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My Virtual Diary

Welcome to my online diary. From time to time I will post things that are going on in the Siebert family. Anything that may be of an intrest to you...or me. Between work, school, two kids, family, and activities there is bound to be something iteresting to talk about!

April 11th, 2003

I went back to work this week. Tonight was my first closing shift and daddy's first long night at home with both girls. After what he went through almost 2 1/2 years ago with Kaylee, he expected the worst. I guess Melanie cried for the better part of 6 hours. He did manage to take a trip to Sears and use his Christmas Gift Card to purchase a maglite flashlight for himself and a mini one for Kaylee (smile). And he didn't call me freaking out! So, overall, I would say it was a success...although I am certain Bill would say otherwise. Here is a picture on my lil melon ball at her evening best! Colicky? YES! But, she is still the cutest!

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