~He Touched Me~

God Touched My life

For therein is the righteousness
of God revealed from faith to  
to faith: as it is written, The   
just shall live by faith. Rom. 1:17

God touched my life, in a gentle way,
And led me out of sin;
Sometimes I slipped, and even fell,
But He lifted me up again.

At first it was just the smallest touch,
But it grew stronger every day---
Guiding me, helping me, leading me on,
Along the Christian pathway.

At first I barely heard His voice,
But now it's very clear:
He tells me I'm His precious child,
And draws me ever near.

Now each day, my love, trust, and faith,
Grows stronger in the Lord;
As I set my sights, not on this earth,
But in heaven, where I'll find my reward.
(© 2002 by Kathryn Brandon; all rights reserved)

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