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"O thou afflicted tossed with tempest and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires. And I will make thy windows agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders shall be pleasant stones. And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy children. " (Isaiah 55:11-13)


God who is the Creator who created the heavens and the earth, has since early times, been mankind's Mentor in the arts. He brought forth the creation from nothing. The scriptures teach us that the creative work was done "of, by through and to "Yeshua haMashiach/Jesus Christ." (Romans 11:36)

"For of Him and by Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be the glory, forever. Amen."

The earth was "without form and void," and darkness was on the face of the deep, when the creation occurred. God's life giving, nurturing and compassionate Spirit moved over the dark waters, as he spoke, commanding what He wanted to be, and it was brought forth with divine order. The whirling dark shapeless mass went exactly where God sent it, and it took on form. As He progressed, the very colours God desired to be shown forth in His creation were sent forth, with their infinate range of hues. Because the Spirit of God which moved over the surface of the waters, is good, God could look over all the work that He made and say of His work: "It is very good." The creation which God created and made in those 7 days, was not God. But it is as much an expression of Him, as a painting is to an artist, and more so. There was no model for the creation which God made, spoken of in His word. God does not need a model in order to create. He speaks and His created work comes into being, through the power of His word.

The verb describing God's creative work is the Hebrew term bara, The phrase describing the earth as God began to speak and call forth order from that which was without form and void, is the Hebrew "tohu wavohu." We see in this word, that it was "unformed." The term bohu, comes from a root meaning "to be empty." Darkness was on the face of the deep. The original text defines this phrase as "The faces of the deep." Tehom, or deep, is from the root hum, meaning "To resound," signifying the surging, raging, primordial waters. Like an orchastra conductor, God spoke to these "faces of the deep," commanding that which He willed to come to pass. With a poets passion, God's words fell upon the heart of the darkness, birthing the genesis of life as man knows it. Like an artist with his brush, the pot was stirred, the colours selected, and deposited on the canvas which we call earth. What artist cannot identify with the action of God which the text speaks of as "brooding," on those dark waters? The verb signifies a vibrant moving or protective hovering. The Aramaic melakh, which is the Hebrew malakh, means "To give counsel, or to rule."


God can be known through His marvellous creation, and this end, that His glory might be known, shows forth His will and purpose in creating. In the creation of the world and all that God created, there was, and there is, and there is to come a revealing of Himself and His divine nature. God chose to make it so. His eternal power and divine majesty are recognizable to the observer, according to Romans 1:19-20.

...Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead: so they are without excuse.

The Lord God is the source of that which is truly beautiful. He created it from chaos, because He had a purpose for an orderly universe. Richness is seen in the creation's unique diversity. The universe also possesses a regularity in it's design which causes us to know that we can trust the Lord's stability and faithfulness.

The Psalmist wrote: "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament His handiwork."

"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what is visible." (Hebrews 11:3)


The Lord God is a holy God. "The Holy One" is one of the Lord's titles." His holiness is not separated from His creative abilities. There's a doxa or glory associated with God's holiness, which has a profound effect upon creation. When men are brought into contact with the holiness of the Lord, they respond to it, in various ways. In biblical imagery, God's holiness is associated with purging fire, which means that when man comes into contact with the Lord, He sees his sinfulness in God's eyes, repents, and lives forever changed by the power of God. (Ezek. 1:4-28, 2 Thess. 1:6-10)

When God commanded the children of Israel: "You shall not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything in heaven above, or on earth beneath or in the waters below," (Exod. 20:4) the prohibition was not against art but using art in a way which God defines as inappropriate artwork, in His word. There was an instance of this naturre when Moses went up on the mountain to commune with God, and an idol was cast in the shape of a "golden calf."

God calls all people to holiness, through relationship with Him. He alone set the standard for how the gifts and talents which He has given to men and women should be used. He out-lined this in His word, instructing the family of Adam in the Old Testament, and God instructs man still. This is important because God desires that all that we do in word or in deed be done in the name and authority of Yeshua/Jesus. When Adam was placed in the garden, "no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the earth had yet sprouted, for the Lord God had not sent rain upon the earth; and there was no man to cultivate the ground. But a mist used to rise from the earth and water the surface of the ground. Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man came into being." (Gen. 2:5-6) It was at this time, following man's creation, that God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden, and there he placed the man whom He formed. (Gen. 2:8) The desire within man to create, or to embellish and make his surroundings beautiful through the use of his gifts and talents, was inherent in his being at his and her creation. Man was created, and given numerous creative abilities, and authority with which to "manage" the paradise God made Eden to be, and to "arrange it, as was pleasing to Adam and Eve. Within the confines of the territory of Eden, the scriptures also mention gold, and such stones as bdellium, and onyx, although we are not told whether Adam and Eve actually used these substances for ornamentation of the garden.


Coming out of Egypt, the Israelites possessed artistic skills. Craftsmanship was common in such everyday tasks as:

  • Carving or engraving: The terms for carving and engraving are used interchangably in the Old Testament. First mention of this is seen in the signet ring of Judah. (Gen. 38:18) Substances such as clay, bone, ivory and precious stones were carved or engraved.
  • Glass making: In Deut. 33:19, some interpret "treasures hidden in the sand," to refer to the making of glass objects. The Hebrews were acquainted with glass-making from early times. Glass beads have been excavated in a mound in Gezer. Some of the pigments used in painting were powered coloured glass.
  • Painting: The Hebrews were required to make bricks, in the treasure cities of Egypt. The making of these buildings would have included the wall paintings in relief or intaglio, on a coating of stucco.
  • Spinning: Women spun various fibers into cloth, by hand, winding the wool or flax around a distaff, which was held under the arm or thrust into the ground. (Exodus 35:25)

  • Weaving: The art of weaving was highly developed at an early date. Cloth woven in Ebla was prized as a trade item. Weaving was done on 3 types of looms. a) A ground loom. b) A hand loom. c) An upright loom. In 1 Chron. 4:21, we read of the family of Asbea who were weavers of fine linen.

  • Stone cutting: Palestine is a rockly land with limestone deposits. Early on, implements and weapons were fashioned of stone. (Gen. 31:46, Josh. 4:9, 1 Sam. 7:12) David and Solomon imported master masons from Phoenicia, for their palaces and the Temple at Jerusalem. (1 Kings 5:17-18, 1 Chron. 14:1) Herod the Great used stones up to 25 ft long, cut from quarries near Jerusalem. Private homes, as well as public buildings were constructed of rough hewn stones.

  • Tent making: In Old Testament times tents were made of strips of course goats hair cloth, or animal hides. They served as dwellings for the Patriarchs. (Gen. 18:1, 35:25) Tents were used enroute to Canaan, (Exod. 16:16) Shepherds used tents while in the field. In the New Testaament times, tents were made from Cilician cloth. Paul's work was probably sewing together the lengthes of cloth and attaching ropes and loops.

  • Fabric dying: Red dye was produced from insects or the root of the madder plant. Purples were derived from the murex and purpura, which were mollusks. Shells were crushed and the glands boiled in a salt solution. Archeologists have excavated a number of buildings in Palestine, where dying was done in 10X30 ft. rooms, which included 2 small dye vats. Small containers with fixing agents such as potash and lime have also been uncovered.

  • Masonry for architecture:
    vessels of pottery,
    or the making of various
    tools and items from metal.

There was a gradual development of certain arts after the Israelites possessed the promised land. God anointed existing skills such as the talents of Bezalel and Oholiab to fabricate work of gold, silver, and bronze, to set stones, work in wood, and to engage various types of craftsmanship. (Exodus 31:4-5) References are made to craftsmanship of wood, in the building of the Temple, and the repairing of it's structure. (1 Kings 5:6, 2 Chron 2:3, 2 Kings 12:11, 2 Chron. 24;12, 2 Kgs 22:6, Ezra 3:7, 4:1) The first mention of engraving in wood is found in Genesis 38:18, concerning the signet of Judah. The Israelites possessed among them writers. The Hebrew words for the professional writer are sopher which we see in connection with book writing, such as military numbering, taxation or mustering. (Judges 5:14, Josh. 1:10, 3:2) And shoter,which appears as a herald, (Deut. 20:5-8) overseer in brick-making, overseer in Israelite business. (1 Chron 26:29)

Sculptors are mentioned in Exodus 32. Music and dancing were part of their worship. (Gen. 31:27) Moses sang antiphonally, and Miriam leading the women in the dance on the shore of the Red Sea. (Exodus 15:20) King David had instruments made for praise and worship in the Temple, in 1 Chron. 23:5. The prophetic worship in the Temple was a command by God, and David selected music ministers with an understanding of music principles. (2 Chron. 29:25-26)

As we pray as Yeshua haMashiach/Jesus Christ taught: Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be your name. May your kingdom come and your will be done, in earth as it is in heaven, it is important to remember that God wants His kingdom to come to the field of the arts in this earth. The Lord sees where there is a need for an apostle in the arts, a prophet in the arts, an evangelist...a pastor or a teacher. Who will go for Me, He says? Whom can I send? (Isaiah 6:8)


God Instituted The Pattern Of The Tabernacle In The Wilderness. He is an artist of great reknown and absolute perfection. We look at His creation and marvel at the designs. He loves to express Himself in a magnitude of creative ways. Just look around you at the beauty of creation. The colors of a sunset, a rainbow after the rain, the innumerable variety of jewel-toned flowers, or the majestic purple mountains as dawn breaks the sky. God created us with natural as well as spiritual senses, with which to enjoy all that He has made or ordained.

The tabernacle in the Old Testament, was a lovely work of art, furnished with such costly materials that in our present day we can scarcely imagine such opulence. Obviously God wanted the praise and worship experience of Israel to be a visual experience as well as a spiritual experience. There was the odor of sweet incense from the altar of incense. And beautifully colored, intricately embroidered hangings or curtains, made from the most expensive fabric. Why? One of the reasons that comes to my mind is the fact that this helps to reinforce or to impress the experience upon ones mind and heart.

How many times our hearts have been touched by the sound of the congregation lifting it's voice in corporate worship to God, the church choir in their colorful robes, by a lovely painting with a biblical theme, or the fragrant smell of the supper dishes at a church potluck. We are spiritual men and women with unusual perceptions which enable us to navigate within a higher dimension which we call "the spiritual realm," but we have also been given natural senses by our God. These are His gift, and should be used with wisdom, purity, impunity, and stewardship. These all serve to make the memories of our own spiritual experience a pleasant one.

Through His wisdom, God gave the pattern for the tabernacle to Moses, that the building of it might be completed or carried out. This tabernacle was a "type or shadow" of the true tabernacle of God, that humanity with which God clothed or robed Himself in the person of Messiah. So the tabernacle typifyies first Yeshua haMashiach/Jesus Christ, then the church in Him. Every thing in the tabernacle pointed to, fore-shadowed, or typified Yeshua haMashiach/Jesus Christ, from the boards of cedar (Which spoke of God's Son not seeing corruption, to the silver chapiters (Christ's redemption) the menorah in the holy place, (which shows us Yeshua/Jesus is the Light of the World-John 9:5) and especially the ark of God covered by the mercy seat, which was in the holy of holies. (God in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. 2 Cor. 5:19) (And inside the ark, the law, (Which Jesus came not to destroy but to fulfill) a pot of manna (Our Saviour is the Living Bread which came down from heaven) and Aaron's rod that budded.)


Everything in the tabernacle spoke first to the Jew under the Old Covenant, saying: "Hear O Israel: The Lord Our God Is One!!!" There was "one ark," which was a visible representation of the Almighty God. Even as that Lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes who sits upon the throne is the express image of God's person, and whose 7 horns and 7 eyes express God's fulness of omnipotence and omniscience. (Rev. 5:6)

There is a calling for the artist in this hour to lift up Messiah as He who was and is and is to come. As "I AM." He said: If you believe not that "I AM" you will die in your sins.

Centuries of the apostate arts, have obscured the truth that God is one in various places in this earth. But God is raising up artists that will "declare like Elijah" God's oneness even in the midst of the prophets of Baal. As artists you will pour out paintings with profusion, like water into the trenches. Daniel the Prophet said:

And some of them of understanding shall fall to try them, and to purge them and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for an appointed time. (Daniel 1135)
There are those who have known God as artists for many years. You have experienced success. God has used you in many ways in your field. There are coming renewed Satanic attack against you, so specialialized, that you need to not be ignorant of what is happening. The bible says: "Beloved, think it not strange, concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you, but rejoice inasmuch as you are called to be partakers of the sufferings of Christ, that when His glory is revealed you may be glad also with exceeding joy. If you are reproached for the name of Christ, happy are you, for the spirit of glory and of God rests on you: ON their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified." (1 Pet 4:12-13) The trying of your faith is more precious than gold tried in the fire." God will allow this to come, to test and to prove you. In the midst of this, do not believe the lies that will seem to have confirmations. These things will assault every phase of your life and work. But hold to God's word, and you will come through these things, like Job, and be rewarded.


You were the anointed cherub who covers, And I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked in the midst of the stones of fire. (Ezekiel 28:14)

The Archangel Lucifer the was created to "cover the throne of God with worship and praise like a magnificent canopy," spread abroad across the heavens. But his heart became defiled and lifted up in pride. When this occurred, he lost the anointing as it was intended by God and what it was intended to convey. The "brightness" or glory of all that this unique anointing was created to be as an example to the host of heavens and to mankind was lost. Lucifer was cast out like an abominable branch.

From the book of Ezekiel, we have "the mysteries of God" concerning something that is very important for us to comprehend. God does not want us to take this lightly. It concerns the fact that Lucifer was the anointed cherub that covers. He was on the holy mountain of God. He walked among the stones of fire. One thing is for certain. Lucifer was consecrated to this purpose of God.

There was a "revelation of God," which the Archangel Lucifer possessed before he fell. Are angels capable, like man is of possessing revelation? Absolutely! There was a love and adoration toward God. And there was in the Archangel Lucifer at one time, a yieldedness to the very purposes of God. The scriptures speak of angels "desiring to peer into" the marvellous truthes of God's Word. I have beheld angels in church services, where they gain insight into the holy scriptures. But they will never possess the exact same revelation that we have because we are redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ from sin.

People in not understanding God's dealings with mankind, particularly with his own people one to one, may wonder: Why him? What's so special about her! Or they will make remarks: Well I think it's a waste of time to pursue that course! For this reason the artist for this reason can be greatly misunderstood. In the life of the Christian artist, there is a passion to convey the revelation of Jesus Christ through music, song writing, vocal gifts, or in general, his or her art.

In John 21:20, 21. Peter, turning about—showing that he followed immediately as directed.

Seeing the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on Jesus' breast at supper, he said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee?

21 Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?

21. Peter … saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?—What of this man? or, How shall it fare with him?

22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.

22, 23. Jesus saith to him, If I will that he tarry fill I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me—From the fact that John alone of the Twelve survived the destruction of Jerusalem, and so witnessed the commencement of that series of events which belongs to "the last days," many good interpreters think that this is a virtual prediction of fact, and not a mere supposition. But this is very doubtful, and it seems more natural to consider our Lord as intending to give no positive indication of John's fate at all, but to signify that this was a matter which belonged to the Master of both, who would disclose or conceal it as He thought proper, and that Peter's part was to mind his own affairs. Accordingly, in "follow thou Me," the word "thou" is emphatic. Observe the absolute disposal of human life which Christ claims: "If I will that he tarry till I come," 23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?

Since the arts were created for the glory of God, as a testimony with which to make Him known in the earth, there is great need for the artist to live a consecrated life. God's presence should reign in an artists life and studio. There are 4 Hebrew words which speak of "haram"the act of consecrating," and are used in scripture with regard to religious ritual. (Exod. 29:40, 2 Chron. 29) The first is haran, and is used in Micah 4:13: "I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord." The concept is that of gain being used for the glory and purposes of God. The second Hebrew word is nazar, which means "separate." It's used in this context in Numbers 6:7 Thirdly, we see the term kadhesh, meaning "to be set apart, or to be holy." The high priest of Israel, and his sons were "consecrated" in this manner. (Exod. 28:3, 30:30) Fourthly, is a Hebrew word mille yadh, which means "To fill the hand," and this is an idiom used of the installation of a priest to office, and consequently for offerings. (Exod. 29:9)

In the Old Testament, the phrase "consecrate yourself," means to "prepare to worship." While people frequently think of meeting with God in church, synagogue, or private devotions, the concept of experiencing God's presence, and worshipping Him in ones work, is not a concept normally considered. This is partly due to the fact that in the early centuries years, gnostic beliefs which crept into the church shrouded the long-standing Judaic roots of Christianity. Every day life became split between that which was sacred and that which was secular, and as a result, praise and worship were compartmentalized, or limited or locked into a particular sphere in man's way of thinking. This became so pronounced, that people came to feel that 6 days of the week were for themselves, and the the seventh day alone, was to be "set aside" for worship. However, in ancient times, the children of Israel met and worshipped God at other times than the tabernacle or the Temple. The Israelites sang as they worked. An example of this was when they "dug a well," and sang "Spring up O well." There's a wellspring of creativity with regard to the arts, and the anointing that abides within will literally "spring up" within the human soul.

As I have waited upon the Lord, I have painted in an intercessory way, in that God will place something on my heart that He wants me to pray about. As I am praying the thing through, I may "see the thing" a certain way. I carry the burden of it, identify with those whom I am praying for, and agonize over this need. But when I paint it, it's as if it becomes implanted in my soul in a way that is like yet another glory to which I am changed. It's a sphere or realm to be entered into. It's a place of dependance on God. Of worshipping Him as Creator. It becomes a revelation of Jesus Christ, and what He shows me about a certain circumstance or situation. I am aware that at times I am aware that I am in this place more deeply. Or I cry to be able to behold Him or what it is that He wants me to see through His eyes. God gives "tent-making ministries" what will support the work of the ministry. To receive support of this sort, which enables the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to go forth, is a serious thing. The believer in Yeshua/Jesus who is an artist will paint in various ways such as genre, (He talked to the woman at the well of her family background, to Nathaniel that he'd seen him standing under a fig tree, John 4.1-42) landscape, Yeshua used nature to speak to people, such as commanding us to "Consider the Lilies!" seascape, (He sent Peter on a fishing trip to pay the taxes due.) historical artwork, animal paintings, (He spoke to his diciples concerning a little donkey colt when transportation was needed.) and so forth. God speaks in various ways. The place or position of the artist will be embattled simply because we experience spiritual assaults against our finances.

It's not just a person missing the boat because he's painting "purty pictures," as they say. They may ask "Why don't you just paint bible stories?" Because God has placed a revelation of Himself even in creation, such as ""The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork." (Psm. 19:1) so that "the heathen are without excuse." The work will mean something significant to somebody and it will speak to the heart in a meaningful way. They stop. When they pause there will be a God-given opportunity. This all takes a life of consecration. There can be deep discouragments. Betrayal by those who oppose the work of the Lord. And many artists sell out to temptation at some point in their lifetime or career.


God empowers that which He consecrates--that which is separated or set apart unto Him, as His own precious possession. This truth is seen throughout the scriptures. In Exodus 31:1-11, we read of Bezaleel, (Betz-l-Ale) the Son of Uri, (Oo-ree) the Son of Hur (Khoor) an artist upon whom the Spirit of the Lord rested. He was empowered by God with wisdom, understanding, knowledge and in all manner of workmanship, to devise "cunning works." Bezaleel was one of the first two artists spoken of in the scriptures, and he taught at a school for fellow artists. He was of an age at the time God called him, to have been the designer of Raameses or Pithom, the Egyptian treasure cities. He had definately grown up and learned his trade in Egypt. In Exodus 31:3, we read:

"The Lord says: I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship."

Exodus 31:1-11

[1] And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

[2] See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah:

[3] And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,

[4] To devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass,

[5] And in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship.

[6] And I, behold, I have given with him Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan: and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put wisdom, that they may make all that I have commanded thee;

[7] The tabernacle of the congregation, and the ark of the testimony, and the mercy seat that is thereupon, and all the furniture [1] of the tabernacle,

[8] And the table and his furniture, [2] and the pure candlestick with all his furniture, and the altar of incense,

[9] And the altar of burnt offering with all his furniture, [3] and the laver and his foot,

[10] And the cloths of service, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest's office,

[11] And the anointing oil, and sweet incense for the holy place: according to all that I have commanded thee shall they do.


God anoints men and women to create fabulous artistic works, and He has for thousands of years. The believer is filled by God with all that is needed. In the word of God, we read that God said: "I have filled him ... with wisdom and knowledge." These were the implements by which God created the world, as stated in Prov. iii. 19, 20.

"The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding He established the heavens. By His knowledge the depthes are broken up, and the clouds drop down dew."

We see the empowering of the Lord's people promised in Joel 2:23.

Be glad then you children of Zion and rejoice in the Lord your God, for He has given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you, the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.

And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with oil. And I will restore to you what the locust and the cankerworm have eaten, the cankerworm,and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you."

Non believing artists, who have not lived in proper relationship with God, through repentance and submission to His word, experience many losses due to their ignorance of God's principles. When one comes to Yeshua haMashiach/Jesus Christ, the Lord restores "what the locust has eaten." This Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled with the out-pouring of God's Spirit at Pentecost.

"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." (Acts 2:1-4)

The result was that the Spirit of the Lord which now "filled them," filled them for service for God. These men and women had jobs of every description. God cares deeply about the work we do, not only because it is the employment that sustains us. But it also becomes a vehicle through which we meet others with which we can share our faith.


The Hebrew term for wisdom is "chokma." It means skill, or wisdom. In Greek, the word is sophos." When we have Yeshua haMashiach/Jesus Christ, we have the One in Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." (Col. 2:3) This means He possesses ALL wisdom.

As much as we think of artistic talent being the primary ingredient necessary to produce works of art, more than one artist in the scriptures was given wisdom together with his other gifts. In Proverbs 19:8, God's word tells us that the individual that gains wisdom loves his own soul. Wisdom is better than cash. (Prov. 16:16) It's better than rubies and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared with it. (Prov. 8:11)

What is wisdom? The Patriarch Job said: The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom! And to depart from evil, that is understanding. (Job 28:28) ...

It is wisdom not only to serve God, but to continue to serve him, in holiness. The artist, like anyone in business, is tested at times, in areas such as financial integrity. You may at times lose a sale, or suffer the hardship of envious rivals in the art field, or slanderous competition. "Let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him, in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator." (1 Peter 419)


After the fall of mankind from innocence into the sinful state, the Lord pointed out that the very falling away of mankind from the Lord, was also the apostacy of the arts. The progenitor or this discord and disharmony, was the son of Adam and Eve, named Cain, who murdered his own brother out of envy, went out from the presence of the Lord. God speaks not only of the arts which came forth from the children of Cain, (meaning "To acquire, or metal-worker or smith.") but of the very city which he crafted. All artists, as all men and women are, are also city crafters, either from within God's presence with His direction or outside the influence of it.

..."And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. And Cain had relations with his wife and she conceived, and gave birth to Enoch; and he built a city, and called the name of the city Enoch after the name of his son."
Eden seems to have been the early name for a large geographical area including Mesopotamia and perhaps the entire fertile crescent.

This family of artisans through Lamech, living apart from God's presence, administrating their use of the arts contrary to God's will, founded musical guilds, metal working, and launched the nomadic life-style before the Genesis flood, showing the highly developed civilization in which they lived. They used music to perpetuate various sinful vices, such as non mogamous marriage, revenge and murder. (Gen. 4:18-24)

This demonic anointing continues to the present time in the human race both outside the arts as well as in, as seen in Genesis 4:23. The spirit of mammon which rules the music industry, entices those without discernment, with promises to "give them all the kingdoms of this world," if they will bow to him." Through the influence of the spirit of musical and doctrinal enchantment, murder, violence, adultery and all that creates deeper darkness and chaos through that which is sinful are primary topics in todays songs. The Latin word for "enchantment" is incantere," meaning "To bring in through music." In Rev. 18:13, we read of the sad exploitation of the "bodies and souls of men."

When Cain first brought His offering to God, alongside his brother Abel's, it was rejected by God, and Cain's face showed his deep disappointment. But the Lord said to him: "If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not well, sin lies at the door?" Here we see the arts lose their intended godly purpose in the "Sword Song of Lamech," who writes under a "spirit of murder and personal revenge." There is no artist who is not a spiritual being, for God created man to possess "eternal life." In the life of sin, man abides in spiritual death. It is only when man believes on Yeshua haMashiach/Jesus Christ, repenting and turning from sin, surrendering to the will of God and allowing God to be the Lord of His life, that there can be redemption. (Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10:46-48, Acts 19:5)


The following is a prophetic word given to me regarding God's redemption of artists...

They are coming to Me says the Lord; a virtual army of artists and workers with various skills and abilities. For I am seeking them out of every field and endeavor, and I will show them My great love for them, in Christ; even before the foundation of the world was laid, for they were chosen says the Lord that they might show forth My glory and praise.

And I will set those on high that have known My name. For My name is high, and My name is holy says the Lord. And I must have those who will accurately portray My redemption and who I am. I must have those who have known My name and what it means to be called by My name.

For many do not know that there is a God who loves them as I do. They serve gods who are no gods; gods who cannot redeem them says your God. Who will partner with Me? For I am coming soon to render to every man according as his work shall be. I will redeem the artists and all who will respond to the drawing of My Spirit, from the pit of certain destruction. And I will put them in a sure place and a safe place, for I will clothe them with My name.

I will take them from the pit of destruction and hide them in the cleft of the Rock and they shall know Me in ways that they have longed to, and they will cry like babies for never, ever could they even dream of the things that I will show them by My Spirit says your Lord. I will give them visions of glory and of the holiest of all, and they will relay unto this world, the beauty that they have seen.

This very day I am calling My skilled artists and craftsmen to take seriously the call of God upon your very lives. For of you I shall raise up apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers in the field of the arts, and those in current ministries of this sort shall experience an increased anointing and a release to go into all the world and to use their gifts and talents to the glory of their Lord. Go! And tell the great things that I the Lord have done for you, and use every method and every media that you can with all diligence and purity and integrity. Do not compromise the message, but enhance and adorn My kingdom as those skilled workers Bezaleel and Aholiab whom I called and appointed for the building of My tabernacle says the Lord.


"The hands of Zerubabbel have laid the foundations of the house; his hands also shall finish it; and you will know that the Lord of Hosts has sent me to you." (Zech. 4:9)

As God called men and women who were anointed by God to build or supply items for the building of the tabernacle and Temple in the Old Testament, so He is setting apart and sanctifying many men and women who are artists in this very hour for the particular work which He has ordained for them to do. He is not calling you because there is no one else to use. God has an army across this world in places and fields that are strategic. To be used for God's highest and best, you must be willing to be placed where God wills. This may confound your natural mind at times. In this you must learn to trust in the Lord with all your heart and to lean not to your own understanding! There is a phase of God's end-time work, which very markedly includes artists and those who work at various crafts. There will be multitudes who will come to know salvation in Yeshua haMashiach/Jesus Christ, because those of you that are artists obeyed God's call on your life.

You will not do this because you are somehow inferior as an artist, but because Yeshua called your name, as surely as He called anyone in the scriptures, and you were willing to follow Him where ever He would lead you. Some who are now artists will set aside this field of endeavor, and be used elsewhere as the Lord wills, for it is not in man that wills but in God who shows mercy.

You stand at the threshold of a revival in the field of the arts, which will usher in an understanding of this field in a greater measure than has been known by most of this generation. At times it may seem difficult to you. You may feel quite alone at times, but you are never alone, for the Lord who is the Author and Finisher of your faith stands with you, and will fight for you.


In the New Testament we read:

For in Him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And you are complete in Him which is the head of all principality and power. Of His fulness have we all received and grace for grace. (John 1:16) (Colossians 2:9)

God gave the pattern for the tabernacle and it's furnishings. But He called and anointed artists to carry out the building of it, and the incredible works of art that could be seen as part of the experience there. Every work is incredibly valuable in it's beauty, as well as it's message to us, who live in the last days. Works which testified to the thousands of Israelites of Christ's atoning work, long before He was born into the world to save sinners from their sins, yet testify of God's eternal and unchanging nature. "Yeshua haMashiach/Jesus Christ: The same, yesterday, today and forever!" (Hebrews 13:8)

Under the new covenant, Yeshua/Jesus the Lamb of God, is God's tabernacle or Temple. He is the very Throne of the Most High you might say--(Isaiah) Messiah Jesus will forever be the visible image or representation of God; and the express "image of God's person.

"In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature." "Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when he had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high." (Col. 1:15, Hebrews 1:3)

The right hand is simply a metaphor for the position of all power and authority. The book of Revelation testifies to us:

"And I saw no temple therein, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it." (Rev. 21:21-23)

Even as Yeshua/Jesus declared:

"I and My Father are "one." (John 10:30) He that has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say: Show us the Father? Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? Believe that I am in the father and the Father is in Me. Or else believe Me for the very works sake. (John 14:9-ll, Rev. 21:22)


The tabernacle contained "One altar of incense." This altar of incense speaks to us of the fact that God wants us to come to Him with "all manner of prayer and intercession." (Ephesians 6:18) Jesus is God's divine pattern for this in the New Testament, as seen in His humble dependence upon the Father. His disciples observed His prayer life, marveled at it and wanted to model it.

In the tabernacle there was also "one golden lampstand." Even as Yeshua/Jesus walked in Solomon's Porch in Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) and declared; "I am the Light of the World." (John 9:5, 10:22)


In speaking of the Old Covenant, the feast days, etc. God's word states:

" Which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ."(Colossians 2:17)

Yeshua/Jesus prayed: "That they all may be as you Father in Me and I in you. that they may be in us that the that the world may believe that you sent me. And the glory you have given Me I have given them, thay they may be one even as we are one." (John 17:21-23)


"For He looked for a city, whose builder and maker is God." (Hebrews 11:10)
"For you are God's husbandry, you are God's building. According to the grace of God which is given me as a wise master-builder, I have laid the foundation, and another builds thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid: Christ Jesus." I Corinthians 3:10-11)
"As you have therefore received Christ Jesus as Lord, so walk in Him. Rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving."


    God Knows Each Artist By Name. He said: "I have called Bezalel." Bezalel was a Judahite chosen by God to serve as chief designer and craftsman of the tabernacle and it's furnishings. The name Bezalel had a pleasant sound to God, and it spoke volumes in it's "prophetic meaning," for it means: "In God's shadow."

  • God knows of your family and your whole life.

    Bezalel, the "son of Uri, the son of Hur, Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach."

  • He knows where you came from.

    "...Bezaleel of the tribe of Judah, Aholiab of the tribe of Dan."

    The artists true identity is first and foremost rooted in God. Secondarily, the artist acknowledges that he has brothers and sisters in the arts, in the family of God which he or she loves, who love him or her and who are a great inspiration and encouragment.

  • God Is Well Aware of Your Skills Or Qualifications

    God is the "Father of Lights" and every good and perfect gift is from Him, in whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning." (James 1:17) He has called you to walk in the light as He is in the light. How do you do this? You must walk in God's word. As you do this, first of all, there will be an all pervading sense of the presence of God within your life. You will know that you are called according to God's will and purpose, and that this is a higher way than the best laid plans of man.


    "But God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise; and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised has God chosen, yes, to bring to nought things that are; that no flesh should glory in His presence." (1 Corinthians 1:28)

    The secularized use of gifts and talents originated with the family of Cain, after he apostacized, or fled from the presence of God.

    And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelled in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. He builded a city and called it after his son Enoch. Enoch begat Lamech and Lamech begat Jabel, (father of nomads and tent dwellers) Jubal, (father of all who handle the harp and organ. (i.e. The apostacy of music) and Tubal-Cain." (An instructor of every artificer in brass, and iron) (Genesis 4:16-24)

    God wants to redeem the arts to their proper place as tools of evangelism, or to abilities which He can anoint in the building of His house.

    And the Lord spoke to Moses saying: See I have called Bezaleel by name, the son of Uri; the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in 1) wisdom 2) In understanding 3) In all manner of workmanship. 4) To devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in cutting stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship.


    God is calling people out all walks of life from out of this world of spiritual darkness, into the end-time kingdom of God. Many are gifted with varying degrees of artistic talent or ability. Women in out day work with precious metals in jewelry fabrication, while thousands of men are employed in the field of textiles and design. Men as well as women in many countries design and create wool or cotton rugs, and intricately woven or embroidered textiles.

Here's a little poem that I dearly love by a person who sees God as a weaver. It's entitled:

"My Life Is But A Weaving"
My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me. I cannot choose the colours, He worketh steadily. Ofttimes he weaveth sorrow, And I in foolish pride, Forget He sees the upper, and I the under-side. Not till the loom is silent And the shuttles cease to fly Shall God unroll the canvas And explain the reason why. The dark threads are as needful In the Weaver's skillful hand As the threads of gold and silver In the pattern God has planned.


There are many artists and craftsmen and women whose names we will never know. But in the centuries past, they raised up the ruins of the fallen tabernacle of David in the arts. The work of artists often times is done in relative obscurity. They face untold frustrations, which threaten to crush the will to even pursue the craft. Achieving little sense of recognition during ones entire life-time means that you must possess something more. First of all, you must know life on a higher plane of consciousness. In a higher or deeper dimension. God comforts the artist who knows Him with these words:

And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it. Or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice. (I Corinthians 12:26)

The counselors of Florence asked Leonardo da Vinci, then Italy's most celebrated artist, to submit sketches for the decorating of the grand hall at Florence. One of the counselors had heard of a little known painter who had done good work by the name of Michelangelo, and asked him to submit his sketches also. The sketches of Leonardo were superb and in keeping with his genius, but when the counselors saw the sketches of Michelangelo, there was a spontaneous expression of wonder and enthusiasm. News of this reached Leonardo. He also heard that one of the counselors had said: Leonardo is getting old." He was never able to get over the eclipse of his fame by Michelangelo and the remainder of his years were clouded with gloom and depression.


Rejoice when another is honoured as the bible exhorts, for this teaches us how to handle success as well. Choose to dwell together in unity, because God's Word says that "here" is where the blessing flows. (Psalms 133:2) The God of all comfort knows how to comfort you in any distress, and as you receive this from Him, you will in turn know how to comfort and be a blessing to others.


As much as we all like to succeed in what we do, blocked goals are a number one cause of frustration in many people's lives. In some, this can cause us to become rather unpleasant. If we will all remember that as Christian artists, our number one goal is to become "Christ-like, then it will not bother us if we are passed over for a promotion and another is chosen in our place. We will not seethe in anger thinking: "I am the one who should be up there." If you carry out your work in relative obscurity, while others talents are promoted, remember the lives of many of the men and women of faith lived in poverty, and obscurity. Jesus own life was obscure in many ways too.

This does not diminish the fact that most people do prosper through diligence, and the bible says: "The hand of the diligent shall bear rule (Proverbs) But there are times when, in spite of all we can do, things just do not seem to be moving along very rapidly.

The best thing that you can do is to remember that first commandment: "Love God with all of your heart, mind and strength." And if we will seek first the kingdom of God and it's righteousness, all these things will be added to us. (Matthew 6:33) It'll come, don't be discouraged.

There are artists who are multi-talented, and have a certain expertise in a variety of mediums. But some specialize in a particular field like Aholiab. Aholiab was a Danite fiber artist, appointed by God to assist Bezalel in the construction of the tabernacle and it's furnishings. His particular skill and anointing were in the fiber arts, with textiles. God specifically gave him charge over the woven, embroidered or fabric things needed, in the building, furnishing and adorning of the tabernacle.


Growing up as both the Son of God and the Son of Man, He worked in the carpentry shop with Joseph His stepfather. Believe me, He knows the joy of turning out a good piece of work. In the Old Testament, the furniture in the tabernacle was specifically anointed and ordained by God to "prophesy" or to show forth the many aspects of the ministry of Jesus Christ. God gave these craftsmen patterns, and they had to be very precise, so that what God was saying in this could be represented with accuracy. In the New Testament or covenant, we are looking back at that which was but a picture, for believers now have the "substance" which is Jesus Christ. As we have Christ dwelling in our lives, through the new birth and baptism in the Holy Spirit, which the bible says is "shed forth" by Him; (John 1:33, Acts 2:33) by abiding in Him, our very lives should resemble Jesus: The True Mercy Seat, where people may find grace to help in time of need. We won't be God, but people should certainly expect to find the God who abides in us, should they not?


Does God still anoint wood-working? Yes, but you must understand how and why. God can still give a carpenter a pattern or anoint his skill so as to give him fame, because the Bible says: It is God that gives you the power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant. (Deuteronomy 8:18) If your heart is to see the gospel message go forth, and you pray and ask God to anoint your skills, He is able to give you creative ideas even in the form of dreams and visions.

In the bible, we see that Jesus also knew how to fish. When the disciples had toiled all night and caught nothing, He told them to throw the net on the other side of the boat, and they pulled in a catch so big, it nearly broke the net. (John 21:6)

There is a kingdom mentality and even a godly stradegy regarding work and finances. Again, I stress the reason God blesses is not to "consume it upon our own lusts, as the bible says." (James 4:3) But to establish His covenant. God is the great Creator. Why would He do this? He wants to meet the financial as well as the spiritual needs of His people, and their work is one way that he has chosen to do this. Jesus, the Messiah; also loved to sing when He walked this earth.

The New testament speaks of Him singing a hymn with His disciples. (Matthew 26:30, Mark 14:26) We enter into this ministry of song our Messiah had on earth as the Son of Man and the Son of God, when we sing under His anointing for it was prophesied of Him: " I will declare your name to My brethren. In the midst of the congregation will I sing!"(Hebrews 2:12) Jesus was tested in all points like you, yet without sin, so that He can be a merciful High Priest to you.


  • b)

    our artistic talents are given by God. The fact that God anoints, does not mean that practice is not beneficial, and that gifts do not mature or develope, as they are utilized properly. No matter what artistic ability we may possess, our dependence must be upon God and not merely upon our natural ability, our training, or our performance. As we read the Old Testament, Jewish people never compartmentalized the body as the Gnostics taught their followers to do. With ones body soul and spirit, He first loved God with all his or her heart, mind, soul and strength, for this is the first and greatest commandment. Your work as an artist or craftsman is not simply a secular pursuit. Neither do you carry it out in merely a secular world. When you pick up your brush or those tools of your trade, and go to work, you go to battle, whether you know it or not.

    The New Testament says: "For we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, spiritual wickedness in high places." The true and living God is the Lord of Hosts who leads us in the fight, and always causes us to triumph. As in any battle, we do not always see the full scope. God shows us the staging grounds which He wants us to see, and gives us instructions, in His word and by His Spirit. We go from strength to strength, as we wholly follow Him. But the will of God is this: That we prosper and are in health, even as our soul prospers. Remember that the feeding of your soul is crucial. It is vitally linked to your success. Be careful about companions, business associates, etc. Have godly integrity, before the face of your God, whose eyes are over the righteous. May the Lord say of your work: It is very good!"

    For more study material on the arts and worship, contact:

    Skylark of the Morning Prophetic Art Seminars
    Tom & Alana Campbell
    5214 South 2nd Avenue
    Everett, Washington 98203-4113
    Telephone: (425) 252-2981

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