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Original story by MG-Dinobot


Raven:  Mark this word; it's probably one of the few correctly spelled in the whole story.

>>In the Maximals base

Bill: No one can hear you scream.
Tom: A new record, Bill.  The first line of the story, and you're already being dark.

>>All is calm,
Princess (singing):  All is bright...

>>we cant hear Dinobot and Rattrap insult each others.

Tom: Each other's what?
Bill: We can only wonder.

>>Optimus: Why!
Princess: Because I'm a Princess, and I said so!

>>I was suppose to asking us for help, not sacrifice himselt.

Tom:  My.  that sentence actually made sense. Mostly.
Princess:  We'd better break out some joints, then.

>>Rattrap: HaaaH Sheesss, first Rhinox death

Raven: I'm picturing Rhinox in a long black robe with a scythe now.
Bill:  I always knew you were kinky.
Raven:  Bite me.
Bill:  (Bites her) Well, you said it, not me.
(Raven fumes)

>>because of Terantulas and now Dinobot is death.

Tom (Grandpa Simpson):  Deeeeeath!
Princess:  No, that's Dinobot!
Tom:  Right.  Deeeeeath!
Raven: No, that's Rhinox!

>>Who's gonna be next?

Raven (waving hand) Ooh, ooh, mee!
Bill:  (also waving hand) No me, me!  Pick me!
Princess:  Goths…

>>I dont have the intention to loose anymore friend.

Tom:  He likes his friends tight!
Princess: (giggling) Tom!
Bill:  Who wouldn't?
Raven:  Bill!

>>In the Predacons base

Princess and Raven (singing) Our base, in the middle of our street!

>>Megatron: EXCELLENT!!!!

Bill: Sweeeet!
Tom:  Dude!
Princess:  Whoah...
Raven:  Kick ass!

>>Now, the Maximal are only 4!

Raven:  They'll be five in a few months.  Primal’s going to decorate the Axalon with 'Bratty Little Kids tm' decorations!

>>And without Terantulas,

Bill:  We've started having major pest control issues.
Raven (Waspinator) Waaaaaazzzzzpinator not pezzzzzt!

>>we are 6, hahahahaha.....

Princess: I'm six years old today!
Raven: Someone's been watching Sesame Street.
Princess:  I have a four year old.  What's your excuse, girl?
Raven grumbles

>>This time Optimus Primal, I have the advantage.  BECAUSE WE ARE 6!!!!!!

Bill:  And I have six exclamation points to prove it!

>>Suddetly a voice interumpt Megatron.

Princess: Just what is 'interumpting'?
(Tom only grins)

>>"?": No your not, now you are 8.

Bill:  We are sixty-
Raven: NO.

>>Megatron: WHAT!!!!!! SCORPONOK!!!!! TERRORSAUR!!!!!!!!YOU IN LIVE!!!!!!!

Tom:  They joined a band?
Raven:  Their presence can only improve it.

>>Terrorsaur: Yes we are! The allien blast

Raven:  It’s an allien blast of savings at Menard’s!

>>had protected us against the lave but our sparks was badly damage
Tom: But not the Thompson Twins, or the Psychedelic Furs.
Princess: I think we will be the only four who will get that one, Tom.
Bill: Eighties bands that went nowhere, next on VH-1.

>>but now our sparks is restore and WE CAN FIGHT TOGETER AGAINT THE MAXIMALS!!!!

Raven:  (Predacons) Yay!  Go us!

>>Megatron: Yessss...Excellent! Now the Maximals are in realy bad troublr. Hahahahaha...

Bill:  Here's how to write dialogue for Megatron—‘Yesss...excellent...yessss...'
Tom:  That sounds like he's--
Raven and Princess:  NO.

>>Scorponok: Megatron, why our body structure have changed?

>>Megatron: The allien blast

Tom: Tim Allien?
Bill:  More Power!  Arr arr...

>>have created a king of energy

Raven (Jim Morrison): I am the Energy King!
Bill and Tom (singing): I was hoping that you could end this synergy/But I'll always be known as the King of Energy...
Princess: Umm.  That is quite a stretch, even for you.

>>and our body is able to absorb it.

Bill (Borg): We are Borg.  Our body has absorbed the energy.  Resistance is futile.

(Princess and Tom edge away from him)

>>Terrorsaur: And I'm stronger than ever and no one can stop me. TERRORSAUR TERRORIZE!!!!!!!!

Tom: I think that whole sentence not only made sense, but was properly spelled!
All:  Ooooh.

>>Terrorsaur transform and fire at Megatron with his new mega-missiles. >>Megatron his hurt and fall.

Tom:  Err, what?
Princess:  I knew it couldn't last...

>>Megatron: ha! You will pay that tratory,

Raven: (Megatron) Under the counter.  I'm not suspposed to be hiring illegals, yesss.

>>Scorponok, Inferno blast him!

>>Inferno: As your command, INFERNO TERRORIZE!!!!!!!

Princess: I thought he was talking to Megatron?

>>Scorponok: SCORPONOK TERRORIZE!!!!!!! I shall not destroy Terrorsaur, now that I'm stronger, I want to lead the Predacons with Terrorsaur.

Bill: That's another sentence that actually made sense.

>>Megatron: WHAT!?

Raven: Where?  How?  Who?  When?

>>Scoponok fire at inferno, take Terrorsaur and get out of the base.

Tom:  All your Predacon base are belong to us.

>>Megatron: HAAAAAAA!!! They will PAY! Rampage, Inferno and Waspinator, I want those traitor found and destroy NOW!

Princess:  You can't destroy 'now'!  We'd all cease to exist!
Tom:  Now who's being dark, darling?

>>Rampage, Inferno and Waspinator go outside the base and serch for them but they not found them.

Bill: (Rampage) Fuck, I hate it when I drop my car keys!

>>Maximals base

Princess: Also belong to us.

>>Optimus: Cheetor, Silverboalt and I will fly those ground for found some stases pods or BLAST some Preds,

Raven:  Sure, whatever you say, Op.
Bill:  What did he say, anyway?
Raven: I was hoping one of you would know!

>>and you Rattrap,

Bill:  Will get on your knees and--
Tom:  NO.
Bill:  I was going to say 'scrub the floor'!

>>stay at the base.

>>New Terrorsaur and Scorponok lair

Tom:  I was thinking of eating there the other night, but it didn't look like veggie burgers are on the menu.

>>Scorponok: EXCELLENT! We maybe have a chance to take the control

Raven:  Of the plane, but it crashed in the Andes and we had to eat each other, the end.
(Everyone edges away from Raven)

>>of the Predacons cause our body is stronger but Megatron have Inferno and that MEGA-robot Rampage with him.

Bill:  Everyone has issues.

>>Terrorsaur: Mmmm....Ya, but before I've telled to Megs that we are back, I've checked Megatron

Princess:  He needs an oil change.

>>personnal agenda and it say

Tom:  That he has a hair appointment on Thursday and--ooh, look!  He has a date with Optimus Primal!
All:  Saaaay...

>>that he can control Ravage power
Raven:  (Sailor Moon) Moon Ravage Powers!

>>because he have his spark. If we stole the spark to Megatron

Princess:  I might be wrong, but if one is stealing something, shouldn't that be 'from' rather than 'to'?  Ohhh, headache...
Tom (kisses her): It hurts less if you don't think about it.

>>and if we have Rampage under our control, we have a GREAT

Bill:  Chance for a slash fic?

>>chance to rule the PREDACONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bill:  Oh.


>>but now our sparks is restore and WE CAN FIGHT TOGETER AGAINT THE MAXIMALS!!!!

Get me out of here...