the creepy haunted forest, passed trees that threw apples and flying monkeys and all of the other junk that Adrastia had thrown in as filler material.

"Great," Joe said. "I swear, Tia... If I end up in hell again..." -_-


"Hurry up!," Fredeick nagged. I'm dying to hear the rest. Although I have the oddest feeling..."

"You feel it too?" Adrastia asked. "It's almost as if he's really in the story... Oh well... Just our imaginations."

He came to a fork in the road. One direction led into a happy sun filled meadow. he other however, led deeper into the darkest part of the forest. Deeper and deeper as if it led right into the bowels of hell!!! He wasn't sure which path he should take..."

And in the book world...

"Oh please let her pick the meadow..."

And he peered into the darker part of the forest, hearing screams.

"She better pick that meadow!"

Suddenly Joe remembered that Drakarn lived in the darkest, creepyest most evil part of the forest! And that's where he headed off to. Singing La la la dee da!

And in the book world...

Joe felt pulled into the more evil direction, suddenly feeling the urge to sing.
"La la la dee da!" -_-

"I'll get you for this, Tia!!! If I survive!"

Adrastia put her pencil down suddenly. "I'm thirsy. I'm gonna go get a drink...."

"Ok, I'll come too," Frederick said. And they both were off, leaving the book by the open window.

Suddenly... A huge gust of wind came crashing in, flipping the pages of "The Magic Book"

So of course in the book world...

"AHHH!!!" Joe screamed as he was blown straight down the path at speeds of mach 30.

Thorns and branches tore at his cloack and of course his hair was all messed up. When he finally landed he found himself at the edge of another void.

"What the hell is going on here!" Joe yelled, dusting himself off. "I swear, Tia...

He walked slowly over to the edge of the void, touching it. He felt a small static shock as his fingers disappeared into the darkness. When he pulled them back he wwas relieved to see that they were still whole.

"Something weird is definitely going on here and it has Tia written all over it! As soon as I'm out of here I'm buying a can of pink paint and..."

"Well that was refreshing," Adrastia said to Federick as she entered her room and sat back down at her desk.
Just then she accidentally spilled a jar of ink onto "The Magic Book".

"Oh crud!"

"I'll go get a towel," Frederick said, going into the bathroom.

So natuarally, in the book world...

"AHHH!!!" Joe was yelling, running from a black tidal wave.
"Dammit, Tia!!!"

He had no choice but to run into the void, accidenatly dropping his bag of goodies in the process.

"Oh crap! My stuff!"

And he was then consumed by the void, surrounded by nothingness.

"If I ever get out of here..."

As Frederick finished cleaning up the ink he thought he heard that sound again. "My lady... I swear I heard Joe..."

"Is he here?"

Frederick shrugged. "I'll go check.

Adrastia kept writing on the next page, unaware that she had magicaly pulled poor Joe into her twisted story.

Joe suddenly found himself in a meadow. A horrible, terribly evil meadow of doom. And there was a path...

In the book world...

"Hey! A path appeared," Joe said. But I'm kina afraid to even bother... Don't want to be consumed by another black wave of doom... Tia..."

Joe walked slowly down the path anyway. He was oddly upset that he had lost his goodies.

"Hey...," Adrastia said to herself. "I Suddenly I feel that Joe has no goodies for Drakarn... Oh well..."

Just then Frederick walked in to announce that Joe was not in the castle.

"Hmm...," Adrastia mused. "Must be our imaginations. Back to the story!"

"As he walked down the path to Drakarn's house he picked some daisies for the sick demon.

And in the book world...

Joe started to pick daisies.

"These will help make him feel-"

Suddenly Joe realised.

"Hey! What the hell! Why am I picking flowers for Drakarn! That's it!"

Joe threw down the daisies and went to Drakarn's front door. He could hear demonic coughs and sneezes coming from inside.

"That's odd...", Adrastia said. "I feel like I'm losing control here.... Better keep writing anyway..."

Joe knocked on the door but there was no answer. Trying the knob he found it open. "Drakarn!" He said. You are so sick! And my... What big teeth you have..."

And poor Joe in the book world...

"All the better to send you to hell with!!!" Drakarn laughed.

"Oh great...," Joe said. "Do I even have a choice...."

Drakarn laughed. "Well if you had some daisies or a bag of goodies I might spare you. But as I can see... You're hands are empty! So too bad!"

And Drakarn opened a portal to hell....

In the real world...

"I'm so tired...," Adrastia yawned. Think I'll finish this tomorrow..."

And as she closed the notebook...

"Hey!" Frederick said. Umm... Look!"

Adrastia read the title that was goldleafed on the front cover. "The Magic Book"...


"Isn't that..."

"Yep... That birthday present I was saving for the next time Merge pisses me off..."

"And now wouldn't Joe be trapped inside with Drakarn...," Frederick asked nervously. "No wonder we thought we heard his voice..."

"Ummm... Think I'll go to bed now... Heheh... I'll deal with this tomorrow..."

And in the book world...

Poor Joe was once again trapped in hell. Forced to play Candy Land with Drakarn.

"Tia!!! I'll get you for this!"

"Shut up, elfy!" Drakarn yelled. "It's your turn to pick a card!"

