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Random Pics of me and friends......

This page will have just random pics of me and my friends/family...sit back and enjoy!
Girls Night Out...WOOOOOHOOOOO!

WOOHOOO what a bunch of HOTTIES! Joe..Nikko..Tommy and Dante...Missy and Me!

Joe..woohoo (glad I have his number too!)


OMG..glad I have his phone number...woooohooooo!


Me n Missy getting trashed

Mike and Me

Missy not wanting to get her pic taken!

Me after getting trashed!

My Trip to Mt. Pleasant 2-28-03

Here are some pics I took at the bar during my trip last weekend up to visit my best friend Pam. OMG we had a blast!

Ken and Pam

Nick (my protector!)
Pam and Ken again

Nick cant believe what he heard LMAO

Da Staredown!

To explain those pics...there was this huge fat guy that thought I pinched his ass when I bumped him with my elbow..
and Nick was ready to kick some ass for him thinking that I would actually pinch anything on his repulsive body..LMFAO!

Ken telling Nick to CHILL!


Ken wanting me to stop with the pics!
Pam my best friend
Nick again
Me getting drunk
Pam & Ken

Pam's house..........

Here are some pics taken at Pam's house during my visit up there...

Ken and Brooke

Brooke n Ken

Kylie and Pam

Pam & Kylie

My next trip to Mt. Pleasant.......3-7-03

Emma and Bailey (Nick's son)

Pam & daughter Kylie


Pam & daughter Brooke

Nick threatening to give my daughter Haley a swirly!


Nick & Me!

Nick again

Nick, Bailey(his son) and my daughter Haley

Haley and Kylie

Nick flipping me da bird!

Bailey (isnt he a cutie!)

Nick and Bailey chillin out watching TV

Nick playing cards

Nick getting his ass kicked playing cards!

Pammie Sue

My son Drew
Emma & Bailey helping out

What kind of look is this??? LMAO!

Dreamy's Graphics | Wizard of Draws | HippieLadies free Backgrounds

Laci | Laci's Memorial Page | Julie's Homegrown Graphics

Fast_talker70 | My Kids | My page dedicated to Laci

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Friends Page2!! | St.Louis Chat Party!! | St.Louis Chat Party Page2!!

Family Pics Page!!| 2nd Family Pics Page

3rd Family Pics page| 4th Family Pics Page|Warren Dunes Trip

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