Welcome to squirrel world: A Place of Roleplaying, Music, and an explanation of retinopathy!

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Welcome to my first true web page! Here you will find many things, but seeing as this is the home page, you'll be coming here to look at my life. I plan to update this as frequently as possible with, ... an account, if you will, of day to day events, entertaining thoughts, and the occasional philosophical thought! You will also find links to a meriad asortment of things. Music, roleplaying and mudding resourcess, search engines, movie scripts, Monty Python, ... In short, anything I consider interesting. Have fun!

The Life of a Retinopathic squirrel starting somewhere in the middle.

Greetings to one and all and all in one! ... that's a little redundant isn't it?

Stop quoting Mel brookes films! Your ripping off the work of amazingly talented artists!

True, but it's a form of complementary thievery. smiles Hello! Greetings, welcome, guten tag, sallut, hola,and all that and more! welcome to a webpage for the totally insane!

My name is Zora the Retinopathic Squirrel I plan to use this as, well, a journal of sorts, updating whenever possible, daily, perhaps?, events that happen in my life and what I think about them.

who'd want to read that? Is your life that interesting?

No, but hopefully they'll be enticed by the links I provide to sites that they may not have found otherwise. Besides, I've always wanted to make a website. It's proving most entertaining.

so, let's start out with basics. Here's a picture of myself.

And now, some information about myself and my family!

Click Here to Learn!

Actually, had any of you clicked that link, you'd find a hole host of things concerning squirrels! Pictures, information, wall paper, and posters! why would I put something concerning squirrels when discussing myself? Well, in the words of Pink floyd,

Is something illuding you sunshine? Is this not what you expected to see? If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes, you'll just have to blow your way through this disguise!

retinopathy: what is it?

Retinopathy. the odds are that most of you have never heard of this word, and are completely unsure of it's deffinition.Well, it's not that interesting really. It's a disease of the retinas. For a complete summary of it, click here. What is retinopathy of Prematurity?

If you didn't click the above link, I'll summarize it for you.

Retinopathy of prematurity is a disease that some premature babies have when their eyes fail to fully develop. The blood vessles in the eye don't have time to completely form. IF untreated, it can cause blindness.

and what is the point of telling us this?

well, I have retinopathy. that's all. and it's necessary to fully understand the pseudonym I now use, as it contains the word retinopathic.

you see, I was explaining to a friend of mine why I was blind in an email, and when she saw the word retinopathy, which I then spelled retnopathy, she asked me what "Ret-no-pathy" was. I found this word amusing. It sounded similar to psychotic, or psychopath. Then, somewhere, in my head, the adjective retinopathic came up. the name stuck.

alright, what about zora?

Once again, an act of utter randomnisity. I had to create a character for a mud, and the name zora popped in to my head.

And the squirrel thing?

ah yes, ... the squirrel thing.

Well, you see, my cousin Bengy and I used to constantly speak of the world being over run by squirrels. I don't know why, it was fun. this, I suppose, fell in with the rest. I don't really know why I chose a squirrel, but I did, and it's permanent now. strangely, I don't remember any particular transition from the name I was born with to zora the Retinopathic squirrel, it simply, ... happened.

But such is life. I'm now a sixteen year old blind squirrel who's currently trying to keep an audience entertained. am I succeeding? Email me and express your love of the site, your hatred for it's stupidity, or anything in between. Whatever the case, please email me!

Now, if your like me, and you hate to click send mail links because you hate wasting your time wondering how they'll get your address, just use my email address, muds1230@hotmail.com, go to your email, and email me there. In truth, the sendmail link was only put there to prove that I could do it. And guess what? It worked! Yea! extreme happy face

Navigating the site: Where would you like to go?

My Links.

Branches, aka links

Why does this say "Branches, AKA Links?" Well, if your reading this, the pictures not here yet, but I plan to have a picture of a tree as my background, with the links as branches. Perhaps a stupid indevvor, a complete waste of time, but why not? It's my web page.

Life, the Universe, and everything in it.

large crowd gathers "ah, he's terrible! Totally unoriginal!"

Not true! I created zora the retinopathic squirrel and, with the help of Poptart woman, Vita Githa! An entire world created for inhabitants such as squirrels, Hampsters, Poptarts, Bunnies, and dogs! I think that gives me a bit of room for plagerism.

actually, I'll be using this for the aforementioned journal I spoke of. Let's begin!

Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2004 Time: eight thirty four A.M.


Today is a fairly uneventful day, from what I can see of it. Life is peechy, as of now. However, as I am about to go to science class, this may change.

Not that I dislike science, I rather enjoy it, truth be told. Physics mainly, biology was never too interesting to me. It's simply who they've got teaching it.

well, the bell hath rung, and I must depart. See you all later!

friday, april 9, 2004

10:17 A.M.

Hi to all! Well, I've finally done it! This site is online! You must understand, until now I've been writing all this code in notepad, hoping I'd get it hosted soon. ah, life can be so wonderful.

I'd love to have music playing at the moment, but I've not quite gotten the jist of the embed tag. I'll figure it out. The problem is I'm trying to use mp3s, which seems to be most difficult. sighs Wish me luck.

If it's any conselation, I'm listengin to a Perfect circle, Three Lebras. If you've heard the song, you know it. If not, wait til I get this all figured out.

It's nice to have a hole class period to work on this thing. I spent my last one trying to discover the ins and outs of the embed tag. sighs again I didn't get any of it. In truth, I found some code and attempted to use it, however, as you can no doubt tell, it's not working. I may just link you to it, but who knows if you'll click the link?

Is it so important that we do?

well, yes, I mean, if I'm gonna put music on the page, I'd like it to be heard. That's why I dislike links. O well, such is life.

Let's see, day to day events. Not much has gone on, truthfully. I have a fairly dull life when observed on a day to day basis. Inside my head is where the interesting things happen. well, if you, consider zora the Retinopathic squirrel interesting.

Not much going there now, however, simply considering the odds that we'll be having pizza for lunch. Not too high, as it's friday, and the typical dish served is hot dogs. i've never had a taste for hot dogs. It must be an aquired taste.

That's a fair description of all food, with the exception of chocolate. I know of no one who dislikes chocolate. They may not eat it much, but that's simply due to health risks, they say, if possible, they'll tell me, they'd eat as much as they could.

Surprisingly enough, I have met one person who dislikes pizza. I thought that to be pretty amazing. Hmm, to each their own, I suppose.

well, this is turning in to an utterly pointless rant on the likes and dislikes of the human race, which I'm sure most people don't give a second thought to. so, it is on that thought I will leave you for today, and will now link the current song I'm listening to to the web page. bye for now, hope you enjoyed this!

Monday, April 12, 2004

9:53 A.M.

Hi all! How goes life? I'd have updated more this weekend, but angelfire hasn't been cooperating. It's monday, I go back to school today. every week I go to the school for the Blind and stay during the week, returning on the weekends, here. At home.

However, seeing as how it's easter, we had a holiday, so I don't have to go back until Monday. How fortunate, I suppose. I rather enjoy life at school, though, so, it'll be nice to go back.

Hmm, anything worth updating about? Did I do anything interesting this weekend? ... considers Nope, not really. I downloaded everything by the cranberries, and Korn's good albums, that being Korn, Life is peechy, and Follow the Leader.

,p. I used to love Korn, then they came out with Issues, followed by Untouchables, then, Take a look in the Mirror. I can't stand these albums. John davis's voice has completely altered, changing the band's sound entirely. sighs O well, such is life.

i also got an album of they're unreleased material. I haven't looked at it much, actually. Listening to Life is Peechy now. Lost. good song.

I'm attempting to get all of TATU'S stuff now, hard to do, seeing as no on e has a quick download, and that's what I need. Right! Moving on!

as I mentioned previously, Easter came around this weekend. so we, that being my family, went to church. I've not done this in a while, none of them have either really, smiles, so that was quite boring.

My family is Christian, I'm agnostic, trying to figure it all out. they said some things that bothered me sunday, particularly that Christianity was bloody because blood was necessary.

One of my problems with the idea of christianity is that god is God. consider that. If he wished, he could do anything he wanted. He wants us to be with him, so instead of placing us in heaven, with him, he places us on earth, with all that that implies. Death, destruction, sadness, the works.

when I ask other christians why he may have done this, they say he didn't want us to be forced to serve him, so he put us here to give us a free will. To serve him or not to serve him.

Now, why would god do that? when God controlls all, and if he is God, he certainly does, why not place in heaven with him so we could enjoy his gifts for us?

No one's been able to answer that for me. In truth, if I were to serve God, I'd need to understand the reasoning, the logic, if you wil, behind him. If there is none, there'd be no point in serving him. Blind faith is, well, blind, and uncertain. I can't live like that, by faith alone.

right, that's over. lol Hmm, which song should I play next? Bosnia by the Cranberries, or Blind by Korn? ... ... Blind.

All of you out there in internet land are stil unable to hear the things I'm listening to, because, as of yet, i've not been able to figure out these o so fun tags for mp3s. Right, wish me luck! Bye for now!

Tuesday, april 14, 2004

9:50 a.M.

HI all! I'm board and don't ahve much to say. I'm simply writing to update, listening to Pretty by Korn, followed by dEftones Aniversarry of an Interesting event. Great song.

My teacher has informed us we'll be using Dream Weever this week. That'll be interesting, as we've simply been slinging code thus far.

Thinking of code, those tags might work, I dunno. You'll know when you come to the site.

well, I'm gonna go now, work on meta tags. Wish me luck! Bye!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

02:11 P.M.

Hi to all! Well, as unbelieveable as it may sound, I actually had a busy weekend!

download quite a lot.


what's the other thing?

O, yes, the other thing. Mulholland drive. It's an amazing film which I'm not gonna go in to right now, because if I explain anything about it, it might give something away. Sufficed to say, see it!

,p> My French friend and I talked quite a lot this weekend, but it was more of, ... little sperts of conversation. we usually talk all day, four to six hours. No, this weekend was different, but stil fun.

Hmm, what else? Met a college student from Florida, we seemed to hit it off well. We talked for, I dunno, two and a half hours/ Maybe two hours, I dunno, but he's very intelligent, which is refreshing. we discussed many different things, marajuana, philosophy, philosophers, Bob Marley, obscure movie refferences, ... It was fun. alright, i'm gonna go now, just thought I'd tell all of my surprisingly busy weekend. Bye for now!

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

10:16 A.M.

Hi all! Well, I'm now going to attempt to place a form on my site so whoever reads this can give me feedback. I'm rushed, so, here we go!


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

10:02 A.M.

Well, the form is on the site, I just don't know where the information goes. I'll work on it now. Here I go.

Friday, april 3, 2004

09:53 a.M.

Hi all! How's it going? well, not much going on. I don't think I mentioned this, but i've begun reading catcher in the Rye. so far, it's excellent. quite depressing, butt excellent. actually, depressing is intriguing to me, as is disturbing. An example of this is Requiem for a dream. excellent movie, but, ... painful to watch.

Hmm, anything else? I stil don't know if I can get a cgi program to process my form. I realize I have no visitors at the moment, smiles, but that may change, at some point, in the distant future.

alright, bye for now!

Monday, april 26, 2004

9:49 a.M

Hi all! Well, a fairly boring weekend, in truth. I did get everything by stabbing westward, an excellent band. They've been able to express how AI've felt at certain times in my life quite often, so I really love them. They have many songs that express how I feel at the moment, they seem to have song for all the angry feelings I've had, and so, it feels good to let your thoughts be expressed with music.

at one time I was discussing this with f friend, and I mentioned that it bothered me that I enjoyed the music, because the band itself didn't care whether I felt that way or not.

she said she understood that, however, she also had songs she'd used to express herself, and she said it didn't really matter why they were doing it, as long as you could use it to express yourself.

Other then that? Not much actually. I couldnt find any jmore Aqua Teen Hunger Force, none of good quality, anyways. That was too bad. I did get some Monty Python's Flying Circus. who doesn't love them?

I stil haven't discovered the magic of the form, I just need a cgi program, perhaps Angelfire offers ohne?

alright, bye for now!

Tuesday, april 27, 2004

10:06 A.M.

Hi all! Well, I updated the Links page a bit.

I think I'm gonna make a new website. Not that I won't update this one, but this is more of a school oriented project, something fun. It would be nice to have a serious website. I'll do that, then give it to you once I make it.

God, I wish I knew where to host these mp3s. I don't know where angelfire puts them. It's most unfortunate. O well, such is life.

Well, our band now has a base player. ah, I forgot to mention that. I have a band. wE have talent, I believe. Nothing huge, but, enough to make something.

I asked our singer if he'd mind attempting to play base as well as sing. He said sure, he'd try.

It turns out he's quite good at it, and practice last night was great. we made quite a lot of progress.

Alright, bye for now!

Monday, May 3, 2004

09:41 a.M.

Hi all! How goes it?

I had a decent weekend which consisted of mainly movie viewing. I saw vanilla sky, excellent excellent movie! I'd recommend it.

I then had the misfortune of seeing Girl interupted. Terrible movie. If you own a copy, burn it.

Other then that? ... clicks tongue Nothing much happened. So, until next time, this is where I leave you. I apologize for the shortness of this update, however, I can think of nothing else to discuss.

Wait, yes I can. Religion. Once again. My parents got back together this weekend. Now, I suppose I should be happy about this turn of events, however, I'm not.


Because, firstly, I do not believe it will last. Apparently this session of intensive counseling they attended magicly transformed their relationship from utter lack of communication, to completely restored. I doubt this very much. But, as I said to my mother, only time will tell. I don't think it will prove to be in their favor.

Consider. Seven children, one of them severely handicapped, and five of them in school. Mom has to transport them from school to school, dad has to work to supply money, and they stil have to have time to communicate with each other.

I think if I had one wish for them, it would be that they were married and happy, with no children, or very few at any rate, where they could enjoy each other without having the kids in the way. Does that sound strange?

Maybe so, but it's how I feel. Or, they shouldn't have become married. you must understand, these two are completely oposite. Night and day.

I know the saying about oposites attracting, but I don't believe that. Not with what I've seen with my parents. I do not.

It makes me sad to think abvout it, I can't say exactly sad. It's depressing to see that there's nothing that can be done about it. You can't go back in the past and change things, so I should make the best of what we have. evil smile

I can't. I'm stuck on there not being married or having no children. It's the perfect solution, either of the two! It's exhausting to consider, so I won't any more.

Wait! what does this have to do with religion?

Good Question. Both my parents are Christians, or are supposed to be. they haven't been showing it for a while.

Now that there back together, they think that they'll be able to constantly show their affection for each other and there dedication to God. makes face Christ. Four days of intensive counseling and you think there's that much change? You think you can deal with these kids constantly, and Phoebe with her problems and all the technical details that implies? Jesus! I don't. I know my mother. I know her.

She gets stressed easily. Her life requires a lot of stress handling. smiles odd new word there.

She can deal with it to a certain extent, however, once she starts to get overstressed, as it were, many bad things can happen. She can become angry very easily.

I also know she's impulsive. I know that if she came back from an emotional trip, she'll be living in that emotion until she's hit by reality. Arrg! Why can't she realize the futility of that? But it's not emotion to her, it's reality until theother reality, the REAL reality, sets in.

OK, rant over with. I'm gonna go now, and I'll update about religion later. Bye for onw!

Thursday, May 06, 2004

11:04 a.M.

AAAA!! AAAA! It works! I've discovered the secret!

God, this is wonderful! Absotively wonderful!

The music! That music your currently listening to, it's working! as does my link to the wall. It all works now! Christ, this took so long, but it works now! Right!

The most wonderful thing about it is that the reason it wasn't working was my blindness. You see, in my code, I told it to play "The Wall." when I uploaded the file, it used underlines instead of spaces.

Ah, well, the bell has rung once more, and I must go. enjoy!

friday, May 7, 2004

09:54 A.M.

Hello all. Well, now, the music can be switched daily, or whenever I feel it necessary. The current song is Aniversarry of an Uninteresting event. I really like this song. It's depressing, though not necessarily because of it's lyrics, the sound is simply, a sad sound.

I truly don't have much to write about at the moment. I don't plan to do much this weekend, maybe try and obtain an electric guitar and an amp. That'd be quite nice, as I could start finally making music.

well, I seem to be completely wasting time now, so I shall leave. Bye all.

Wednes, May 12, 2004

09:45 A.M.

Hi all! well, once again, nothing new to report. This weekend I downloaded all of Queen's albums, as well as Tears for Fears, Radiohead, and Pink Floyd. That was great. I'm gonna upload radiohead High and Dry. Great song. i thought about uploading bicycle by queen, one of the most amusing songs I've ever heard, ... Hell, I think I'll upload them both, one after the other. Listen away! Anything else? No, my weekend was fairly bland apart from that. I went to Market Place, that's a local restaurant, and ate pizza and an amazing dessert called a Chocolate Mess. God, I'm so hungry right now!

Do I talk about food too much? It's a habbit, I suppose, though I don't eat a lot.

well, as I am currently running out of inspirational ideas to keep people here, I'll let the music do it for me. Bye for now!!

Friday, May 14, 2004

09:51 A.M.

Hi all! well, I got the music fixed. It turns out you can't play multiple tracks with the embed tag, so I'll juswt put bicycle on today, as I'm sure you all have hated listening to two tracks at once.

as usual, I'm hungry about this time. I'm just sitting, listening to the Deftones.

as I've said, I really like this band, but, not due to their lyrics, I just really like the music. Unless of course it's white Poney. I don't like that album much, only three good songs on it as far as I've been able to tell. well, bye for now! Time to think about food and new music to obtain!

wednesday, May 19, 2004

09:52 a.M.

Hi all! I know I haven't updated in a while, so I figured I'd reward all of your waiting with a new song. I love this song, The Noose, by a Perfect circle.

Well, we're going to Wild River country today, our school, that is, it's a local water park, and I'm greatly looking forward to it. I love water parks, although, ironicly, I hate amusement parks. I can't explain why, I'd just prefer the danger of falling out of a water ride to that of falling from 200 or so feet in the air while hanging from a ride. Odd I know.

Anyways, apart from that, not much in the way of interesting events are going on. I'm really working on getting all my Pimsleur, that's the language program I use to learn languages, downloaded. Once I get the Chinese level one finished up, I'll be done! I'll have seven complete languages courses! wish me luck!

Ornella, sorry I haven't emailed you yet, but I haven't had time to truly look at the email you sent, that is, analyze it. It's very strange, to be sure, and I'm sure it means something. I'll talk to you this weekend.

Alright, bye for onw! Enjoy the song!

Monday, May 24, 2004

09:47 A.M.

Hi all, how goes life?

I didn't touch a computer this weekend, and consequently haven't been able to check my email, or any other websites I have. How unfortunate. It was an interesting weekend, however. I stayed with some friends while my family went to Oklahoma.

well, tomorrow is semester testing, and this website, this amazingly bland website, shall be put up for demonstration and inspection. Hopefully the teacher's dislike of music in the background will not hinder my grade. haha Actually, I rather like the teacher, so I'm not worried in the least. I think I have enough content to satisfy most.

I also need to link the toehr students pages to this one, so I'll do taht on the links page under the heading "school related."

Has everyone liked the song that I uploaded? It's Prison sex by Tool. I love this song.

Alright, bye for now!!

P.S. I'm gonna really try and get this form working, wish me luck! I'll tell you all when it's ready.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

10:01 a.M.

Hi all! How goes life?

Well, it's the last day of school, and nothing's getting done, nothing productive other then this update, actually. It shall be a fairly boring day, however, once it's over, the summer arives.

I'm not that excited about it, actually, it'll happen, that's all I can say.

I'm about to write Ornella a fairly long email, I think. We haven't talked in a while, which is unfortunate. I'm sorry, as I said, I wasn't home at all last weekend. I didn't touch a computer.

Well, what song today? I think I'll upload some Stabbing Westward, but what song? Hmm, hmm, hmmm, ... How about Sleep? yes, that's a great song. Well, here you go! Bye for now!

P.S. I'm gonna make the Wall link streaming audio so you can just click and listen, not have to download. Bye!

My Message Board

Due to the fact that my attempts at a form have ben unsuccessful, I've gone for outside help. Here is the link to my message board. Please click here and post, ... something, enough to let me know I'm not doing this for myself alone.

Click Here to go to my Message Board

More updates coming soon!

This website is under development. I plan to update it daily, or as much as possible. It should be noted, however, that if I say something will be updated daily, this typicly means you'll be waiting quite a long time for any sign of life from me. smiles But I'm sure, well, fairly sure, that that won't happen. Wish me luck!