|[sheep's pishy jd quiz]|

ever wanted to know how much in common you have with jd? no? then why the fuck did you come here? :P it's just a bit of fun so don't take it too seriously. enjoy...

1. jd's birthday?
21st of august
...umm january
dude like i care
18th of january
i dunno *twitch twitch*

2. his middle name?
i know your game! he doesn't have one, does he? mwuaha
...how about tracey? ;)
i don't know, aaaaaaaaaaargh

3. his favourite colour?
pink...tch fag
blue or black, something manly, rawr
colours scare me... o.o

4. how does he describe himself?
...um, like "me"
just a "faget"
look at me i'm jonathan davis...bwhahahaaa
"i'm just sensitive...i'm a homo"
*cries* what do you people want from me? i don't know!

5. don't you think his facial hair is funky?
no, you freak ^.^
fuck no
WHAT! 0_0 ... *hides*

6. ex-favourite alcoholic beverage?
cider...cheap bastard...wait, no that's me ^_^
jack n coke
._. leave me alone...

7. who designed his mic stand?
i dunno...let's say munky
h.r. giger
danny hamilton
dude the mic stand is gay...whoever designed should be shot. repeatedly.
*blinks* it scares me...you all scare me

8. which movie did he work on the soundtrack?
tch...titanic *snigger*
the crow
queen of the damned
i have no clue...

9. who pierced his eyebrow?
yeah like i'm gonna fucking know that, you weirdo
aimee echo
nathan cox
what like sharp objects near your eye? *faints*

10. finally and most importantly...do ya think i'm...he's sexay? ;)
well no not really...
rawr baby, just rawr
...you're so gay
he's kewl i guess
he scares me, you scare me, everything scares me... i... *dies*

...a certain shade of green