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I'll be there for you!!

SPECIAL thanks to Susie_Q2

for helping me with getting the code

to play my music! I owe you one girlie!

UPDATED...July 22, 2002:

New Pics added and new pics on page 7 added.

Meet My Friends...

These pages are going to feature the friends I have made while online. Some of these people I already knew before "chat". These pages might take awhile to complete, depending on how fast they get their pictures to me...hint..hint..also..for some I used other kinds of pictures..for reasons of their own they didn't want their own pictures used..and I respected that.

They won't be in any particular order.If you dont see your pic on here...thats because I need you to send it!!!!

Fast_talker70(my hubby)

Well friends page wouldn't be complete without my hubby's pic on there...we have been going through some rough times recently..however no matter what happens to our marriage will always consider him my friend!


has recently gotten to know this man alot better...and I'm so glad to have him as my friend! He is the sweetest,loyalist, funniest,charming man you could ever meet!

Thanks for being there for me babe...thanks for always listening to me and my problems...and thanks for being YOU! No matter what happens in our lives, I hope you will always know that you are a VERY special man to me..and will always hold a place in my heart! Will always love you sweetie! (from "Dimps" )

Dr. Sonic

I have known him for about 6 yrs...he is also very special to me! Hopes he will remain my best friend forever!

Always knows what I need..and always willing to give it..whether its advice...put in my place..or whatever.

Will always hold a special place in my heart...loves ya babe..thanks for being there for me! is another one of my best online friends! He's a great person, and I am so glad that we have became such good friends! Still kicking myself in the ass for backing down a few months ago! *winks* Smacks ya rough....mwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh Loves you!

Justa_behavin...My real life best friend. Has known her for about 14 yrs now. We have so much fun together..and so much in common...both our hubbies are Poo-Poo Heads!!! Wishes we lived closer...she is about 180miles from me...sighs! Loves you Girlie!!!

Sassy_n_blonde27...My other real life best friend! Has been best friends with her ever since we was about 15yrs old. (WOW..long time!)Can tell her anything and know that she will understand. If I ever need anything knows she will be there no matter what! Is so glad she is in my life...I love you sis! Pssst...thats my foot you see in the pic...LMAO!

Gameboy...aka Da Bruiser...LOL here is da Bad BOY wannabe...LMAO whose lots of fun...and sweet too even if he hates me saying that...(Pffft...SHUP BOY! :P ) Next time its HIS ass that is gonna be getting SOAKED!!! Just hopes he doesn't bruise easy too! LMAO!!! Psst...he's also sexy...but shhhh gets into trouble when I say that...LOL! is another very sexy man...who is also a sweetheart and wow..ummm keeps that to myself *wink*...has recently gotten to to know him more..and really likes what i have seen! LOL... Luvs ya Bendy!

Getin_Whereyou_fitin(Pissy)....WOW isnt he all kinds of sexy!!!! This guy has got to be one of the sweetest men I have met in chat in a long time! Hope's to get to know him better real soon....we really need to work on our timing...LMAO! :P here is another sexy man! And he lives real close to me :O! Smiles...he is a very sweet man...who I hope to get to talk to more often and get to know better. Lixxxx ya all over One :X

Mah is one of the funniest ladies I have met in awhile...she always has me cracking up! However you all need to keep a close eye on her around Remotes...LMFAO! I just recently got drunk with her in chat..and was told that I moaned for her in voice chat...LMFAO doesn't remember this..but am sure noone that heard it will EVA let me forget they remember it!

Xtra....isn't she just gorgeous? She is another new friend that makes me laugh....she's such a sweetheart! Luvs ya girlie!

Rebby...such a sweet and funny chic...whose is also another smartass like me...likes that she doesnt take no crap! Hugs ya girlie...


Has been thru alot with this man..he's a Great friend!

I wish him the best of luck in everything he does..he will always hold a special place in my heart too...

Lixxxx...WOW what a sexy voice this man has! He's another one that I have just recently met. We had some misunderstandings in the beginning but am glad we have cleared them up! Hugssss ya Eric.

BBB and is two great peeps....they met online and are now happily married..and I'm so happy for them! We haven't always seen eye to eye but am glad that we could remain friends and not let something as silly as the "Raven" incidence come between us! Hugs ya both....glad ya made it!


This is my thing she ever did was to get rid of my brother!

She has been a great friend..and has been thru hell..dont know how she always manages to get thru whatever life throws at her..but she inspires me to do the same..thanks sis...loves ya!

Loader~aka~Gina's Sweetie

I don't know him too well..but he seems to make Gina happy..and that is what counts!

Thanks for being there for her..and treating her like she deserves!


What a Great Friend! He's the first one on here that I had a chance to meet..and am glad I did!

Will be forever grateful to him for fixing my piece of junk computer! Always makes me smile...thanks hun..hugs ya tight!


Oh my..what can I say about this guy? He's funny as hell..yet..sometimes Extremely Gross!

Despite loving to shock people..he has a good heart..whether he chooses to show it to everyone or not! He is someone that I can always count on to be there when I need him, and I will always consider him a great friend! He might irritate ya..but if you need a friend...he will be there..and thats what counts..loves ya & hugs ya Chris


This is a guy that I have recently also gotten to know better...he's hilarious...a great singer...and sometimes can be very moody..but loves him anyway!

He isnt too fond of all the hugs we give him..but still hugs him anyway! LOL sis!

She is a terrific friend..always been there for me...she's kept me grounded in reality..thanks sis...loves ya!


I don't know her as well as I would like to..but she always makes me laugh...thanks Dak


Woohooo my "fuk" sister (reference to a couple of our chat names)...lmfao...she always makes me crack up...she is a great friend..and knows how to have fun!

Loves roaming yahoo with her in our "naughty" names...hugs ya sis

Ak_mom~aka~Slurpping mom

My little North Pole don't know her as well as I would like..but she seems to enjoy life..and is fun to be in chat with..hugs ya mom

Gigs & Britt

Has just started to get to know gigs better...she is a great person..and seems to be a good friend..hugs gigs

SOBBY...he's an old friend..who I haven't had the opportunity to chat with too much lately, but hopes that changes! He's also a very loyal friend! Hugs ya Sobby!


Doesn't come into chat as often as she used to..kinda lost touch...but still considers her a good friend to know..and she's funny as hell too.


Such a sweetie...always making everyone feel better..takes the time to get to know someone..and makes them feel welcomed...loves ya bro..hugs


Wow what a sweetie..and very cute haven't seen him in chat much lately..but he's very kind..and seems to be the kind of friend that everyone wishes they have...hugs ya hottie!


Funny as hell..she is a good person to get to know...makes me laugh alot! Is glad to be able to call her my friend!


Has also just gotten to know him more..he's a sweetie..hopes he gets everything he wants in life...hugs ya!

Hells_spawn_of_fire & his wife LittleDarling_24

This is a guy that I have just recently gotten to know better....he always knows just what to call me to make me melt..(luvs to be called "darlin"! LMAO)hugs ya ....Just met his don't know much about her, she seems very sweet though, I don't think she chats very much either!


Here is a great guy...he always knows how to make me laugh! Loves to hear him say WOOOHOOO in voice chat!

Him and his wife (eyesinyourdreams_f) are two great people that will enrich your life if ya get to know them...hugs ya both tight!

Road Block!!!!!!

UPDATED Febuary 4, 2002: I have added some new friends to this page..and some more on the next!

Well I hit a road block! Don't have anyone else's pictures to put up yet...or I have them, just don't have permission to use them! So get those pictures to me ASAP!!!!!! Yes, I'm talking to you!!!! (well as long as I know ya...lmfao!)


Come on people...I need those the meantime visit these great sites...Special Thanks for the graphics provided for my pages...(Sorry I'm blonde and can't remember exactly whose graphics belongs to who, but they are all great sites..and do wonderful work!!!!)

Dreamy's Graphics

Wizard of Draws

HippieLady's Graphics

Julie's Homegrown Graphics

Im Watching YOU!!!!!

I don't see you opening your email and sending me those pictures...what do I have to do to get ya to do it? Come on...ya know ya wanna be forever remembered on these pages..and ya know ya wanna show yourself just do me those pictures...

Click on the picture below to go to my special poems page!

NEW..just got a few friends on there..send me those pics!!!!

Special thanks for the graphics I have used on my pages to the following sites:


Wizard of Draws

Julie's Homegrown Graphics

Please be sure to follow my links above and visit their sites!

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