Records from Down Under
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Notes on Ursies and ANU

People at Ursies and ANU - Australia/ANU info - Ursies info - Aussie vs. American terminology

Melissa's Blog - Photos online

Updated 5.3.2004

This is a repository for Ursies/ANU info that is relevant to my journal entries (plus anything other random things I decide to add).

In case they're not imediately obvious, the following are the abbreviations / shorthand I frequently use:
Ursies=Ursula Hall
SR or Senior Resies=Senior Residents
IB=Inward Bound
Div=Inward Bound division
SCOM=Science Communications or Science and Public Awareness (one of my courses this semester)

He Said, She Said

Marissa: Never-expect-anything!

Kenneth: You need a good dose of bullshit every day.

Lawrence (to Dom): Hey, you have breasts, too! Can I feel them?

Kenny: Hey, watch it! I'm public property.

Nat: Jun, he's tap-dancing on your ass.

Mel (in a game of Articulate!): Babies learn to do this before they can walk.
MK: Puke.

Keith: I have a college full of killers who are too lazy to do the job...

Kate: You blame the cat for your own incompetence.

Nat: [Erin] said, 'My sister's from another planet.' And Jared said 'Yeah, Earth!' And he didn't even miss a beat.
(pause)That was right up there with Churchill's 'Winston, you're drunk.' -'Yes, and you're ugly. But at least in the morning I'll be sober.'
Sarah (a good 20 seconds later): I just got that!

Kate: I don't know if I have enough space for a game...
Graham: How much do you have?
Kate: I have a 40-gig hard drive, but...
Colin: Well, that should be enough. Just delete Windows!

Nat: ...But they were closed at 5:30...
Sarah: It was Easter at 5:30.

Jimmy, in a game of pool: Fuck, I'm sitting on all my balls.

Richard, talking about buildings collapsing during earthquakes: Stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye!

Nick: Why do you think people become vegetarians? They hate vegetables!

Nathan: I'm hardcore. I came to watch the cricket.
Bec: I came to socialize, and to watch the cricket...
Nathan: Chris came with his girlfriend to text [message] his ex...

Liz: How much did you make? $220? You could buy 110 beers with that!
Emmanette (to Flossie): We've corrupted her.

Lawrence, to Ifti: Get your ass back on my bed!

Alana, after watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Isn't Orlando Bloom so hot? And Johnny Depp, how hot is he? And how hot are they together?

Possum: I've never eaten a car. What do cars taste like? I want to eat a car.

Courtney, mimicking Yannick, who wanted to know if he'd be charged if he crashes his car and a passenger dies: If a guy is walking toward your car with a knife and you're in it, does running him over count as self-defense?

Robert, in the debate about cloning): In the words of Mandy a few minutes ago, twins are not f*cking clones!

Nick-SR, listing some of the "52 U.S. States": ...New Hampshire, Iraq, Illinois, Transylvannia...

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