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Taken from the nautical institute's MARS reports (collected by Captain Beedel)- after asking permission from Julian Parker / June Miller - Publication Sales Manager. (See her message below)

This report concerns a series of VHF transmissions which were monitored over a period of three days. A vessel was transmitting a message in poor English as follows:

"All ships, all ships, this is............. I have problem with my rudder. My speed is 14 knots. Asking all ships to keep clear of me". A position followed.

At one point during these broadcasts, which had been greeted with some derision by various other listeners, catcalls and foul language, one vessel asked if the originator was having problems with his radar. The words sounded almost identical in the accents of the different nationalities and there was much repition of:

"It is my ruddah", Is it your rada?", "Yes, it is my rodda, not my rudah" etc.

Amusing though this was at the time, the question has to be asked why was a vessel, presumably a capital asset of some considerable value, possibly with a cargo of equal or more value, steaming at 14 knots with faulty steering gear? And why are the persons ultimately responsible for the operation and insurance of this asset allowing such poor quality officers to man the vessel?

PS-I put the image of the man cutting the branch he is sitting on on the right side, because that is what I think foolhardy VHF navigators are doing! - ust a personal point of view!

On 16 Jan 2002, Julian Parker sent me this e-mail, which I reproduce ad verbatim.....

Dear Rajagopal,
Thank you for your e-mail 13 Jan. MARS is an open site and we are not restricting copyright. If you can use your web site to encourage other members to contribute to MARS that would be valuable. Please use the items.

Sincerely, Julian Parker - June Miller
Publication Sales Manager
The Nautical Institute
202 Lambeth Road
London SE1 7LQ
Tel: 44(0)20 7928 1351 Fax: 44(0)20 7401 2817

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