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Reproduced from The UK P & I Club and UK Defence Club Loss Prevention News Issue 3 - June 1994(source: Holland & Knight Maritime Developments)

Fishing from vessels , while at anchor, is a major pastime for crew and food poisoning is rare. Here is one of those "rare"cases! It tool place off Cienfuegos, Cuba

A Crew ate with relish fish which they had caught over the side of the ship. There was a soup made from Bonacy Gato and a roasted Jurel.

The Chief Mate and his wife and fourteen other crewmembers' skin began to itch and their stomachs were troubled. Cuban authorities advised that no doctor could be sent to a ship which still has o enter port. The Chief Mate also developed a renal crisis, an illness he had suffered before, and he was later repatriated. The cost of treating the Chief Mate in hospital and repatriating him, including additional port charges for delay at Cuba, exceeded US $ 30,000.

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