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The Storypage Bookshelf

WELCOME to the free-to-download "Shakespeare Muse" bookshelf!

Our current featured Australian novelist, Laurence Ward, is widely travelled with two degrees. In 1989 he became the first foreign educator invited to lecture in post-revolutionary Iran. His other, and greatly loved, occupation is writing great stories.

By clicking on the brand new titles opposite, you can instantly access the full text of each of his most recent novels.

After The Comet" tells the story of a world plunged into mediaeval chaos when the tail of a comet brushes through Earth's upper atmosphere."Grease For The Mill" challenges you with a gripping vision of the future where a small and rich world elite rule from behind the walls of a fortress like city."The Solitary Cleric" throws a resolute former priest into the turmoil of Iran and challenges him with the mystery of a disappearing woman."The Greenhouse Burning" chronicles the dramatic adventures of a man challenged by chaos in a baking world."Insanitary" is a collection of insanely imaginative and quirky children's stories for 10-12 year olds.

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The Greenhouse Burning (Adv.Novel)

Grease For The Mill (Sci.Fi.Novel)

Insanitary (Children's Stories)

The Solitary Cleric (Adventure Novel)

After The Comet (Sc.Fi.Novel)

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