Shay's Journal..

Shay's Journal.. LoVe Me Or DuN>Im NoT FoRcInG U<
*SeKzi ShAy*

Look into my eyes..
and tell me what you see

First Entree [07 Jan 2004|9:32]
[ x'pression | Brand New ]
[ Song | *Smile-Gunit* ]

Aiight ya'll im bak! I kno ya'll missed me but im bak so u aint got nothing to worry bout.Well since this is mah first entree since june, itz prolly gonna b mah longest one. So here i go...alryt June, hmm well lets start at July lol. Well July was da last tym i chylled wit Cathryn, i miss dat hoe! ;`(.. August i started chylln wit mah very very old best friends from elemntary, Laura, Adam and Nicky. Spent most of the rest of the summer with them and Joan. In da middle of august Adam intoduced me to one of his old best friends Jorge. I must admit he was mah first rael love. ANd then september her broke up me me cuz i was " too serious".I had to get over him and i did bu da end of September, started high skoo(HELL YA Class of '07 Baybee),i found a new guy.named Joey. He was da worst one, not meaning i didnt lyk him, meaning he was a lil badass.Yah i lyked him, he wa smah first kiss, i didnt expect things to last long wit da way we got into fyts everytym we saw each other lol. Then we broke up at da end of October. I had a lil thing wit this kid Dylan he and i are still close, i luv dat kid. But i knew things wouldnt work out cuz he used to think i lyked his 18 yr old brother.November..single until da 17th. Started going out wit Ricky*styll wit him.hmm i love him soo much.December da worst month of all. I lost Joan and Mairi(la-de-fvkkn-da!)Got into long lasting arguments wit mah parents, fought wit mah oldest sister cuz she had me watch her 3 kids over mah vacation and didnt pay me.Started failing classes..Mah mom and Bf forgot to say Happy Bday to me.Didnt see n e one on New Years except Amanda and Sam which was madd kool tho. Ok dats e-fvkkn-uff(lmao jaymie) of mah love life. Now for sum friends.. Da ones i rejoined wit and made.. Alryt, there is Derek, Steve, Greg, Claude, Lips, BrandonL, BrandonK, BrandonF, Mojo, Jorel, Shandi, Kristin, MikeF, Joe,Peter,Mike, Mark, Drue, Ric, Chris, Kristyn, Isabel, Jessica, Angelica, Julian,Jeff, Jeff, Keri, David, DavidL, Alex, Alberto, Maria, Greg, James, JamesF, Kathleen++ mAdd more... Mah Moves I lived on Oak st in june then i moved in august to mah cuzin Shawn and Lily's house til october, then i moved here to centre st. HolidaezXmas Got clothes, money, forces, dunks, iboo(apple laptop),make up, purse,3d pic, and sum eye supplies.Mah Bday, MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY,MONEEEEYYY! New Years..fvkked up as hell!!lol.Well dats all i got for u ryt now, when i think of wat else happened ill hit chu up and tomorrow i will start wit real journal entreez..Mah Babie'z coming ova tomorrow, O lala wonder wat we gon do, Nyt Cha'll ;~P 10o

¤Love Me¤

I Love Mah Babiie [08 Jan 2004|9:25]
[ x'pression | In love all over again ]
[ Song | *No Better love* ]

Hey guys..bak again lol. Imma tell u how mah day went ok ok?? Well first i got up at 5:20, went bak to bed cuz i had nothing to do and set mah alarm for 6:30, so i would have enuff tym for mah hair and contacts but i ended up not hearing mah alrarm and i missed mah bus, mah mom was heated...She blames errthang on me, ERRTHANG. So then i got to skoo. Heres how mah skoo day went. First PeriodCooking- We( Me, Jarron, Brian ,Manushka, Michelle and Deanna) made roast beef, mashed potatoes, veggies and corn muffins.Couldnt wait to eat it, smelled soo good! Lets jus say da smell tricked me lol Second Period Direct Academic(Study)- Nothing special at all, fell asleep lyk tyms cuz ii had nothing to do..Third Period Algebra-Most boring class ever, I sit next to a dweeb and da teachers voice puts me to sleep lol.I feel asleep and when i woke up Amanda, who sits behind me and Danilson thought i was high cuz i was acting wierd after i woke up lmao.Fourth Period Science- mah favoryt subject, we had presentations today for our science project, Shandi is too cute, idk wat i would do witout her in science!LUNCHAhh i cant even explain da lunches i have!! Da greatest! No1 has a better lunch then Shandi, Kathleen, Alberto and Mahself.. we jus laugh our asses off, god i luv them soo much lol.. Last Period English- Good class today, no sleepn jus a quiz that i bet i ACED!!..Dats about it for mah skoo day. Now after skoo!! <RICKY>Uh i cant even fvkkn tell u. This guy. Omfg i love him soo much! We were jus havn lil problems lyk i havent seen him for a long tym so i thought sumthang was wrong but then he came home wit me today. There is nothing better than having the man u love have his arms around you..thinkn bout it makes me soo happy! Ahh Imma rape dat kid!..<> lmao luv u hun! Ricky never change for n e one..Da way we were cuddling tonyt made mah heart jus constantly flip, i love jus being wit you and idk how i would feel if dat changed, I love you soo fvkkn much baby, Guys itz 10:04 and im off this b. 10O

¤Touch Me¤

Late Nyt [09 Jan 2004|1:07am]
[ x'pression | Dont feel well ]
[ Song | *No Music* ]

Hmm today was a normal day at skoo with all mah friends, jus a good thing dat itz friday! Madd homework i gotta do tho. After Skoo Um, Brandon and Mojo came home wit me and chylled til about 5pm.Then i made Jaymie some cd's,After i made Jaymie sum cd's i watched sum tv. Dat was when da boredom ended...At about 7:45 i met Jaymie at her job and waited til it was tym to leave. After that we went bak to Jaymie's and chylled until about 9:45pm, Then Aunti Ruthie, Ebony,and Essence came and picked us up and we all went to da movies. We saw" My Baby's Daddy" dats a seriously funny movie, gotta luv it. It ended at 12am and then we waited until about 12:40 til Jaymiez daddy(dad) picked us up.Then we all went home tiredc as hell. But it was a good day..Well i dont feel good so imma go to bed now. Nyt all, love uz

¤Kiss Me¤

Late Nyt [13 Jan 2004|5:04pm]
[ x'pression | Hurt ]
[ Song | *Tuneless At Da Moment* ]

Sry i havent talked in a lil...Sunday wasnt a good day.And monday i stayed home from skoo cuz i had to go to da doctors and they sed they found a cist. NOw im going bak to da doctors wednesday to see a surgeon and i myt have to get it taken out but i doubt it! So dont worry Megan i will b a live for ur party lol. O yah and dont forget to order me a Steak and Chub Seeze wit mushroms, peppers. ANd Eb and Ess i would lyk a Twitch wit a side of Seizures lmao!! Good day today tho..But busy at da moment readin Mike'z poems...ttyl love ya lots, Ricky love u more than n e thang ;~p

¤Make Love to Me¤

Hmm [14 Jan 2004|10:30pm]
[ x'pression | Hyper!! ]
[ Song | *Suga Suga* ]

Today was a hyper day!! WOOT, no first period, second period was gym,third algebra(tiring), then science HYPERNESS RULES..lunch i was aggrivated and english bored...I went to da doctors and the guy doctor was check mah breast and i was rolling! he was soo funny lookn lmao!Then mah new friend Teddy called me, he is a koo cat. Tenn i got onlyn and talked to people and now itz 10:35 and if off to bed! Je t'aime Raw!!

¤Fuck Me¤

Hmm [15 Jan 2004|5:33pm]
[ x'pression | Partiie Mood ]
[ Song | *Asshole* ]

Aiight today was an awesome day!!Thursday,normal day at skoo madd work tho. I went to skoo and then ended up wit a shyt load of homework and 2 big ass exams tomorrow. Then i went to essence's house and found out... NO SKOO TOMORROW!! WOOT.. im going out! bye

¤Love Me¤

Hmm [16 Jan 2004|9:19pm]
[ x'pression | Eh ]
[ Song | *Stranger in mah house* ]

Today i thought i was going out but i ended up mah fatass home, could have done sumthang constructive, lyk homework! But no im here talkn to all mah manwhores online and shyt..Maybe tryn to get ricky to come to MEGANZ PARTIIE tomorrow dat i cant wait for!! But im tryn to talk to peter and explain to him sumthang i'll b bak layda if i got more to tell u guys aiight 10o

¤Touch Me¤

Hmm [18 Jan 2004|9:19pm]
[ x'pression | *HYPER* ]
[ Song | *Shake it lyk a salt shaka* ]

Alryt Alryt...yesterday!! Aiight first i went to K*feenz and chylled for about 45mins, then her sister-in-law dropped us off at Meganz hous. There is where I met da famous Matt, and Ricardo. Then Megans mommy dropped us off at Texas Road House. It was crowded as hell!! Our resivation was at 7:15 we didnt get to our table til about 7:50, which i was mad about but hey. Our waiters name was Mike( Mikkeyy) he was soo kool. He must have felt soo honored to have da sekzi six as his customers!! It was funny cuz all da guys got Chicken Critter Salads and da grls had chicken Caesar Salads haha. There was this really hott waiter there and he kept walkn by and Megan kept tryn to get him in a pic and she finally did and he looked da cam and then he wouldnt come near our table da rest of da night lol. The waiters put Megan on a sattle and da "Entire Texas Road House" gave Megan da biggest "YEEEEE HAW" ever lol. After we finished eatn as much as we could we all left and for Megan i sed to da waiter " Alryt we want these to go, a check and ur screen name please" it was funnny shyt. And jus before we left we got a picture wit da 4 grls and da 2 waiters. Then off to cosmic bowling woot!! We went bowling and then saw some kids i knew there. Got pretty mad cuz they were being immature litto pricks da whole tym. We had a good tym cuz we met about 5 new people. Ugh dat was da best party i've been to in about 6 months lol..But yah, i slept over Kristinz house and we watched Dirty Dancing( an all tym classic) and Bring It On, then i called mah mommy and i came home. Was suppossed to go to Billy's hockey game but didnt cuz i coudnt get in contact wit K*feenz and he sed i didnt have to cuz he couldnt stop to talk after. But he is still mah best friend!! And im watchn tv and talkn on da other comp so i will add more if i need to! Ttyl journalers..10o

¤Kiss Me¤

Hmm [20 Jan 2004|6:20pm]
[ x'pression | *Blah* ]
[ Song | *Hot-n-Wet* ]

Today was a normal day at skoo besides da fact i had 2 major tests and no homework! WOOT..Then Mojo came home wit me and then we got here and Brandon came. We chylled for a lil while it was chill and then Mojo fvkkn rammed me! I fell into mah closet door(broke it again), bruised and left a bump on mah hand, and arm dat hurts lyk hell, and cut mah hand open. I went in da bathroom and got da broken piece of mirror i found on da floor and i was readii to kill his ass. Then Jorel came over..this is where things started to suck,(dont get me wrong i luv dat kid, he is mah brother but...) da first thing Jorel sed to me was "Wheres ur boyfriend", then Brandon and Mojo laughed, maybe they knew sumthang i didnt or Jorel is jealous of Ricky cuz he got me and Jorel is jus a brother?? Who knows. They def cant all b together at once, when they come over by themselves itz all good, but all together they are assholes and im tired of it.Then they left..PHEW! i thought i was gonna kill mahself wit da way they was actn.And i think they got mah husband mad at me :*( Hope not.But yah.. dat was mah day. Hope u enjoyed da pain as much as i did lol..Im out 10o

¤Make Love to Me¤

Hmm [29 Jan 2004|6:20pm]
[ x'pression | *Normal* ]
[ Song | *IDK* ]

Yah..Mah internet explorer is def being an asshole. So i havent written in a long tym, well since da 20th i went to ebony's partiie and nicky's partiie, taken finals, switched classes, and ummm dats pretty much it. Idk why but all of a sudden out of NOWHERE i miss mah Billy..*Sniff* nah jk lol but i do. I havent chylled wit him since last summer, i mean i see him everyday but we barely talk n e more.If ur wondering who this infamous Billy is, he is sum1 who i have known since 1rst grade(basically forever)And we've been there for each other alot over these years. I guess i can say he is my BEST friend. Yah i thought through sum of da shyt we went through dat i would never say dat. `~). And by da wat Matt is da best person in da world.. lol( i know ur reading it).And im hungry and very very overhomeworked so i'll talk atcha layda.. love u all!!

¤Fuck Me¤

Chylln [01 Feb 2004|2:16pm]
[ x'pression | *Musical* ]
[ Song | *Cant live witout you* ]

Hey, waddup.. nuffin much jus chylln wit Mandiie. Yah Friday we went to Cambridge and got our nails and hair done by mah sister.Slept over and came home yesterday ond a train.. this chinese guy wanted me to sit on his hand. i was going crazy.. lyk this *makes face* craaaaazy! lol But im good now cuz when we got home we got online and i had tea which made me feel lyk me!!Well then there is Will.. he makes me sad he was suppossed to call me on mah bday and i havent heard of him since.. he was lyk obne of mah ebst friends and i miss him..And yesterday amanda was strippn on mah webcam.. and i coulda punhed da shyt out of her.. All mah friends lyk her more.. not even askl about ricky!but yah i had a dream about ricky.. we were all there me and amanda and then we were da first ones there and then we got to da living room and we saw sam and john michael, and then ricky came in and i asked how john new ricky and then they looked at me lyk i was stupid and then ricky jus walked away and then came bak and lyk jjumped on me and tarted tickling me and then me and amand hid from him and he neva looked for us lol, so we came out da closet and looked for him and we split up and i went around and all of a sudden there was s shyt load of people there..brandon brandon mikeyy jaymie.. and madd more random people so i first looked in da living room no ricky but sum1 on da comp lookn at porn, then to rickyz room and there was no ricky again but 2 more people look at porn on his laptop and then i checked da dining room yet no ricky still and then i found him idk where and then we started doing stuff and as soon as i was jus about to get bad,, I WOKE UP, i hate dat! lol but yah if i have n e thang to say i'll return after da super bowl 10o

¤Love Me¤

Chylln [01 Feb 2004|12:12am]
[ x'pression | *PATRIOTIC* ]

Hell yeah!! We won again for da second tym in 3 years! Yo i seriously thought we wasnt gonna make it cuz the teams tied and then there was 15 seconds left and them Vinateri kicked da succeeding kick(out of 3).And then there was 4 secs left and PATS WON! Tough game tho.N e wayz im madd tired and gonna get in trouble.Nyt Ya'll 10o

¤Touch Me¤

Achy [02 Feb 2004|4:13pm]
[ x'pression | *In Style?* ]
[ Song | *Me Mayself and I* ]

Hey waddup jus got home from skoo. By da way it was ok cuz i had no last period teacher so i did mah homework for mah other classes. Then i got home and i talked to Matt he sed dat BillyG sed dat there was madd heads playn football around da corner so i jus went wit him. Then we got to Billy and it ended up being faggs and they didnt even wann play. So dat was football lol then they went to Subway and im wating for da call now.. so i will holla bak

¤Kiss Me¤

Watchn Mtv [05 Feb 2004|8:35am]
[ x'pression | *Exau..Exau..VERY TIRED* ]
[ Song | *I Love Da Way U Move* ]

Yah Today was a decent day.. full of work tho, and of course i didnt get algebra again.. jus after i was understanding it..O well but yah da bus ride was prolly da most fun cuz i was wit Ricardo and Teddy and Ricardoz friend. We was all jus starn at dat chick in da front seat.. can we say gum? She got more gums then fuckn gumbiie!Lmao, and yesterday mah parents were talkn bout movin again, for the *counts fingers* 10th damn tym in 12 years!O well yah had da most fun convo wit MastaBates yesterday, got to kno alot bout da litto bugger.Hmm I havent much more to say besides im really really bored and gotta pee lol. But yah Ttyl if i got n e more..10o

¤Make Love to Me¤

..Blah.. [06 Feb 2004|11:21pm]
[ x'pression | *Tired.Achy.Sad* ]
[ Show | *Forgot* ]

Yah today was an okay day. Then after skoo i Mojo and Brandon came home wit me and chylled til lyk 9. Then i got onlyn and as soon as i got on.. guess who IMed me. Yep Peter. Doesnt even say hi or watever jus lyk" grr jaymie went on a date, i thought i was hers" When im jus lyk "Yep" and then he does dat gat crying face. Yah Peter, i used to care. Then Jaymie shows me, they was talkn and she was lyk "why do u need me for, u got sharon" and he was lyk " u got a bigger chest" .. Yah dats wat i sed!! Wat an ass. N e Who im jus talkn to Jaymie Matt and Mark now.. Wish Ricky was on, or we at least chylld today.. I was in da best mood for mah Ricky lol jk . O yah da show im watchn is Carmen and David.. sumthang sumthang. This quote i found and its great and oOo sooo true... Back Stabbn me and going against ur word, thinkn " oh, she wont kno" well guess wat bitch [--I heard--]...Jaymie they dont kno da struggle of being us lol, But yah i gotsa migraine and im tired so u kno im out 10o..Fuck you ;~D,and Stay Fake.. U alwayz were..

¤Fuck Me¤

Friday the 13th [13 Feb 2004|7:54pm]
[ x'pression | *Excited* ]
[ Song | *Love Me Baby* ]

My day was good. Better than ne other day. I wore a pair of jeans and a shirt wit a monkee on it dat sed " Kiss me before mah boyfriend comes bak".Lol guess how many kisses i got today... 3! Heck Yeah.I made sure it was only cheek. Im reserving da lips for one and only one.I got sum cards from Megan, a single rose from Yvins( yah bitches, get jealous!), sum candiie and maddd hugs!Lol Algebra was good, Mrs. Waters wasnt there. Science, we finished watchn Finding Nemo.. da CLASSIC" I sha'll call u squishy and u sha'll b mine and then u sha'll be mah squishy"-Dori lol, passed out Valentines( im soOo grown up) and i took madd pictures.Lunch was da best part tho.. madd funny. Ryt, Megan, Jamie( not jaymie) and Amanda( not Mandiie or Mandi) had a sped sittin at their table lol.So he went to da bathroom and then they moved up 2 tables near me. He found them lol and then Megan left and came to mah table and eventually so did Amanda so i went to da table cuz they left Jamie wit da retard. And She was walkn to him and he sed he liked Megan and then she was lyk " oOo she likes you too" And i was rolling.Then Mike walked by and i was lyk " Mike, Save us!" and he was lyk " Alright ya'll tym to vacate this area"and we left da Table and then sped followed us again!! So i got up and Megan was in mah seat so i jus stood next to her and the retard came up to Megan and tried to take her hand and he asked her to b his valentine.. AHHH she was about to die lol. she tried err excuse not to b his valentine Alright, new subject.. Im short, whenever a guy tried to hug me they have to bend so it makes them lok lyk they wanna get duked. Yah.. thought i'd let u kno.And im bored so im gonna try to get mah picks online and get mah ass out da house.. ttyl love ya

¤Love Me¤

Friday the 13th [14 Feb 2004|12:23am]
[ x'pression | *VeXed* ]
[ Song | *NO MUSIC* ]

Today was Valentines Day..and mine and Julianz Grandmother's Bdays. I spend da day wit mine and a whole lot of other family. I wore mah black pleaded skirt and mah white and black striped shirt and mah white and black boots.First we went to a fancy(no jean wearing) seafood resturaunt and mah sister ordered stuffed atlantic salmon mah mom ordered seafood newburg and i ordered mahi mahi.All Madd good but very smalle portioned.Then we left early so we could set up mah granmothers house cuz we had planned a surprise partiie for her friends to attend. So we did dat and jus chilled there for a lil while. And then i took madd pics wit err1. We left about 10:25 to drop off mah uncle and then was on our away home. Mah mom and I had a talk.. i asked her about a piercing i want.. and she bitched giving me this " this could b ur life line here!" did u see dat keyword she had in there...COULD.. not IS. But GRR i had more typed and im frustrated cuz da whole damn thing jus deleted and mah mom pisses me off! I needa talk to sum people before i go to bed so Happy Valentines Day and im out 10o <3 you babiie

¤Touch Me¤

Best Dream [17 Feb 2004|2:22pm]
[ x'pression | *IDK* ]
[ Song | *No Music* ]

Yah Yesterday was fun.. only da nighty part.I had Sam and Mandiie sleep over cuz Mandiie left for florida today to go look for houses:~(.But we had a fun night.. but im not on here for this reason. So ne way here i go..You know how u have them lyk great dreams about people and u lyk.. like them a whole lot more? Well yeah, i had one of Ricky. I was at his house and then we wet outside and started walkn, and well he lives lyk rite near the fair grounds so, i guess it was dat tym of da year where da fair was here. So we walked to da fair only we snuck in through da back.And Chris(Ricky's best friend) was there and i guess they were thieves so they lyk walked up to da lil games where u hadda pay and took money and the first one ricky went up 2, he got 85 dollars fromso we continued to walk around and ended up outta the fair grounds. So we went bak in and we walked into a lil place selln hats an sneakers and shyt( idk lol dont ask)and ricky saw a pink kangol hat, so he bought it for me.So then we left we walked lyk for 3 minutes and ended up insyd a mall( *shrugs*).Then we walked for a lil bit and Ricky sed he was cold, so i stopped in da middle of the mall and jus stood there for lyk 5 minutes huggn him, tryn to make him warm( i kno im soo sweet), and then we kissed a couple of tyms.And then we met up wit Ango(Chris) and were at da school( really tho.. dont ask)And we ended up in room lyk W314.. Mr. Houglans cookin class(which doesnt even exist lol), and we were jus chylln and then i asked to go to the bathroom and yah he let me so when i was done. i didnt kno which room to go into lol. So i stayed out in front of da doors for lyk 5 mins til some class walked by and i asked a grl , that looked lyk Shandi only she was lyk a junior. And then i came bak in and i was walkn to mah seat and ricky came from behind me and lyk grabbed me and gave me another hug(which was great) and then i turned around to kiss him.. and i woke up :`(!! I was lyk HOLY FUCK! but n e wayz.. dats all i wanted to tell u so.. ttyl 10o.. <3Ricky

¤Kiss Me¤

Tired [19 Feb 2004|4:13pm]
[ x'pression | *Tired.Bored* ]
[ Show | *No Tv* ]

Argh so..*Eh hem*Yesterday i stayed home wil bout 5, then i went over Jaymiez and Ebony and Essence were there, and i thought Keri was but yah.. SO i walk in Jaymiez room and im lyk 'hey guys wheres Keri' they was lyk ' she had to leave her mom had to take her out for dinner' i was lyk 'awww u liars she here, she sprolly in the closet' and essence goes 'well then check' and i was lyk 'no im good' but then i wa slyk ' whose cars out front' and then jaymie was lyk ' dats mah brothers ggrlfwends car' i believed it all! Then lyk 5 minutes of us jus sittin there we all go into da living room to watch jaymie work her on demand digital cable by comcast lol.Then Keri runs outta nowhere and i scream'd soo loud lol.So after dat Keri Drove us to Cvs and Family Dollar,we all got our own 2 liter bottles of soda lol and went on a JUNK FOOD SHOPPN SPREE!! oOo YEAH!SO we went bak to Jaymiez and watched " The Good Son" gottz love dat movie.*as both kids hang over the cliff* " Please mom, i love you" Yah ryt u evil asshole!!BUt Yeah.. afta da movie was over we all jus watched music videos for lyk da illest 4 hours lol. Jaymiez daddy finally drove us home at around 12:45.When i got home i was hyped outta mah ass lol.Prolly From mah soda.But so then Mike was onlyn(not mikeyy). And we was talkn and i finally got mah damn cam to work! We stayed up til 7:20am jus being clowns and jackassholes(megan lol)He is lyk da funnest guy i kno to talk to onlyn.We needa chyll soon!It was fun but not im tired and jus woke up and its effin 4pm.. wasted a whole day. But itz all good.I also talked to mah old friend Will who i havent talked to in da longest tym.. since mah bday, miss him he hasnt been onlyn cuz of his dad and a family emergency which turned out a big deal.And Ryan, Im worried bout him, he hasnt been onlyn since last month.I cant even call him(dun remember da number)I hope he gets onlyn soon cuz im worried. Mark hasnt been onlyn but he told me his internet will b taken away for a lil but idk why, miss him too.Damn Ric hasnt been onlyn either and im pissed.Me and Brandon dont talk as much ne more.Ricky is the one i miss most tho.He went to Vegas for vacation and wont b bak til monday, didnt even get to see him before he left or say goodbye.O well, this Sad Sad lil life of mine has its ups and downs..mostly downs but i'll get used to it sumtym.And now i have to go read 5 chapters for english and do da damn work..wait i'll do dat after i soak mah ass in the tub lol.Well im out 10o

¤Make Love to Me¤

Takn Quizzes [20 Feb 2004|4:07pm]
[ x'pression | *Bored* ]
[ Show | *Radio* ]

My inner child is sixteen years old today

My inner child is sixteen years old! You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla You like it fast and strong and you drink for one reason: to get piss-ass drunk!
Congratulations!! You're a shot of some good old
hard liquor!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Waiting
You are a Waiting angel. You stay inside your
little world waiting for that special someone
to come and take you away. You hope that the
day that your love will come will be soon, and
no one can pick on you for wanting to save
yourself. On the other hand, your hopes
decrease every day that you suffer. Try to hold
on a bit longer...

What Different Kind of Angel are you...? ( Anime-ish pics )
brought to you by Quizilla

¤Fuck Me¤

Tears [21 Feb 2004|12:40am]
[ x'pression | Jealous and Hurt ]
[ Song | *Fuck Music* ]

You know wat sux?! jealous of them. YAH SO WAT. At least i admit it lyk no1 else does. If I had wat they had, i'd b da happiest(uh i hate dat word) effin person in da damn world! But i dont..and never will.You wanna kno why? Because im superfluous. Which is da second problem.This is one of mah suicidal nights :p Im Out 10o

¤Love Me¤

HeHe [21 Feb 2004|2:00pm]
[ x'pression | All SmyLez ]
[ Song | *I lyk da way u move* ]

Im here chylln in Cambridge at mah sistahs house, bout 2 go food shoppn wit her and mah other sister and mah mom(grls day?)Well, yah if u wanna know why im all smiles. I got mail from Mikeyy today ;~)Lol.[(Dont worry bout da wiink, i have a man and Mikeyy is taken by mah best friend)] To make a long story short, Mikeyy and I made a bet and he didnt win it and da amount was 50 Dollars.He sent it and i got it today. He got me good, he sent 50 Dollars, but it was blue..yah he sent me 50 dollars in Monopoly Money lol!!No wonder why he sed " what am i going to do with it "Lol. Hes a good actor lol. He made mah day soo much by that, more than u guys know, seeing how i've been feeln down da last couple of nights.But yah, Mikeyyz a prankster(da next Ashton perhaps);p. Thanx ya lotz 10o!! P.S. Jaymie, Mike Loves You

¤Touch Me¤

*Sigh* [22 Feb 2004|12:15am]
[ x'pression | Craziie!! ]
[ Song | No Music ]

WOot! Im all Hyped up. Jus got bak from Lazer Zone wit Ebony, Essence, Jaymie,Stephanie,Stephany and Aimie.Madd Fun.. god i love those grls to death. So.. How bout same tym next weekend? lol OoOo Yeah!!.. 10o

¤Kiss Me¤

*OMFG* [22 Feb 2004|12:15am]
[ mOod | FED UP!! ]
[ Song | Itz Mah Life-Gwen Stefani ]

Yah.. after the end of a great day. Here comes sum1 who used to be mah friend sayin " Yo I heard sum shit bout u"..God then i was lyk " Im sure u did, wat did u hear now?" and then he told me and , i jus get so fuckn fed up wit people because they say shyt bout me( not even to mah face) and then sum1 else tells me and wont say who because " im not gona blow sum1's spot up lyk dat".. sure ur not but u listen to the effin rumors they spread, AND believe em? but u cant tell me who sed it?!.. Yah sum1z suckn major ass!! Ever since December 4th people jus cant get enuff of me huh. And Ricky, I feel bad for him.. itz lyk all he heres now is about people and how much they fuckn hate me.. Im sry babe.Yah but lyk i was sayn im sure the person or people who made these dumbass rumors up.. is jealous dat i have ricky because they used to lyk em *cough cough*. You word to the wise..If sum1 is startn rumors as a joke or if sum1 comes to u and says " i heard this and dat" and dont even ask u bout da situation first.. THEY AINT UR FRIENDS.. Trust no1,Biig Thanx to Mikeyy,Nicky and Jaymie. God man, u've been there through most of da bullshyt and help me wit it and still find tym to handle urs. As for da ret of u junior high bullshytaz..I got no tym to deal wit ur sorry asses..IM OUT 10o

¤Make Love to Me¤

Yawn [22 Feb 2004|7:43am]
[ x'pression | *Tired* ]
[ Show | *Im really really HOT* ]

Yah..Long ass day today.Went Shoppn..Went to Lazer ZOne..Heard sum more shyt spread about me..Worried bout Mikeyy.. and still finded tym to pull an allnighter wit Mike and Aimie onlyn lol..I was talkn to madd people and then at lyk 4 they all left. SO it jus was me and Mike and AImie..Then Mike got on his cam and jus sat there and laughed at me lyk alwayz lol and AImie doesnt have one so we was jus talkn bout today.ANd how whoevaz spreadin rumors wants me to b pissed and hate mah life.. Well to the believers and spreaders and starters.. Im living mah life happy as hell ;D!Thank you. And remember da list of people who i miss.. da one i wrote about 2 days ago? I talked to Mark and Will and Ric.. now all im missing is Ricky and Ryan! But yeah.. madd tired its lyk 8 am loland im jus chylln seeing if Mike's gonna come bak pnlyn cuz he kinda got kicked off( he was gonna leave his cam on all night so i could watch him fall asleep lol.. he was gettn it readii and WHAM.. he got kicked off!). O well at least hez gone.. I mean i love da kid to death lol but he was tired and would leave me.. i hadda begg him to finally go to bed, he couldnt even sit up da poor kid lol..Mah Kidneys Hurt.. im scared.. And did i tell u im tired, im in bed now 10o~ SuperFluous SmyLez.. (lol Jaymie) "Dese wounds jus wont heal,diz painz jus too real, therez jus too much dat tym jus cant erase"

¤Fuck Me¤

Speechless [22 Feb 2004|6:59pm]
[ x'pression | Idk ]
[ Song | *Business-Em* ]

Goodness more problems from That Neck of the Woods. ALong wit da bullshyt rumors. Mah Ex Boyfriend calls me today on Amandaz cell fone.. and this is how da convo goes..Joey: Hey im sry i havent called, i lost ur number when i lost mah fone.. Me:Itz ok...Joey: You got a man already?...Me: Wat do u mean already, u and me were 4-5 months ago...Joey: Whats his name?...Me: Dont worry bout it...Joey: Well i got sumthang for Mandiie to give to u...Me: ok ?..Joey: well imma call u layda on...Me: OK?...Joey: Buh bye...Me : Bye.. dat was at lyk 6pm he jus called me at and its lyk 8 and hes lyk all i can say is " true love is hard to find" and he is jus pissn me off askn about all da things we used to do and im seriously bout to hang up on his sry ass. " I dun even kno why i broke up wit, i need u and i love u" and BLAH

¤Love Me¤

!!! [24 Feb 2004|2:56pm]
[ mOod | Bitchy i guess ]
[ Show/Song | *No Tv, No Music* ]

Hmm. nothing happened sunday.Yesterday I went to skoo it was fine. Ricky came bak from Vegas. AFter skoo i went home wit Amanda. Then we chilled wit Kayla and Joey.I thought it was gonna b wierd since Joey is mah ex and all.But it was jus lyk b4 we even started going out, it was kool i guess. I kinda feel bad for him cuz he is " in love" and im with Ricky lol..He was all lyk " u were suppossed to wait for me " Haha he doesnt realize he wa slyk 4-5 months ago?Ne way we left Joey at Tucas, and went to Kayla's.Then Nimi asked us if we wanted to go to da store wit him and we did, then he dropped me and amanda off at home.And she helped me wit mah homework( shez great lol)Then i came home.I stayed up til lyk 2 lokn for a decent picture for mah French Project, didnt find one.Then i went to bed. I woke up this morning and was madd tired so i set da alarm for 10 more minutes.It didnt go off and then mah mom came in at 6:50 and was lyk " Sharon! Itz almost 7!!" i was lyk omfg are u serious?! and then she was sayn how if i " can't obey the rules" then mah internet gets turned off at lyk 9..watever i really dont need to b onlyn i jus dunno how to say bye lol.But i heard her but i wasnt listening cuz i was going bak to sleep and mah sister kept coming in mah room fuckn pouncing on mah bed to wake me up, she was lyk " Shay-Shay-No-Nay.. itz almost 4" when it was really almost 2 i was gona fuckn kill her ass.But i couldnt, shez givin me a dime or maybe 2.but ne way itz now 3:06 and imma go and do yesterdays homework b4 i start todays lol..Im Out 10o ~Superfluous SmyLez P.S. Thanx Mikeyy and Nicky.. u guys are the shyt!

¤Touch Me¤

Speechless [22 Feb 2004|6:59pm]
[ x'pression | Idk ]
[ Song | *Business-Em* ]

Goodness more problems from That Neck of the Woods. ALong wit da bullshyt rumors. Mah Ex Boyfriend calls me today on Amandaz cell fone.. and this is how da convo goes..Joey: Hey im sry i havent called, i lost ur number when i lost mah fone.. Me:Itz ok...Joey: You got a man already?...Me: Wat do u mean already, u and me were 4-5 months ago...Joey: Whats his name?...Me: Dont worry bout it...Joey: Well i got sumthang for Mandiie to give to u...Me: ok ?..Joey: well imma call u layda on...Me: OK?...Joey: Buh bye...Me : Bye.. dat was at lyk 6pm he jus called me at and its lyk 8 and hes lyk all i can say is " true love is hard to find" and he is jus pissn me off askn about all da things we used to do and im seriously bout to hang up on his sry ass. " I dun even kno why i broke up wit, i need u and i love u" and BLAH

¤Love Me¤

Gosh.. [25 Feb 2004|9:20pm]
[ mOod | a lil depressed ]
[ Show/Song | *No Tv, No Music* ]

Today Mandi and I stayed after to take da waiver for her swimming class and da damn thing was canceled.No1 wanted to make an announcement or ne thang. So we stayed after and was heated lol.So we went to da batbus and she didnt wanna wait so we walked to her house(on da north syd)from BHS..Gosh mah bak hurts haha. But yah.. yesterday was a pretty loong day. I got into an argument wit mah mother( i swear we hate each other more and more errday)and mah sister and her husband say dat since im gettn into more and more fights wit mah parents dat she might buy a house out here jus so i can move in wit them.But i talked to mah dad and he might get or try to get da house i want cuz itz near all mah friends..up im Amesville. I talked to Ricky yesterday and i kinda suggested that we take a lil break cuz as of now we dont talk much ne more and we spend tym together once in a blue moon. He says he understands which he prolly does, i jus dont thiink he is happy bout it. He knows i lov him soo much.Plus we both need to get our skoo situations in order to pass 9th grade.I wish him da best of luck. What pisses me off tho is Amanda(one of mah best friends) is in lyk 2 of his classes and all she does is bother him about me. Lyk 2day she sed to him"OoO so u and sharon are on a break now".Itz not even dat biig of a deal but i hate when people do dat, i mean it jus happened yesterday. She acts as if we broke up(which we didnt). I jus really wanna kno how he feels about it, cuz pshh i already regret it.Riicky if ur reading this then IM me please.I Lov U ... 10o err1 *Shay*

¤Touch Me¤

Speechless [26 Feb 2004|11:16pm]
[ mOod | Regretful ]
[ Song | *Jus lyk a pill* ]

Today was a In da morning i bumped into Ricky a lil but i tried to stay as far as i could away from him cuz i thought he was mad at me. And i thiink he is cuz when i got home today i Imed him and asked him if he was mad and he sed ' nah not really' but im sure when he put his am on and it sed ' chylln around.. on da fone wit this chiick amanda, dont beep in kus ur not important enuff' he wanted me to get mad.And Ricky i hope ur happy cuz it didnt only get me mad it got me sad. We aint even broken up yet. But hes jus tryn to make me jealous says jaymie.. watever lol. Next subject yah.. anthony( da one who sed he heard all thsi shyt about me) told me dat all da rumors except 3 were jokes.. dats not funny shyt to joke wit. and it pissed me off... Me and Megan were going through pretty much da same shyt til today. and Brandon and I are depressed together, lol i love dat kiid. And Mikeyy is being a bad boy again, he makes me cry.Dacia wants nothing to do wit me when suppossedly i ditched her for Laura in 8th grade when me and Dacia have spoken since then and have been fine.. if u ask me shes a bunch of bullshyt.Ne way This jus isnt mah year.. im out 10o

¤Kiss Me¤

Dumb lol.. [28 Feb 2004|11:47pm]
[ mOod | tummy ache ]
[ Song | *This Kiss* ]

Yah.. Dat Last entree, please do ignore it(all of u) I was def jus going crazy wit da shyt cuz i assumed Ricky was mad at me.And his away message, he jus put it there to stop people from interupting him. I got soo fuvkn scared cuz i hate when people are mad at me. But me and him are fine..thank god! BUt yah yesterday i went home wit amanda, it was funny cuz we went out for a lil while (and did i tell u dat moster shot her in da fuckn bak wit a bbgun and tried to hit me and missed?!)and then we went into her room and i was lyk falln asleep a lil and then Yvins(evens) calld mah cellular device and i was lyk "yah amandas mad cuz u dont call her cell so heres da number.." And he called her and she was lyk " um i gotta go ttyl" lol and we both fell asleep and woke up at 8:45pm and then mah mom came and picked us up and we went to lazer zone wit Ebony, Essence, Jaymie, Stephanie, Keri,and Jenna. Funniest shy happened there( since im "oOo such an attention craver")but Jenna and i ran past Amanda and Amanda looked bak at us and i was da only one she saw.. LMFAO, Jenna ran into one of the walls and fell on da floor!! And then after da game Amanda, Jenna, Keri, and I didnt have to pay cuz suppossedly in da begining da guy didnt have change so he wa slyk pay layda. So after the game we gave him da money and he was lyk " Nah dont worry about it" Dats cuz.. again im da "attention craver"-Jaymie. But yah after that Auntie Ruthie dropped Amanda and I off at her house and then we couldnt get in lol so we stayed outsyd of her house for lyk 30 mins tryn to get in at 1am til her dad woke up after hearin us lol. Then today it was madd niice and we woke up and Joey called and was lyk " blah blah wat are u guys doing today" so we was lyk we're going to kaylaz and he was lyk " noo dont go to kaylaz wait til i get there" and then we waited for a second and thought why dont we get kayla and bring her here so we wer eon our way to kaylaz and then ofcourse she wasnt ready and she was makn grilled cheeses and it took forever so when she was done she put on her shoes and sum1 knocked on her door and didnt respond when she sed hello so she wouldnt open it cuz she was scared so i did and no1 was there . I left it open and then kayla got scared and closed it and then Joey opened da door and told us to shut da fuck up. SO we left and went BAK to Mandiz and chylled for lyk 10 mintes then walked to CVS and visited Jaymie..Then left and came bak, walked past Tucas and dropped JOey off and then Chylled at Kaylaz til Mandi had to go to her momz then walked her home and Me and Kayla went bak to her hosue and chylled til mah mom came.. u wanna kno about tomorrow.. Chylln wit Kayla and Joey! Phew! dats alot.Im happy me and Joey are cool again tho. We're too close now, lyk fuckn brother and sister.. i look bak and find it funny dat we went out lol

¤Make Love To Me¤

Migraining! [10 March 2004|4:29pm]
[ mOod | hmm u tell me ]
[ Song | Gettn Tipsy ]

Yah da last tym i wrote a journal entree was Feb 28, was it not? Well since then hmm...idk but March 8th was Nehemiez Bday(18!) and Kayla, Amanda, and I bout him 'ropes and handcuffz' lol yesterday was Joeyz Bday(16!!) and todays Brandonz Bday( 16!). U guys are prolly thiink " Whoa da men sharon go through in a week" but nah.. itz jus da fact dat i dont lyk grls and guys are more fun. da grlfwendz i have are Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, Kayla, Shandi,Maira, Kathleen, Samantha.. and dats prolly it besides da few others in da first entree. But i love mah guy friends to death, actually i love all mah friends to death.. wayy too many to name. And im bored so while im on da subject of mah friends.. here are the bests:: Best Hug: Steven B, Teddy, Ricky, Busta... Best Kiss(boyfriends only): Ricky, Joey Best Advice: MikeG, MikeyyJ, Jaymie... Best Chyllaz: Kayla,Mandi,Ben..shyt AMES(easier way to put it) Best Flirts: Joey, Danny, Nehemie.. Most Shy: Kristin, Teddy(hez soo effn cuddly)... Best Looks:... Best Jokstaz: MIKEYY, Maira, Shandi, Jaymie..

¤Fuck Me¤

Migraining! and Crying [16 March 2004|7:55pm]
[ mOod | Ek! ]
[ Song | Nothing ]

Amanda(Mandiie), moved early and her mother didnt even let her tell me..god freshman year sux!.. I lost Joan.. the person i thought i was gonna b wit forever .. Ricky..ugh..idk .. other shyt.. and Amanda moving outta-fuckn-state! Sumtymz i wish i had no friends and no1 even cared cuz this wouldnt hurt soo bad.Today in skoo i saw da production to kill a mockinbird 2-3 period.. it was good actually. Then i had da rest of the skoo day(2periods) and stayed after for nothing, then went home wit Maira. There we ate( spicy shyt and a fuck load of cake from Sameenz bday)and we called Julian.. u see, Maira kinda lyks Julian.And i love him, well i gotta! dont get mad.. hez family lol. But yah and Nathan sed " Hey Sweetie" lol i thought dat was madd funny.([Im tryn soo hard not to cry cuz im migraining and this sux]) then at 5 i left and went to Mandiz cuz we was suppossed to go to her NJH Cheerleading Banquet, but it was canceled due to this harsh weather. At Mandiz i chylled for a lil and then watched lyk half of 13 Ghosts, cuz mah mother sent mah sister to pick me up and called me after she left, so i had no choice. and Now Im kinda freezing, migraining and call waiting. Goodnyt all, and this sux soo bad that i wouldnt even wish it on Jessica F. 10o Babiie`Tearz

¤Love Me¤

Teddy(Snugglez) [30 March 2004|6:13pm]
[ mOod | Falln <33* ]
[ Song | If ur not da one.. ]

Im Guessin i didnt tell u bout Teddy. Hez great, prolly da best.. i thought so about lyk 2 other people but they have nothing on Teddy! He seriously is perfect, maybe even more!! Dont beliebe me then ask Megan or Kristin. He is soo damn.. Genuine! Today this is wat happened We chylled for a lil while and then mah mom came home and she met him.She was lyk " so mr handsome , i wanna kno, what are u two.. friends or..." and then i was lyk " omg! Teddy dont answer her, mom please dont ask dat" and then she wa slyk " no no i jus wanna kno" and i was lyk " friends , yah we're jus friends BYE" and then Teddy was rolling lol and then i tried to shut mah door and she wa slyk " no shuttin ur door" and i was lyk wat are we gonna do and she was lyk " idk hopefully nothing" and i was lyk " Yah mom we're gonna FUCK!" she was lyk ahh wat and then i started laughin and was lyk yah bye!..but when i jus walked him home he was lyk " jus FRIENDS?" i was lyk " yah, " he was lyk "o" then i go " fine then wat are we" he goes " well i wouldnt wanna put u in a relationship cuz i'd jus hurt u" and im lyk" how so" he goes " itz been done b4"then i didnt say ne thang and he was lyk " sad, i kno" but i say " well i think its sweet in a way dat u dont wanna hurt me.." he was lyk " yah but mah dadz gonna b here so u really gotta go" so i was lyk " im not leavn til i get wat i want" and he was lyk " wat are u waiting for" and then i was lyk " please dont play dumb" he goes " than make ur move" so then we start makn out and his dad gets home then i rush out da front door.. Idk but im soo in love wit him! Ne way Julian hung up wit me to talk to this chiick who i dont want him near.. im sulted and pissed at him! Im Out- 10o

¤Touch Me¤