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SweetSassy2 & Friends!!!!!

God bless the USA!!
SPECIAL thanks to Susie_Q2 for helping me with getting the code to play my music!

I owe you one girlie!

picture of me taken on Valentines Day!

With the recent events of the world I wanted to redo my first page to reflect on how I felt about my country! I am very proud to be an American! The attacks in New York, W. Virginia, Pennsylvania are unbelievable!

My deepest sympathy goes out to the families and friends of those people who were either killed or lost. No words can possibly help at this time, but I hope that by the rest of us showing our support of you and our Gov't that it will at least make you feel a little better!

My hope is that we will all learn from this tragedy in some way! Let's not take for granted all the things we get when we are American's.

I also hope that people all over the world will not react to this violence with more violence of their own! This great country is full of every kind of religion and nationality, that is what makes it so don't belittle that by using these times to express prejudice!

Please support your local Red Cross Organization and/or your local disaster refief programs!

On the next few pages you will get a chance to meet me and my family/friends. I hope that you enjoy all the work that I have put into this...and I hope you will check back often, as I am continuing to update this!

Another recent picture of me

There are links listed on the bottom of this page also if you don't want to click on the links image!

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