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Date Distance (SM) ATE Identifier City
Thu June 27 1448   LEBL - LPAZ Santa Maria, Azores

LEBL - Barcelona, Spain -- LPAZ - Santa Maria, Azores, Portugal
Thursday, June 27, 2002

   After a mornings game of ATC filed clearance tag we finally got airborne 
for Santa Maria in the Azores.  Not on our preferred route over Madrid or 
Seville but via the northern route near the Pyrenees Mountains with an 
11,000 foot minimum altitude. In clouds and bumpiness all across the 
Iberian Peninsula. Once over water, smooth and cloudless. After 11 hours 
we land at Santa Maria, still daylight. Small Island, not many people. 
Airport takes about 10% of the land mass, the rest hills and beaches. 
Weather cool, a welcome change from the hot weather we have had since 
our departure on May 25th.
   We found an internet site in Vila do Porto, the main town. After two hours 
of typing text I press the send button and Poof!!! it all disappears. No 
message sent. It is frustrating. However, someone was kind enough to email my 
floppies, not a total loss.


Friday, June 28, 2002

   After a nights rest in our hotel apartment at Mar e Sol, we will be off for 
computer assistance, lunch refueling weather outlook and back to our two 
story apartment.

   To be continued.


See pictures from Santa Maria below.

Santa Maria, Azores

Click on pictures for high-resolution version.

Mar e Sol from balcony
Mar e Sol - our apartment is closest
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Pascal Landi, Andrzej Vorbrodt, Manny Higazi Sunday, July 7, 2002