
Adrastia looked around and surveyed the area.
"Hmm.... It's rather hot and well... Industrial." she mused.

Nightshade rolled his eyes. "That's all you can come up with?"

"Well, Drakarn is a demon... Hell's Dragon, infact."

"So we are in hell then!" Joe cried. "Nice going..."

"Now is certainly not the time to play the blame game here!" The sorceress spat. "And I'm not only saying that because in a way... Yeah, it is basicaly my fault..."

Nightshade was about to say something when a heavy, unseen force threw them both back against the wall.

"Hey, the Bloodlust!" Joe cried as it was torn from his hands. It was thrown along with Adrastia's sword, several feet away from an iron gate that began to close them both in.

Finally the force seemed to disappear, leaving them in a small room closed off by the gate. There were many different types of weapons hung upon the smooth stone walls.

"What's this...?" Adrastia wondered aloud.

Before Nightshade could answer there was a loud bang followed by a deafening roar. The walls shook from the sound.
A huge dragon-man aproached the gate. He was weilding a battle axe.

"That must be Drakarn!" Nighshade exclaimed, wishing that he still had his weapon.

Drakarn rested his axe on the floor and laughed coldly. "You disturbed my rest... Foolish... How you found this place was even more foolish."

"And why is that?!" Adrastia asked. She was beginning to loose her patience already. "I came here for the Ring of Selene! Not to hear you insult me!"

"Carefull," Nightshade wasrned the sorceress. "You'll just make him even angrier."

"Who cares!" Adrastia yelled. "Let us out of here, demon!"

"Hahaha!" Drakarn laughed. "Vampires are so difficult to deal with. I feel sorry for you, elf-boy."

"I am not difficult! I'm just mad!" Adrastia snapped.

"Whatever you say, blood-fiend..." Drakarn replied. "But tell me, parasite... I sense that it's your fault that you and the pointy eared wonder there have become trapped in my little corner of hell. However, there is a way out. Unfortunately you are not likely to succeed in attaining that goal..."

"Tell us!" Nightshade demanded. "I don't intend to spend eternity down here!"

"Heheh... To tell you the truth, I wouldn't want to spend eternity with her either," The demon laughed, pointing to the angry vampire.

"Well, that's not what I meant, really...," The green haired elf replied. "But now that you mention it..."

"Enough!" Adrastia screamed. "Just tell us what to do already!"

"You must defeat me in a battle," Drakarn answered. "Hell, if you win I'll even throw in the Ring of Selene for free! But... As I said before, success is not likely. Very few have ever beat me. And many that have lost were stronger than the both of you combined."

"Boy, you really like to brag, don't you, Drakarn?" Adrastia said spitefully. "Well, we accept your challenge!"

"It does seem to be the only way out...," Nighshade replied. "But you took away our weapons. Do you expect us to use the ones hanging on these walls?"

"You catch on quickly, boy," The demon said. "And you won't be able to use magic. It's not part of the rules... Too bad for the sorceress! I hope she's good at real combat!"

Oh I'm very strond!" Adrastia sais acidicly. Teheh... You'll see."

"Oh, I'll see you," Drakarn replied in a similar tone. "In hell... For eternity! Now choose your weapons. Wisely."

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