Shana Unleashed
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Created April 2003 - Updated February 08, 2004

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THE FINAL EXAM - An Answer Quest

I have a new web journal!

I'll be moving my blog to the new web journal soon AND all new post will be at the new location....

Free Web Journal from Bravenet Free Web Journal from Bravenet

:: Thursday August 07, 2003 ::

...and continuing from the previous rant....

I understand how writing across the curriculum helps students to learn, and this is important.

I don't understand why the teaching of WRITING is not considered to be important.

Today was calm at work - FINALLY! No emergencies. No three hour meetings. I actually had time to get some WORK done.

I'm looking forward to Saturday afternoon, as I'll be attending my second meeting with the local writing group. I'll also be turning in my application form. The group is sponsoring a writer's conference which I'll be attending.

I've only attended one writer's conference in my life...and it was FANTASTIC!

Maybe this time, I'll set up an appointment with an agent.

:: Sunday August 02, 2003 ::

Where did the last month go? In fact, where does TIME goes when it's over? Is there a universe that contains old time? Any ideas?

For some reason I've been thinking a lot about the state of public education. That's rather an odd topic for me. Recently I read an article that our children don't know how to write. (Of course not, they're not taught to write!)

Writing is a "subject" that is incorporated into most curriculums. So, who teaches writing? Aparently, no one.

Shouldn't writing be taught as a separate subject? How can we expect anyone to learn the craft writing without being taught the basics?

HISTOY TEACHER: Johnny, write a 1000 word essay on the most important inventions of the 19th century.

SCIENCE TEACHER: Mary, write a 500 word research paper on about the bee and how the hive communicates.

MATH TEACHER: Johnny, write five problems dealing with the exchance of money.

ENGLISH TEACHER: Johnny, choose one of Emily Dickinson's poems and write a personal essay about what it means to you.


ENGLISH TEACHER: Mary, write a short story about your summer vacation.

Where's the WRITING teacher? One who is trained in the craft of writing. One who WRITES.

Where's the chapter on PLOT, SETTING, CHARACTERIZATION, etc....? Where is that writing textbook?

What resources are available to parents who home school? Where can they learn the craft of writing to pass on to their children?

Yes, students are taught outlining, drafting, revising, theme, etc. And some students can write using outlines, but what about the others? Most of the writers I know are non-linear thinkers (and usually more visually oriented). How are these non-linear, creative children taught to write? Again, where are the teachers of writing?


:: Sunday June 09, 2003 ::


...something I love to hate. While I like that some things change (now that it's not raining EVERY day), I hate other changes.

Last week, a major part of my time was spent at work, going through all my stuff, deciding what to keep and what to throw away. Yes, my office is moving. Just when I was starting to feel at home ....

What I think I dislike the most is that unsettled feeling...the newness of a new location. Know what I mean?

Well, tomorrow is the first day in the new office. I'm dreading it, tonight. But tomorrow I'll get up, arrive at work, and everything will be ok...if I can find my computer and my work....You know how that goes...

:: Friday May 16, 2003 ::


You know...where that lone sock goes...

This week I discovered the other side of this story. Read on.

Have you ever (...and of course, you have!) walked into a room, stopped, and wondered what you were going to do or why you can into the room?

Well, I've discovered the reason we all do this. While I can't reveal HOW I came into this knowledge ( I was told that I would die as soon as I revealed the secret, and I don't want to test THAT out...), I can tell you this much: Aliens.

That's right! Shake your head in disbelief, if you choose,'s true.

Almost everyone in this country has access to a dryer. The dryer is actually alien technology...designed to steal our thoughts. No, don't shake your head at me. Really - I've not lost my mind (not entirely, ....yet...).

And how do socks play a part in all of this? Actually, Socks are another alien species, at war with the Dryer people. That's why one sock might disappear - it's chosen to give its life for the benefit of the sock people.

Neither the Socks nor the Dryers think much of humans. We just happen to be occupying the same space. But, the Dryers have discovered that they are "nourished" by human thoughts. I know, you thought that Dryers thrived on electricity. Not true! They live to devour human thoughts.

Spread the word...Now, what was it I was thinking? I know there was something that I wanted to tell you...Oh, well! If it was important, I'm sure I'll remember...

:: Friday May 09, 2003 ::

FRIDAY! I live for my weekends....

ALL the time is mine mine mine! I can write, draw, read -- whatever I want.

I'd decided to learn javascript so I can do more with this website, to make it more interactive and to fully realize some of my creative endeavors.

So you, dear explorers of words and this vast place we call the Internet, are my guinea, welcome! All aboard, and explore away with me, my words, and, going soon to a webpage near you -- my artwork.

:: May 06, 2003 ::

No! It can't be Tuesday already?

I'm positive it must be Saturday....Really!

I've been working on this website -- I added THE FINAL EXAM - An Answer Quest over the weekend, and didn't even remember to update my blog...oh, well!

I was drawing Saturday night, and decided, along with my writing, that I want to keep up with my art work.

How do I do this, when I leave for work before 5 in the morning and don't return until 6 pm at night, at the earliest?

Maybe, like Missy, I could become rich?!!!!? So..... do I become rich?

I could put an ad out at all the free places on the Internet asking weathy folks to sponsor a creative-starving artist/writer. Hmmmmmm.....maybe I should try that?!??!?

:: May 02, 2003 ::

What a week!

Is there a new or full moon happening and someone didn't tell me?

My cats have been experiencing night maddness every night around 10 pm. The youngest runs through the house at full speed, crashing into everything along the way. Talk about grace!

Maybe some strange horrible night creature is luring outside and this is the way my furry friends are trying to warn me?

At least it's Friday...and I'm looking forward to this weekend....I have a new project to post here...NO! I can't say what it is...You'll just have to drop by later and check it out. Hint: Look for a QUEST...

I also hope to post another episode of eGibby Banhski and maybe another poem.

I'm also working on a couple of Table Tales, and they are fighting amongst themselves to see who'll get posted first.

That's the funny thing about "fiction" - you think you are the author, the creator, but then it takes over and you are at the mercy of....

:: April 27, 2003 ::! Now that I have my website going, I need to find some ways to get the word out.....

I'll hit the search engines, and tell everyone I know...all the writers, poets, artists, and basically anyone who might be interested...

Then I'll sit and wait...No! I'm working on a Table Tale....a first for me. I have a lot of work to do until this experimental piece is ready to expose to the "world"...No, Shana isn't sitting on her duff.

I have a lot of research to do, as I'm new to all this. I went off last night down a long, dark road - looking for interesting blogs, and I even posted some comments at a few.'s getting late and 4 am will be here way way too soon, so I'm off to get ready for counting sheep for me...

:: April 27, 2003 ::

The first episode of eGibby Banhski is posted! Enjoy!

Everything posted here is an ever changing work, so don't forget to re-visit what you think you've already read...

I'll only give one hint: Start your journey unfolded...

I've been working on this website off and on today..trying to stay off the roads, as those people out there are CRAZY! What is this? Drive-as-you-please-day-and-don't-worry-about-running-Shana-off the-road....?

:: April 26, 2003 ::

I have two poems posted! I'm still working on the details, but you can see what's posted so far....Life is a game....look for CLUES!

I'll only give one hint: Start your journey unfolded...

:: April 24, 2003 ::

My mind is soooo full of things...writing things...character things....creative web maybe-I'll-try-this things....

...I wish that I could be creative full time, but my cats insist that they are house and a manner to which they are accumstomed.

I've been writing the cGibby Banhski series. I have notes for new stories, poems, and essays.

Will my mind ever STOP?

...I hope not...

:: April 23, 2003 ::

I've been busy writing...a couple new poems, the beginnings of a new serial....eGibby Banhski, who will magically appear on this website....

I'm also experimenting with a Table Tale...but you have to see it to understand ... as it's late and I don't think my words will make a movie in your mind... I'm off to bed...dreaming of another day of writing....

:: April 20, 2003 ::

I love my family more than anything...yet I'm glad to be back home....among the quiet walls....

I find that I need a lot of "quiet" time, away from others, time I need to be with write, to draw, to create.

...or to just be...

This coming Tuesday is a big day for me! I'll be posting some of my first works here. I have a poem and some experimental fiction that I want to start with. I also have some essays that I need to finish.

I hope you'll check out my writing...

:: April 18, 2003 ::

It's 11:07 pm and I STILL don't have my pizza!

Tonight has been the Adventure of the Pizza Hut Hell...

...and all I ever wanted was a couple slices of pizza. I called at 6:30 pm and ordered two pizzas.

VOICE: Your order will be there in about an hour.

90 minutes later the pizza arrived. One pizza was not as ordered.

VOICE: You'll have your replacement pizza in 30 minutes.

60 minutes later I call again.

VOICE: It's on it's way. The pizza should be there in about 20 minutes.

40 minutes later - you got it - NO pizza.

VOICE: May I help you?

SHANA: No. I want to talk to a manager.

Shana is put on hold for 5 minutes.

VOICE: May I help you?

SHANA: Are you the manager?

VOICE: No. May I help you?

SHANA: No, I want to speak to the manager.

Shana is put on hold for 5 minues.

ANOTHER VOICE: Yes. How may I help you?

SHANA: Are you the manager?


SHANA: I ordered pizza at 6:30. One was not what I ordered. I called and was told......

Shana is again put on hold.

VOICE: The pizza is on it's way.

SHANA: That's what I was told over two hours ago. I'm on my way there to get my money back.

CLICK! goes Shana.

At 10:15 pm Shana arrives at Pizza Hut (you know -- that place with the burning fires?).

Shana stands around for 15 minutes holding two boxes of pizza.

Three people are waiting at the counter.

Finally, a young woman says: May I help you?

Shana's evil mind is at work...but it's late and she just wants to get her money back and go home. It's dark. It's rainy. It's damp. It's cold. Shana is hungry and tired.

SHANA: I'm like to speak to the manager about getting my money back.

The young woman disappears.

Shana waits.

The three people are still waiting at the counter.

A man approaches: May I help you?

SHANA: <...once again she tells the dreaded tale....>

Shana leaves and the three people are standing at the counter...

Money. Rain. Drive. Home.

Shana swears to never again approach to doors of Pizza Hut Hell.

:: April 15, 2003 ::

April 15? That dreaded of all horror days!

! Never fear. My taxes have long been done, my refund safely tucked away.

How about you? Are your taxes done? Is that why you've come to explore this little place of mine?

I'm getting ready to post some of my writing, some of which is experimental, some mundane...

:: April 14, 2003 ::

I'm excited! This is my first bog on my first website. I'd like to thank MoonMist Publishing for creating this wonderful place to me to live.

I'm a writer, an adventurer, a creater, and an artist. I love life and writing and everything to do with living. Oxygen is the alphabet of my existence.

Learn more about me as this website grows. I'll be posting some of my experimental works, along with more tradition-book-paper-ink related stories and poems.

I'll have a guestbook up soon, so please come back and sign in!

I do most of my writing from home during the dark-shadow hours, and survive the sun-bright hours by working a job that leaves me wishing the world was always dark.

I paint a-bit, compose music a-bit, and have been know to dapple in the chroegraphic-move-delight of dance.

As you might guess, I love the play of words. That tongue-tickling thrill of putting words together in play-delight ways.

Today was tiring-long, and I'm looking forward to a warm-water-wrinching shower, to smooth away the effects of the sun-bright hours....

© 2003 Shana McAllister
NOTE: This website was structured, created, endorsed, designed, produced, arranged, written, revised, staged, acted, choerographed, etc., by Shana McAllister, who will not tolerate anyone who steals her work, writing, creations....

Some of the backgrounds and graphics by:
Centaur's Lady Backgrounds