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Home Projects

We started working on some projects around the house, begining with the kitchen. It has taken more elbow grease then either of us expected it too, and we have a ways to go yet. But, once it is done it will look nice. After the kitchen is done, we are going to paint the stairs walls, the hallway walls and the living room walls. This summer we are going to be putting a fence in our yard! Anyone willing to help? We are looking for voulenteers!

Kitchen Entrance

As you can see...the wallpaper is gone and we are left with a mess! Improvements coming soon! I would like to open this wall up so that you can see the stairs through it from the kitchen, but I am not certain if I can take on that challenge.

The Handyman

After Bill saw how much fun I was having...juggling two kids and working on removing the wallpaper all at once...he decided to jump in and join me! Although, I do think that he is sorry that he did (smile)!

The Handyman

Even Kaylee was helping! She got bored real quick, so to keep her occupied I allowed her to draw on the wall. So far she has not attempted to draw on any other walls (I was worried about that!) This is just because she is soooo wonderful and listens well! Pretty art work, don't you think? She may be the next Picasso!

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