Shanna Storm Official Page

S U P P O R T  I N D I E  T A L E N T

It's been said that an audience never knows what it's missing, and that is certainly true! There is a lot more talent out there than what's being picked up commercially, and thankfully I am fortunate enough to have tuned in to the masterful melodies of this amazing seven-string guitarist... experience the music for yourself, and order the CD & other cool merchandise.
Featured Artist

A man of many talents, and a superb graphic designer apart from being a gifted musician. Check out his portfolio at:
The Real 7 Design Studio


... T O  T H E  W O R L D  B Y  S T O R M ...

Greetings, and welcome to my all-new site!

It has been awhile, but the time has come to break the silence. Thanks to my loyal fans who've kept in touch these many months...
I look forward to hearing from friends I've known, and those I've yet
to meet.

The new site will be more interactive, and will also offer an exclusive collection of free e-cards designed by yours truly, featuring my own original artwork & poetry.

For the time being at least, I have replaced my personal chat room (a.k.a. "The Loft") with a message board, after having endured too many issues with my system. Due to popular demand, I may add it in again later... we'll see. For now, Yahoo is fine, considering my group "Quebec Reunions" is located there. Ok, it died, but I will have resurrected it by the time you read this. LOL

Special thanks to some of my most valuable online resources, without whom this page would still have been possible, but taken much longer... here's the .com list: Angelfire of course, cooltext, myimager, vicimager, stock xchange, and stockstash which no longer exists to my knowledge. If anyone knows of a new URL for them, please let me know. I will post the actual links when my site is officially launched and complete. Other resources have been credited on their respective pages.

I will note here that I have made every effort to use images and layouts with no apparent "restrictions" other than a link back, and some, with no link required, which of course means they will get that and more from me, because good attitude goes a long way.

Enough said.

Have fun, and don't be shy. But be sure to keep it clean kids, this is a family show. Someone once said, "Swearing is a weak mind trying to express itself". Keep this in mind, if you want your words to be taken seriously.



T H E  L A D Y

I am called a dreamer by many, and that's okay, because I believe that one creates their own reality through them. Without them, life is just existence, routine, when it could be so much more. Having goals is not quite the same thing; to me, a "goal" is more of a set plan to achieve something by the book, while dreams are more of a "path" one follows in faith, knowing it will happen, but not quite knowing how; thinking outside the box, taking chances, abandoning protocol... it is for those with the vision to go a little further, a little deeper, who trust their instincts and follow their heart at any price. I won't settle for less than my heart's desire. I dare to dream.


T H E  A U T H O R

"The law is reason free from passion", said Aristotle. Well, sometimes, so is good writing. I have been a writer all of my life, and while passion is an essential element at times... writing in anger and frustration can often distort the message.

I believe it is essential to maintain diplomacy and tact as far as possible, and save the rants for one's private journals, for I suppose they too, have their purpose... I smile when I look back at different things I've written over the years, things I can't believe I wrote... but as we experience life, we change, we grow, we evolve, and understand things differently.


T H E  A R T I S T

I love art. All of it. Poetry, painting, songwriting, photography, interior design, web design... the works. My first real dream has always been to work in the entertainment industry, and I'm the type of person who believes it's never too late... if you want something badly enough. But there is still a big part of me that is content to work behind the scenes, for several reasons, and that's all right too.


T H E  A C T I V I S T

As most of you know, I am an outspoken advocate for many things, including issues such as violence against women and other atrocities, (the Schapelle Corby case) but more particularly, the ongoing battle for open adoption records. I have been blessed to have been reunited with 7 members of my birth family, but am still searching for 4 more- who, being French, probably live not far from here.

I am outraged. Studies have shown that 95% of birth relatives want to be found. What right does the government have to keep us apart? Here, in Quebec, and most other regions of North America, the files are sealed, even after all parties involved are deceased.

We are labeled as "ingrates". There are those who vehemently oppose us, to the point of seeking to enact even more stringent legislation. The information I've unearthed is mindblowing. Let's start with what I consider to be the greatest abomination of them all... a courageous American woman arrested and jailed for the "crime" of reuniting families..........................................................................
