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Jess's weight loss site!

I can't wait to be a size ten because...

Thanks for visiting my site! Here you will find my journals detailing my journey to being thin again! When I was ten, I started competitive ice skating, so I was always a healthy weight. As soon as I left school and gained freedom, I quit skating (I don't know why!) ate lots of junk and gained about 15kg. Then I fell pregnant with my beautiful boy Benjamin, but gained another 30kg in the process, bringing my weight up to an all time high of 120kg! Luckily, I lost my first 30kg fairly easily by eating sensibly and running around after my sweet lil babe :) However, I would ultimately love to be 5-10kg lighter than my skating weight (which was 75kg) meaning I have around 25kg to go! I have been stuck at around the 90kg mark for a few months and it's driving me batty! I want to be able to feel comfortable around thin people, I want to be able to buy any clothes I like and feel great in them. Most importantly, I want to be around as my son gets older and not die from diabetes or cholestorol problems. So please don't laugh at my fat photos! I'm being really really brave putting them on the web! (I hope nobody I know happens to see this site!!!) Anyway, I'm new at this website thing so any constructive criticism or any helpful hints you have would be great! send to Thanks! Enjoy!

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