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Spillage of the Beans

Welcome to My Life
The Sanskrit word for "war" means "desire for more cows."

« ! » 7 de octubre, 2000 and 3. All apologies...

Hola, muchachos and muchachas. Jordan here. It's been ages since I have updated this little webpage of mine. Sorry. Not that it matters...I don't think that many people read this. Oh well. More later! .

« ! » Look. It's Hugh Grant.

Right then... Yes. Good day, all. I am Hugh Grant. Jordan is a bit busy, what with school and all. So, she asked me to fill in. Right then... [Insert picture of me. I'm leaning on...something tall. I'm wearing all black, and my carefully disheveled hair is covering my left eye. I'm looking at you. Well, more to the left actually. Oh yes. I'm loving it. You know you want me.] Well. I'm not quite sure what to say. your greens, hug your mum, and sign the guestbook. [Final picture. I'm standing up in a casual ensemble of khaki pants and a black sweater with a smirk on my face that makes you want to say " go my pants!"

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On a scale of 1 to awesome, I am super great.

Which Homestar Runner character are you?
Look! A game!
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Bartholomew commands you to go here!

Go here and read all about Bart's best friend, Pete.
Go here and get Yahoo! Messenger. My screenname is SimplePlanFan2005
